The department of the Grace Dojo is a general attribute.

Unlike other regions, the Asgard region requires you to hand over the handbook to the guide at the entrance before you can take on the Gym Challenge, and wait for the number of badges to be checked before entering. And while waiting, there are also things to pass the time in the lobby of the gym - such as an ice cream machine.

Pokemon, who is in charge of the machine, asked for leave today, but after Xiao Yao asked someone nearby for guidance and guidance, this kind of machine that is not complicated to operate can easily use [Blizzard] even if it is a meow to the tail.

"After all, the Xiangwei Meow brand ice cream machine was such a slogan at the beginning. Satisfied with the mango jam mixed with ice cream, he shrugged his shoulders towards Haruka Kohara, who was holding the tail meow in a circle, and then turned his head to look at Ash and Pikachu on the side worriedly, "... Why don't you eat less? What should I do if I have a stomachache later, don't you still have to challenge the gym. Xiao

Zhiman, who was destroying the third ice cream, didn't care: "It's okay, it's okay, my body is very healthy!" You say yes, Pikachu ?

Pikachu, who was adding ketchup to the sundae cup, only to [Pika] happily replied, as if he thought his newly created ketchup tossed with ice cream was more appealing.

“... Is it really okay?" sighed, stretching the ice cream to the side so that the pichu on his shoulder could eat the ice cream as well.

Five minutes later, the truth of the matter was confirmed.

Ash and Pikachu, who wailed that their stomachs were hit by a blizzard, rolled in two on the ground

, "It's obviously Ash's own problem,

don't blame Tail Meow." Xiao Yao muttered helplessly and dissatisfied.

Chao, who couldn't do anything about it, could only play haha: "... Well, it's so powerful, maybe it's Regias, Frozen Bird, or Wentini's blizzard. "

Although these three pokemon can't be thought of here, it's just here.

"Wentini..."Faced with this unfamiliar word, Xiao Yao frowned and recalled, "What is that?" "

Pokemon, who settled here before the establishment of the Asgard region... There are very few sightings, and in your words, the legendary Pokemon. Chao explained, "It is known as the guardian saint of the snowy mountains, and it only appears in snowstorms, and it is also said that its appearance will bring blizzards. It is an extremely cruel and ruthless pokemon for the unfaithful, but will favor beautiful creatures. 】。 Of course, the snow-capped mountains of Asgard are also called Wentini – they have the same name. "

Eh, it's obviously a man-made area. Xiao Yao was a little surprised.

"Before it was built, there was also a [foundation of foundation]. "Asahi is not surprisingly authentic.

These two people laughed and talked happily with me, and Xiao Zhi, who was about to ascend to heaven while holding his stomach, complained dissatisfiedly: "Wentini or Frozen Bird or Reggie Ace - who will save me!" "

Pickup pickup!


Chao raised his hand, rubbed Pichu's head with his fingers, and said helplessly, "Even if you say that... Well... Then I'll let the furry help you cover your belly?

"Don't bother. An

indistinguishable voice came from the back of the hall. Chao He Xiaoyao subconsciously turned his head and found that it was a tall woman with slightly darker skin and blond-brown hair tied up on his chest. Male?. The gender characteristics of the person in front of him are too blurred, and there seems to be a bulge of the Adam's apple in the throat, but with a smile and a geisha-like demeanor.

"Ah, Mr. Lance. Chao hurriedly got up from his chair and said hello a little awkwardly.

The man known as the lance is holding a small lucky egg in his arms. He nodded at Chao first, and then his arm loosened, and Ren Xiaofudan jumped out of his arms.

The round pink pokemon stepped on the arm of the lance, and when it landed, it was a little crooked and unsteady. It staggered awkwardly beside Ash and Pikachu, then closed its eyes to concentrate.


Where the pleasant sound comes from, it is not so much a cry as a deeper, soul-stirring sound. It was like an intertwined and reverberating ringing bell that echoed in the hall of tens of square meters. Everyone who heard it couldn't help but feel calm, and their breath was calm.

[Healing Ringtones].

After the sound ended, Ash and Pikachu, who were still confused, stopped at some point. Stroking their stomachs, which no longer hurt, Ash and Pikachu got up from the ground in a little surprise.

"Ash, Pikachu, how are you feeling ? " Looking at the one person and one mouse whose expressions relaxed, he knew the answer, but Chao still instinctively cared.

"Well, what do you say, I feel fine..."

