Xiao Yao has naturally locked the restaurant he wants to eat.

At first, there was actually more than one, but the moment he knew that Chao was a local, Xiao Yao gave up the idea of continuing to entanglement - just ask no

Then he looked at the dazzling array of restaurants in the tourist brochure, swept left and right, and finally looked away with a weak heart.

“... Uh, or cook it yourself... Comparatively affordable. Chao said in a difficult tone and euphemism.

"How is this..."Xiao Yao visibly drooped down with the naked eye.

Looking at Xiao Yao's lost appearance, he looked away from his heart, and held back a sentence for a while: "... The cacao at the coffee corner in the center of Pokemon is delicious.

Xiao Yao was still drooping: "I drank all the drinks in the coffee corner yesterday."


and Asa looked at each other at a loss, each seeing the meaning of asking for help in each other's eyes.

Finally, really look (*listen?) Lucario, who couldn't go down, jumped out of the Poké Ball on his waist, and then pointed to the computer in the corner of the Pokemon Center under the gaze of the three teenagers: "Luka." "

-Oh ! " Chao suddenly realized, clapped his hands and said, "Mom should indeed know these things." "

Rewind to the present. Miss Shanwu on the opposite side of the display looked helplessly and amusefully at the two boys with distress in their eyes. She felt a little frustrated, but she understood—or rather, she was glad to have someone to discuss with her.

"I've been to all of these ones that open at night. Sanwu smiled with bent eyes, and then explained the signature dishes of each restaurant - even though many restaurants in Meien City are settled by chefs from other regions and sell specialties, Miss Shanwu can tell which restaurants are more interesting after adjusting the taste locally.

Chao sighed, and wanted to find Ash to sit and wait on the side together, but found that the guy on the side also had a light in his eyes when he listened to it, and he was interested.

- Why are they all foodies? ! . Chao was helpless, but he was embarrassed to walk away alone, so he could only lean against the wall on the side and wait.

However, it didn't take long for Ash and Haruka to finalize where to go tonight, that is, Pokemon Center, turn left and right, and then walk straight down the street for 500m Alola-style restaurant - [Alola Sun Coral].

It's really a naming style that I feel like and dislike no matter how many times I hear it. Muttered to the side, and when Ash and Haruka decided, they crossed their hands and shook their heads vigorously.

"I don't. "Towards the disgruntled face," - Mom did it on purpose, right? I know I will never eat pear fruit... Isn't that one famous for making related dishes-

" Miss Sanwu blinked innocently and said with a smile, "

But there are other delicious things too, right?" Mango sticky rice or something, didn't you like it when you were a child? Twitching

at the corner of his mouth: "--Everything else has pear fruit?"

"Picky eating is not a good Xi. Miss Sanwu took on the posture of a parent.

"Mom can say anything, but the pear fruit is absolute, no, no, no, yes. "Towards the appearance of oil and salt not entering.

"But Lucario, they all love the pear fruit, huh?" Miss Misty chooses to attack on the flanks.

The effect was outstanding, and Chao kept his mouth shut despite his reluctance.

Miss Shanwu, who won the victory, playfully compared, and then looked at Ash with a smile and said with concern: "Ash is going to challenge the gyms in various places next, right?" "

It's not really an inquiry. After all, as early as the day when Ash stayed at their house, this simple-minded teenager had already exposed himself.

"Yes ! " Ash nodded excitedly and said loudly, "Tomorrow morning, I will go to the gym to ask for advice, and I will ask Miss Shanwu to take care of me!" "

Pippy Kapi! " Pikachu also stood on Ash's shoulder and waved excitedly.

Listening to Ash and Pikachu's sworn speeches, Miss Sanwu couldn't laugh or cry. She held her forehead with one hand and chuckled. Under the suspicious gaze of Ash and Haruka, they reached out their hands behind them and put them firmly on Ash's shoulders.

"Ash. "

“ ? " Ash turned his head suspiciously, and found that under the fluffy orange hair, the white and pure face was dyed crimson at some point.

Looking up at the blushing face, his mother's laughter became more and more unstoppable, so that the young man was so shy that his eyes almost circled.

Under the puzzled gaze of the other two, he opened his mouth to the trembling voice: "... Asgard's Gym... Raiders Order... Absolutely. ... Mom's Gym is the eighth... The first gym is the Grace Gym here in Grace City... , and then walk through the entire Asgard area in order to return to Vina City's gym to challenge Mom... For

a moment, Ash's brain froze. It seems that Chao's words are not fluent, so Ash didn't understand what he meant for a while. But after a moment of silence and thought, Ash and Pikachu made an unbelievable voice at the same time:

"Eh????! " /"Pickup ????!

Miss Misty behind them laughed even louder.

It's easy to laugh enough, Miss Shanwu rubbed the tears in the corners of her eyes, and barely calmed her emotions and said, "... Originally, it was indeed the first gym... But something happened later, and I applied to the league to switch the order. But

isn't that just right? Chao, you just happened to travel with Ash. I've already asked Lan's Charizard to send over the luggage, and you're almost there after you've finished eating—oh, it's your Lan's black Charizard, and I'll ask Miss Joy when the time comes. Bye~"

As if she knew that Chao was sure and disagreed, Miss Shanwu didn't drag it out too much. After finishing what she was going to say, she raised her hand and hung up the video call, then turned around with a kick of her feet, looking at her eldest son, Arashi Akaza, who was standing behind her.

“... Alas, now let's talk about it. Miss Yamagiri rubbed her forehead in distress, "—Dongfang Mo Yan told me that there was a black fire-breathing dragon that attacked [Yggdrasil] in the afternoon. "


narrowed her eyes and shook her head, "I'm not the only one with a heterochromatic Charizard... In the Asgard area, because of the fact that most of the pokemon language regions are different, children with different colors are more likely to appear.

"And, Mom. Lan reminded, "You forgot to tell them just now that Dongfang Mo Yan will go to have dinner with them tonight."

Hearing this, Miss Shanwu suddenly patted her head: "I said that I didn't say anything...—but it shouldn't matter, after all, they should have met them when they arrived at the [Alola Sun Coral] door." "

No matter how many times you hear it, I think it's funny. "

Hehe, that's the charm of water-based pokemon. "

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