"The game is back to square one...," Xiao Yao muttered.

That being said, the sudden appearance of Team Rocket turned into an inconsequential farce in the end, and Xiao Yao was still glad at this point.

But what to do next? Haruka frowned, trying to bring herself into the arena, thinking about what she would do if she were herself: Lu Lili's strength was not great, and she didn't have a particularly significant attack other than slamming close and then smashing. However, if you distance yourself from the opponent, long-range attacks will always be canceled out or dodged in various ways...

In contrast to Xiao Yao's nervousness, Chao just shook his head and leaned back in the chair relaxedly.

"Hmm... I always feel that it doesn't matter - that's what Ash's expression says.

He smiled indistinctly.

As soon as Chao's words fell, Ash's voice sounded in the direction of the field below.

"Pikachu, a flash of light!


As if he had forgotten the experience of being deflated, Ash confidently gave the order. As always, trusting the trainer's instructions, Pikachu half-bent down, and his petite yellow body rushed out like an arrow from a string, and instantly pounced on Lu Lili.

"Lulili, splashing water.

With the sound of the lance's command, the little blue water rat winked playfully, and with a call from [Lu Li-] he pressed down heavily on the ball-like tail, and at the moment when the opponent was about to collide, his body was empty, and he jumped high from the ground with his elastic tail, and appeared in mid-air in the blink of an eye.

“... Sure enough. Ash

had obviously expected this scenario, and he was not discouraged at this time. He muttered in a low voice, raised his hand instead, raised his voice and said, "Pikachu, use 100,000 volts!".

Before a strong current, foam with empty strength and density is obviously of little use... Rather, the basic power of the two moves is a bit different. In other words, using foam rays to block out moves like before doesn't work anymore.

Lance was obviously aware of this, but he didn't panic, he just raised his eyebrows and looked at the young man opposite with a little curiosity: "So, how are you going to deal with the water splash


Instructions are not spoken, but ideas and meanings are understood without words. Lu Lili shouted happily, her round feet stepped on the huge tail and gently cushioned, dexterously driving the ball-like body of the little water rat to draw a beautiful arc in the air, and it was skimming lightly above the 100,000 volts.

"Then, then followed by the fall of the fall!


The acceleration lance that fell from a high altitude was naturally reluctant to let go. He raised his hand and threw it down, and Lu Lili also raised his tail high and struck it downward, carrying a strong momentum and wind pressure in the direction of Pikachu.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!


Ash shouted.

As Ash's words fell, a metallic glow faintly appeared on Pikachu's tail, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a real "steel tail" connected to its body. Not afraid of the strong sense of oppression, Pikachu let out a low roar and reflexively pulled his tail out hard, colliding with Lulili's tail.

Lowering his eyes halfway, he stretched out his hand to protect the excited Pichu from falling off the stands, and at the same time subconsciously analyzed this confrontation: The steel-based moves are naturally very effective against Lulili with fairy attributes, not to mention that the Pikachu race itself is a fast attacker who is good at attacking - however, Lulili is originally biased towards the defensive direction, and on the contrary, the relatively more "spear-strong" Pikachu.... No, Lu Lili's attack stats are not outstanding... Even the characteristics of Hercules are not enough to change this fact.

- The victory or defeat of this game is not in this one. Asahi made a judgment.

Asah's judgment was generally correct.

After the fierce confrontation, Pikachu and Lu Lili were staggered by each other's strength, and Pikachu, who was rushing downward, quickly stood firmly on the playing field with his light and flexible body, and Lu Lili, who was rushing upward, shook his tail and quickly grasped the balance of his body.

"Sure enough, it's hard to hit it head-on. Ash muttered, and then, in everyone's surprised eyes, he raised his hand high and shouted again, "Pikachu, Iron Tail again!" - "

But isn't that useless?" Xiao Yao exclaimed.

But soon, after his eyes swept to the ground for Team Rockets to smash into the shallow pit on the ground, the coordination trainer, who also had an improvisational style, immediately realized something.

"Use it on the ground!


Ash raised the corners of his mouth triumphantly.

... I see. In this way... Chao blinked, a little surprised but also a little taken for granted. - He actually thought so, after all, Lu Lili relied on her tail for most of her movements, and the balance of her tail in complex terrain was obviously not as good as that of four or two legs... In other words, when the ground is uneven, it is Lu Lili who is limited in her movements.

But I didn't deal with it that way at that time. When the intention is detected, the gym owner will definitely do his best to prevent this... At that time, the two children in his hands were not high enough to deal with the two tasks of foam light and destroying the ground at the same time, so he finally chose to thoroughly study the opponent's battle and conduct targeted training... A high-speed star with a large range and high power, it doesn't seem strange that the furry can learn the skill of "Spitfire" when you think about it

"Pikachu! The iron tail that decides the victory! "

The steel skill with excellent effect is falling on the shaky Lu Lili, and the earthy yellow smoke that explodes envelops the arena. Outside the arena, looking at Ash's nervous and excited expression, he pursed his lips and sighed half-regretfully and half-happily: "Obviously, I'm still known as a rookie killer. -

-Ash took the translucent badge from Lance's hand.

Although he had seen it in the direction of the other side, whenever he saw it, Ash would always want to feel the beauty of the Asgard coat of arms: a disc-shaped disc-shaped with colorful facets that faintly patchwork together in the sunlight, and as the angle of the badge rotates, this pattern gradually changes into the shape of a stick figure of Lu Lili.

"It's so beautiful...

Xiao Yao stood on the side and looked at it with her eyes shining, and the girl's love for this shiny item couldn't help but make her heart flutter faintly for a while.

But as Dongfang Moyan, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, reminded her yesterday. With a deliberately orchestrated schedule and sequence, it's hard for any trainer to make it possible for both the Gym and the Magnificent Tournament to blossom at the same time – if you want to participate in both, you'll have to stay in the area longer.

However, you can also try to challenge a gym yourself when you have enough time. Xiao Yao thought.

On the other side, Ash, who high-fived Pikachu to celebrate the victory, was bowing his head and carefully pinning the badge to the inside of his coat, while Asaya, who was standing next to Ash and was turning his head down to navigate through the communicator, did not notice the approaching lance.

"—Sure enough, it's you. The child who sat in the audience and watched the game for half a month, and finally won in only three minutes.

When the lance suddenly sighed like this, like a frightened cat, the fur on his body almost stood up, and he looked behind him in fright...

When he saw the smile on his face as always, he breathed a sigh of relief. His cheeks pursed slightly, and he complained a little angrily: "It's weird and scary to appear behind people like this... Mr. Lance.

Lance laughed: "My senior sisters and sisters are always complaining about you - some dark play, I can't help it if I don't have a deep impression. ... However, in this way, this kid called Ash seems to have quite the attention of you, a "genius". Chao

Blushed for a moment: "... Genius or something.... And it's not for that reason

that I-" "

I've said that before.

Lance interrupted Asah's words.

He changed his usual gentle style and cut the railroad to the point.

"The child who went back to the novice village because he was too scared... You don't have to take my words to heart now,—— just think of them as the intuition of your predecessors. "

“... If that's the case, there's no way to ignore it.

Chao Wu complained weakly.

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