Walk through the gate and you can see the battlefield. This kind of official facility is always very willing to spend money, and the layout is two-story auditorium, and the center of the second floor is hollowed out, so that the view can be seen at a glance in the middle of the first floor. The towering pillars have a variety of carvings, some are roses, some are vines, and the walls are carved with various pokemon reliefs, making the atmosphere of the venue here closer to that of a villa than a dojo.

Xiao Yao and Chao naturally sat on the side, so that they could better and intuitively see the situation of the scene.

It wasn't a human being standing in the referee's seat, but a long-eared rabbit.

"The rules of the Grace Dojo are 2v2 singles, allowing challengers to alternate between two pokemon on the court, and one of the pokemons cannot be played again after losing the ability to fight. - Of course, for the sake of fairness, I'm not using my favorite guys who have accompanied me to the championship level. That being said, the two children who are about to appear, they are not children who can be taken lightly. Walking

to the designated position on the battlefield, he pulled the hair on the side of his head and gave Ash a gentle smile.

"I'll do my best!" /"Pickup pickup!

Ash and Pikachu replied with the same emotion.

Lance smiled, without making any comments, took out a pure white and pure white Poke Ball from his waist, decorated with a red pattern in the middle of the spherical shell, and threw it towards the field: "Foam chinchilla, come to life." As the

words fell, a mouse-gray mouse-gray fur with delicate and slender fur at its tail and huge ears jumped out of the ball and landed lightly on the ground with its tail wagging.

"Foam chinchilla?"

Xiao Yao saw this kind of pokemon for the first time, and he was puzzled, "Huh? ] sighed, and took out the illustrated book he carried with him in the same way as Ash on the other side of the battlefield.

"Foam chinchilla, chinchilla pokemon. It's not so much "love clean" as it is a pokemon with a habit of cleanliness, and it can sometimes be tricky to be unable to tolerate a little dirty place. Not only does it use its tail as a broom to clean up, but the movement of its tail is also a manifestation of the foam chinchilla's emotions. The speed of tail moulting is very fast, and the self-confidence of individuals with cleaner and fluffier tails is also higher in different individuals. "

Foam chinchilla

," Ash pursed his lips and thought for a moment - or maybe he didn't think about anything, he turned his head to look at Pikachu at his feet, and nodded at Pikachu, "Then Pikachu, the first gym battle in the Asgard region, please!"

"Pickup! " Pikachu excitedly responded and jumped onto the field.

Seeing his partner jumping on the playing field, Pichu was also a little excited, and [Qiu] screamed, jumped from Chao's head to the spectator's stand, waving two small paws and shouting, obviously cheering Pikachu on.

Looking at Pichu who was so excited, Chao could only sneak [haha] twice.

According to his old war-like travel methods, he really didn't make any friends along the way. It's probably the first time Pichu has cheered for a friend like this, which is why he's so enthusiastic.

- Well, but it's also quite possible that this little battle freak got excited just by seeing the game.

Accompanied by a scream from the long-eared rabbit, it was the lance that took the lead in attacking, unlike its gentle appearance. He covered his mouth and chuckled, and waved his hand, "Foam chinchilla, use the high-speed star!" In

response to his trainer, the fluffy-haired foam chinchilla stood unhurriedly, his tail flicking in the direction of Pikachu.

Ash's command followed closely behind him, and he commanded Pikachu, "Pikachu, use a flash of light!" "



With a tiptoe on his tiptoe, Pikachu's figure quickly disappeared in place, crossing the center of the high-speed star like a white line, and approaching the foam chinchilla in the blink of an eye.

"It's not nice to be so aggressive and not have a sense of distance. Lance unhurriedly raised his hand to tap the air, "Give him a little shock with a triple spin, Foam Chimbun." Almost

at the moment when the sound of the lance sounded, the foam chinchilla leaned down slightly. And at the moment when Pikachu was about to collide with him, wrapped in the torn wind, the foam chinchilla's shimmering sky-blue fluorescent tail hit Pikachu's body hard. Without waiting for the latter to react, it was [Bang Bang] two sweeps in succession, which made Pikachu dizzy in an instant.

"Pikachu! Ash shouted worriedly.

Lance waved his finger and said with a smile: "It's not over yet." - Foam chinchilla, which attacks with a throw. The

shaggy chestnut tail was as agile as a tentacle, and in an instant it pulled Pikachu's body up and down, and with the reaction of this blow, Bubble Rice Chimbun jumped backwards and was out of the range of melee combat.


Pikachu shook the dust off his head and struggled to get up. It looked warily at the foam chinchilla in front of it and assumed a threatening aggressive stance.

Xiao Yao looked at the venue worriedly. Some kind of coordination trainer's instinct caused two yellow rings to flash in her mind, and when she saw the confrontation between Pikachu and the foam chinchilla just now, the two rings in her mind had already decreased... Uh, no, no, no, no, this is not a gorgeous contest Xiao

Yao shook his head, threw those strange instincts out of his mind, and seriously analyzed the current situation: "Melee combat doesn't seem to be very advantageous..."

He said [um] and didn't elaborate in more detail.

Xiao Yao snorted, trying to substitute the people on the field as himself, thinking, "What if you use a special attack?"

"That would really dodge it. Looking at Ash who was contemplatively on the field, Chao said, "-If it were me, I would choose to consume the opponent from a distance, so as to avoid Pokemon injury as much as possible, but it will inevitably cause a waste of physical strength." ... Ash's next pokemon is Eevee, who is far inferior to Pikachu in rank. So... I think Ash would have chosen a different tactic. "

Another ? " Xiao Yao is a little Xi to this kind of guy who doesn't speak clearly.

Chao smiled and didn't explain much. At the same time, Xiao Zhi on the field moved.

"Pikachu, one more flash of light!


Pikachu looked back at Ash in some surprise and met the eyes in conviction. Pikachu nodded, and sped up towards the foam chinchilla again.

"..."It was clear that he had given a more direct hint, but he didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so brainless, and he frowned, "Foam chinchilla, the old hospitality." "

The old-fashioned hospitality, which naturally refers to three spins + beating. Understanding his trainer's thoughts, the foam chinchilla called, then raised his tail and fanned out the moment Pikachu just broke into the attack range.

One, two, three.

Lance's face suddenly became a little complicated, his brows furrowed slightly, but the corners of his mouth raised.

"I see. Lance raised his hand to his mouth and chuckled, "Is it actually using the characteristics?" The

foam chinchilla, which staggered and took a step back, failed to make the next move. The overall movement was slightly stiff, and it shook and took a step back, and there was a faint flash of electricity on its body.

Chao slowly explained to Xiao Yao: "The move of the triple spin attack, which contacts the opponent many times in a row, is actually more difficult to face with the characteristic of [static electricity]. The essence of this type of property is the transfer of electric charge caused by the contact of the surface layer, and the more times it is contacted, the easier it is to be triggered.

Although this greatly weakened the combat effectiveness of the foam chinchilla, Pikachu also suffered a lot of injuries. Without too much hesitation, with the idea of a quick victory, Ash commanded loudly: "Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Looking

at the foam chinchilla that had been knocked to the other side of the field by Iron Tail, the long-eared rabbit jumped rhythmically in place three times, then raised a slender paw and announced the outcome of the battle with another call.

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