“... Ah, really... Mom is doing it herself..."

, Chao Dudu muttered, but he could only hold a spoon and press the surface of the sticky rice in front of him over and over again.

"But it's good, isn't it? "

The pokemon that I brought with me were all resting in the paradise provided by the store. It was rare that Xiao Zhicai, who was not sitting next to Pikachu, swallowed the tail of the stupid beast in his mouth, and forked the next piece of meat as he spoke.

The essence of the dynasty is not difficult to see. Although he was always complaining about something, it was more of a knee-jerk act — or rather just a disguise of his emotions. Occasionally, when someone really misunderstands his thoughts, he will be nervous to correct it back.

Ash, of course, is not very Xi to dealing with such people. But he soon found another way to do it—to approve of it anyway, and it's been undefeated to this day. .... Well, they haven't known each other for a few days.

Just as Ash thought, Chao turned his head away, just bit his lip and muttered, "Although it's true that I don't hate it... Pichu they are also happy to be able to travel again... But - I always feel a little... Well, I don't know how to say it..."

"What did you say?".

Ash's mouth was stuffed full, and ordinary people couldn't hear what he said.

Chao shook his head, as if he didn't know how to explain it. But looking at Xiao Zhi and Xiao Yao, who were eating happily, he could only smile helplessly - anyway, there is nothing else to do now, so he can only continue to develop like this, no matter how much he wants, it is useless, it is better to concentrate on eating.

The juice of the mango wraps around each grain of glutinous rice, and when swallowed, it is rolled twice in the mouth. - Of course, he doesn't like to eat other dishes, but mango sticky rice alone is enough.

While the three teenagers were enjoying their meals, a figure was walking straight through the doorway.

It was indeed straight over. As early as at the door, the unconcealed figure had already been noticed by the court, and then he walked directly over and stopped at the edge of the three-person table, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was looking for them.

The blonde hair was casually tied into a high ponytail, and the fluffy ponytail hair only hung down near the neck, and in contrast to the hanging white headband, the unused excess length was enough to hang down to the waist. The loose sweatshirt and trousers wrapped around the figure of the future, and only the tall man could easily identify it. The casual dress did not give her the impression of being sloppy, but rather more casual and unrestrained.

Standing at the table of the three teenagers, she raised her hand and bent her fingers to knock on the edge of the table, and said abruptly: "If you don't know the meaning of what you do, then it's obvious that you're just confused." "

Who is it? The three teenagers looked at the past together.

The visitor was accompanied by a pair of courtesy attendants, standing politely on either side of the blonde woman. Among them, sensing Ash's gaze, the female steward's waiter smiled and waved at him.


In an instant, Ash's memory revived, and he pointed at the pair of caregivers and shouted, "You guys showed me the way in the morning—"

"Huh?" Chao looked at Ash in surprise, "Has Ash already met Miss Mo Yan?" ... Ah, or is it just a caretaker?

It seemed that Chao seemed to know the woman who suddenly came over in front of him, Xiao Yao was puzzled: "Chao, who is this person?"

Glancing at the blonde woman's expression, he felt that the other party should not mind his own initiative, turned his head to look at Xiao Yao, and introduced to her: "This is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Asgard region, the superpower Heavenly King, Miss Dongfang Moyan, and the genius scientist who created the AI [Yuktrasil]. "

The Four Heavenly Kings?" Ash and Haruka took a deep breath in disbelief.

What did such a powerful person suddenly come to them for? Although he also had such questions, Ash's instantaneous reaction was [how to invite the other party to a battle with himself].

Seeing Xiao Yao and Xiao Zhi's surprised expressions, Dongfang Mo Yan looked as usual, and said in a deep voice: "Genius... Well, it should be pretty much the same. - As for the fact that the boy knew about the feathers, it must have happened when they were helping to buy vegetables in the morning, and I should not be there. "

Did you come to us for something?" Chao Sheng couldn't help but be a little restrained.

