A smile was evident on Lance's face.

Trying to suppress the smile on his face, he pursed his lips and pulled the foam chinchilla back into the Poké Ball.

“... It's hard work, but you're happy. With his forehead against the Poké Ball of the Foam Chimbunk, the lance whispered, "—how long have we not met such a child who surprised us so much at the first meeting?" "

Although he did deliberately leave such a trap, it was not by [luck], but by [intentional] elements, which was indeed rare among the challengers of the first gym.

Retracting the foam chinchilla's Poké Ball into the storage belt, Lance took out another polished Poké Ball, looked up at Ash with a smile, "So, let me see how many surprises you still haven't discovered."

He tossed the Poké Ball in his hand, and then a white light fell, gathering on the ground as a calf-tall blue water rat. It was as if two blue pinballs were connected together, Chu Chu's pitiful eyes blinked, and they instantly captured Xiao Yao's heart on the stage.

"—It's Lu Lili! " Xiao Yao covered her mouth and exclaimed, "It's so cute..."

"Lu Lili..."

I remember that Xiaoxia also has one, but I haven't seen her for a long time, and I don't know how that Lu Lili

has grown. Ash muttered in his heart as he took out his illustrated book from his pocket and scanned it at Lu Lili in front of him.

"Lulili, Pokemon, is a pokemon that lives near the water, and when the weather is fine, it gathers at the water's edge to play in the water. Although the feet are small, they can rely on their elastic body and spherical tail to bounce and move quickly on the ground. The big tail is full of nutrients needed for growth, and it often sits on the tail to play, and can also be used as a lifebuoy, and will also use the essentials of the lasso to flick the tail to take itself out, and can currently fly up to 10 meters away. Although he has a docile temperament, he will wave his tail at enemies when he is angry, and he is not afraid to face enemies who are larger than him. Considering

Pikachu's physical strength, after all, it had only barely connected two full slaps——, Ash summoned Pikachu back and called Eevee to the field.

"Speaking of which, the illustrated illustrated description of the Asgard region seems to be particularly long.

Xiao Yao muttered.

He said [haha] twice dryly: "... Maybe it's because of the strong sense of responsibility, the writer. Ibu

, who had jumped on the field, shook off his fluff and even jumped two more times in good spirits.

"I'm eager to give it a try. Lance smiled, "Isn't it a new partner?" "

Yes!" / "I! Ash

replied equally excitedly and firmly, his voice almost overlapping with Eevee's cry.

At this end of the pre-battle greetings, the long-eared rabbit standing on the side of the arena let out a series of calls, and the slender and long arms rose up and flung downward, announcing the start of the second game together with sharper calls.

"Ibrahimovic! Flashes of light! "

Ibu, who had been waiting for it since he got up early in the morning, let out a short, hurried cry, and then flew out on all fours. As if due to the excitement, the lightning flashed a point faster than yesterday's battle.

Almost at the moment when Ash's words fell and Eevee began to attack, Lance's orders were issued one after another: "Lu Lili, use the water splash at the right time." "

Water splash ? Isn't that a skill that doesn't have any effect? Xiao Yao just thought this suspiciously, and saw Lu Lili's body suddenly jump up from the ground, and in a very—strange and familiar—look, leap over the head of the sprinting Eevee.

"Ibrahimovic ?!

Eevee, who braked suddenly, turned his head sharply and looked at Lu Lili in surprise, who landed steadily.

Lance chuckled: "Wrestling."

Lulili let out a brisk call, flicked her tail and approached in the direction of Eevee at incredible speed.

"Use the high-speed stars to pull away!


With the precedent of the foam chinchilla, Ash has long been wary of the melee combat of the Lance's Pokemon. The Shadow Ball had no effect on the normal Lulili, in other words, all he and Eevee had in their hands was a flash of lightning and a high-speed star.

Unlike Asah's command, who relied on his own judgment, Lu Lili's jump dodge relied more on Pokemon's intuition,... Unlike yesterday afternoon, a simple rush attack might not work here... Or try a remote attack on a process attack? Lu Lili can't jump in the air again.