Standing up with the outstretched hand, Ash mumbled "um". It wasn't until the whole person stood up and straightened the hat on his head that he realized what was happening a little slowly, and looked at Xiaofu Dan and Lance with gratitude and surprise.

Before Ash thanked him, Lance covered his mouth and chuckled, interrupting, "You're a challenger... It's called Ash, right? "

Ahh Yes! Although he didn't know why, Ash replied loudly.

"I'm the master of the Grace Gym, Lance. Although there is a plaque with attributes at the door, I would like to introduce it: here, I will use the pokemon of the general attribute to test your strength.

While introducing himself, Lance bent down and hugged the little lucky egg on the ground into his arms again. Sensing that the attention of several teenagers was on Xiao Fudan, Lance smiled and shook his head: "Of course, this kid is not included in the contestants." This kid is our [Little Nurse] here, who specializes in helping the challengers adjust their pre-war state, and is not particularly good at fighting.

Ash scratched his cheek embarrassedly, and laughed twice: "Thank you, Xiaofudan, and thank you Mr. Lance." "

“pinku ! " Xiao Fudan raised his hand and waved, as if to tell Ash not to care.

After revealing this little episode, Lance looked at Ash, and his gentle smile became slightly sharp for a moment: "-So, are you ready for the gym challenge now?" "

Of course!" Ash's eyes lit up and he replied loudly.

followed the lance to the opposite battlefield of the gym, but Xiao Yao started a little slower.

Unlike Ash, he turned his head suspiciously and was not so excited: "What's wrong?" "

“... It felt familiar—a nasty gaze looking at us. Xiao Yao hugged Xiang Tail and muttered, looking back at the glass of the window of the gym with some uneasiness.

He winked incomprehensibly, but said in passing, "... So are you going to check it out ? ... Well, or do you need to be accompanied ? "

Hey-Xiaoyao, hurry-up! What are you doing over there!

Ash's voice rang out in the direction of the entrance to the battlefield.

Xiao Yao's face showed a hint of hesitation for a while. Chao noticed this, blinked, and said with relief: "This is a dojo after all. - Although there are different releases according to the progress of the challenge, the strength of the gym owners is all champion-level, and they should be able to cope with anything that happens.


Xiao Yao also doubted whether he was a little worried for a moment just now, after all, he was tossed by Team Rocket yesterday, maybe he thought too much. At this time, when she heard Chao say this, she simply dispelled the doubts in her heart.


Just as the two men turned to leave, three figures emerged from the window, behind a huge tree, as if relieved.

If Xiao Yao turned around at this time, he would be able to recognize at a glance that these three people were Kojiro, Musashi, and Meow Meow.

But it's a pity that Xiao Yao has already entered the internal battlefield at this time.

"I'm scared to death, why is the little girl so sharp. Musashi muttered dissatisfiedly.

Surtr, who invited Team Rocket to help, has so far not asked their liaison to say anything more. So Team Rocket fell into a brief period of confusion - [briefly], of course.

Soon, they realize that they can get back to their old jobs, so they sneakily follow Ash and Pikachu - mainly Pikachu - to get here.

"Compared to other regions, the gym challenge in Asgard is more akin to a test of strength. Kojiro flipped through his guidebook and read it out loud, "Gym challengers who don't collect all eight badges won't be able to use their region's mechanical vehicles unless they can't qualify as a challenger or collect all eight badges."

Musashi smacked his lips irritably, "Really, Kojiro, you can read something useful."



Oh ? There are also gorgeous contests here? Musashi raised his eyebrows.

"That's not the point, meow!

Meowth waved her claws, slamming Musashi's indifferent fantasies that were about to take shape, and then quickly moved on to the next topic before Musashi went berserk: "All in all, all in all, the pokemon in this must have the strength of a champion

, we-" "

Eh..."Kojiro was a little reluctant, "but every time we think about those champion pokemon, we don't succeed." The

three gophers who helped them yesterday also left them quickly after the mission, without any souvenirs,

"What does that matter!" If you don't even dare to dream, how can you succeed? Musashi glanced at his companion with hatred.

Although Musashi said the Tao, it was obviously not enough to convince Kojiro: "Every time, maybe we are too ambitious, so we always fail."

Seeing that neither of these two people could say anything, Meow Meow, who felt that he was deeply responsible, pretended to clear his throat and proposed a compromise plan: "Then let's wait for Pikachu and the guy on the other side to lose before we attack, if we have the opportunity, we will take away all the other pokemon in the gym, and if not, we will only take Pikachu away." Looking

at each other, Kojiro and Musashi agreed despite their reluctance.

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