Dongfang Mo Yan shook his head and nodded again: "-This matter is not big or small. ... Actually, at noon today, the three of you are also in [Yggdrasil]. He

looked at the other two, bit his lip, and hesitated for a moment before saying, "... Yes, we were in Dr. Lily of the Valley's greenhouse. Is there anything wrong? "

Haha, don't be that nervous. Seeing that the three of them were nervous, she couldn't help laughing out loud, "It's easier for me to explain that you guys are over there." Anyway, you should have heard and seen the video of [Surtr] at that time. Well, they came out directly from the radio room that occupies the top of [Yggdrasil], and the whole area may have seen it.

The caretaker beside him lowered his head with some self-reproach, Dongfang Mo Yan stroked their heads casually, and then continued: "The

purpose of those guys should be to separate humans from wild pokemon... Frankly, while it is true that this will achieve the world they say will "no longer hurt each other", is that really good? - If we are absolutely separated from each other in order to protect each other, will I and these partners around us meet again?

"That is... Can't you deny the future for fear of possible trauma? Asahi tried to sum it up.

Dongfang Mo Yan nodded: "In people and pokemon... No, even in people-to-people, pokemon-to-pokemon communication, it is always inevitable that they will hurt each other. Of course, I'm not Xi to talking about these big things. Anyway, Akaza Asah, we hope you will visit this area again.

"You're the character who appears directly in the video. Although I don't think that video can ruin the relationship between people and pokemon, my sister said [just in case], so I'm here to ask you like this. Dongfang Mo Yan said.

Xiao Yao, who was just listening intently on the side, suddenly realized: "Ah, Chao, that's why your mother wants you to travel with us too, right?"

Chao thought for a moment and nodded slowly: "Hmm... Maybe yes.

Xiao Zhi, who was sitting on the side, widened his eyes in surprise: "Xiao Yao, are you going to travel together?"

"Of course. Xiao Yao clasped his arms and asked as a matter of course, "It's rare to meet at the beginning of the journey, don't you want to plan like this?"

Dongfang Mo interrupted the two of them talking, she looked at Xiao Yao suspiciously, and asked, "But—little sister, I remember that the [application] you sent me said that you came to participate in the gorgeous competition in the Asgard region." "

[Application] ? " Ash wondered.

Chao replied in a low voice, "The application procedures for trainers to go to the Asgard area are a bit troublesome. ... Because there are a lot of pokemon species here, it seems that there is a fear that people with bad intentions will get in, so the general process is to write the application in advance and then wait for the alliance to conduct a background check. - Ash was recommended by Dr. Ohki, so it was easy for him to come in.

Dongfang Mo Yan looked at Xiao Yao, shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "The order of the challenges of the Daoist Pavilion in the Asgard area is very strict, and the time is relatively tight now. - To be honest, if you must go together, according to the analysis of the data of [Yggdrasil], little sister, even if you are a hundred gods, there is no way to collect all five ribbons.

"For example, after the Battle of the Gym in Meien City, the boy should go to the road to the east and walk towards the Gym in the Judicial City. And little sister, the most recent magnificence contest is in the northwest city of Masbell, and you can start from here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and walk some distance along the foot of the Wendini Mountain, across the Kinnega River, and it's almost time. "

How is this..."

Xiao Yao and Xiao Zhi lowered their heads in frustration.

Feeling the child's simplicity, Dongfang Mo Yan shook his head with a smile and said with relief: "What does it matter." The world is always connected, and you are just scattered in this small man-made area. No matter what the reason for separation, no matter what the reason for the staggering, fate can always meet again. "

... Chao raised his eyes suspiciously, always feeling that Dongfang Mo Yan was looking at him when he said this.

Dongfang Mo Yan said a string of words, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Yao actually didn't understand it too well, but they grasped the last sentence [can meet again] with great accuracy.

Lowering his head and frustrating for a while, Xiao Yao quickly recovered his vitality and turned his head to Xiao Zhi and announced, "Then, after watching Xiao Zhi's Dao Hall battle tomorrow, let's separate again."

Ash also cheered up and clenched his fists confidently: "Of course!" I'm definitely going to win! "

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