Eevee opened his mouth and struck a pose suitable for the cohesion of the force. A flickering white light appeared around it, and with a shake of its body, a string of white-gold starlight rushed from the direction of Eevee towards Lu Lili.

"Keep using the water gun like this. Lance's expression still didn't make much waves, but said with a smile.


Facing the flying golden stars, Lu Lili took a deep breath, and then a dark blue column of high-pressure water spat out from her mouth, breaking all the stars that rushed in front of her, and then exploded into a cloud of white smoke.

"Water jets. "

Lance and Lulili's offense continues.

Xiao Yao couldn't help but exclaim: "That Lu Lili actually can spray water? "

But that's not the point. From the white steam, the tail shot forward with the water, and Lu Lili's own body was dragged by the tail and rushed towards Eevee at a great speed.

"Get out of the way!" Ash yelled.

Eevee gritted his teeth and tensed. But before Eevee could react, in just a moment, Lulili's figure flashed in front of it, and the huge tail slammed into Eevee's body.

It's not over yet. Lance raised the corners of his mouth with interest, and said in a calm tone: "Wrestling."

Then Lulili's tail was lifted, and the tail the size of her body flicked twice in midair, and then slammed into the ground, knocking Eevee away.

Eevee whimpered, fell weakly to the ground, rolled twice and got up trembling again.

As if he finally realized something, Chao frowned, and his hand unconsciously held his lips.

"Eevee, are you alright?" Ash asked worriedly.

Eevee shook his head and let out a stubborn shout to show that he was fine.

"Then let's move on. Ash breathed a sigh of relief and commanded again, "Another flash of lightning!" "


Although he was slightly injured, Ibu did not look frustrated at all. It shook the fur off its body, and with a scream, it raised its feet and stomped on the ground

, and to Ash's surprise, Lance stretched out its finger and pointed in the air,

instructing, "Splash with water to dodge."

At the moment when Lu Lili jumped up, a smug smile appeared on Ash's face, and he reached out and flicked it behind his back, shouting, "-Eevee, it's now, use the high-speed star on Lu Lili!" "

Lulili, use the water gun. Lance was also unhurried, almost formulaically coping with Ash's tricks.

The water gun collided with the high-speed star and exploded in the air, the flying white smoke disappeared, and Lu Lili's figure slowly fell from the sky, still unscathed.

Xiao Zhi's brows tightened, and his intuition felt that this was the perfect time to create a flaw, and hurriedly commanded: "Flash!"

Sensing the trainer's nervousness, Ibrahimovic took a sharp breath and slammed into the falling Lulili as fast as he could.

"I see, I really want to catch Lu Lili's gap in the air. Not only Chao and Xiaoyao in the audience, but Lance also understood Ash's intentions.

He covered the lower half of his face with his sleeve and laughed softly, but his tone was a little brisk: "But it's a pity... Lu Lili, once again, splashed water. "


In the puzzled voices of others, Lu Lili in mid-air suddenly stepped on her tail under her buttocks, and actually bounced up again! Although it was not as high as on flat ground, it happened to dodge Eevee's attack.

Lance covered his mouth, but he couldn't cover his pleasant voice: "Lu Lili, before Xiao Yibu can react, use the smash to end this fight."

Ash's breath tightened: "Eevee, get out of the way!"

Ibu lowered himself again, the muscles of his entire body tensed.

"Lu Lili !


Unlike Eevee, who was extremely nervous, an extremely happy smile bloomed on her cute face, and the tail behind Lu Lili emitted a white light, gathering strength to smash Eevee on the ground.

A cloud of smoke cleared, and Lu Lili jumped out of the dust area with ease.

"Ibrahimovic ! " / "Pikapi!

But he couldn't respond to Ash and Pikachu's call, and the smoke and dust slowly cleared, and Eevee had already fainted on the ground in a daze, apparently not having the ability to wake up again for a short time.

Listening to the call of the long-eared rabbit, Lance squinted and smiled, watched Ash take Eevee back, and nodded expectantly at the other party and Pikachu at his feet, watching the yellow electric rat jump onto the field.

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