The atmosphere was too oppressive.

Asahi was keenly aware.

But his own emotions didn't go much easier. If you want to describe it, it's like being trapped in a deep mud pool, and when you open your mouth, you will be crushed into a lump of mud by the breathless air.

... He took two deep breaths, pulled out his Xi smile, and pretended to be joking: "—Actually, this example can't be used to argue at all. ... You can see me so normal now, it's all the auspicious eggs near the hospital at that time, and the lei therapy, uh, I heard from my dad that wild Pokemon also came to help... It's a pity that I can't remember clearly, it seems that it's because it's too small..............."

As he spoke, Chao's voice became smaller and smaller, and even in the end, he was almost speechless, and could only bite his lip in silence.

... No, it shouldn't be like this... He was obviously - he was just trying to ease the atmosphere at first, and look at things from another angle like Brother Lan patted him on the shoulder and comforted him before. ... Yes, it would have been just so easy to say it - after all, he couldn't remember anything, and he stayed out of it like a stranger.

But why... When I think about it, I was so scared and so sad. ... He couldn't even tell whether his fear in the face of Pokemon was guilt or sheer fear.

"Meow haha, we all said that we are righteous partners this time! If you're interested, you'd better get out of the way, little ghost! A

shrill voice rang out - frankly, the talking meow was really weird. So, Lucario, can they also speak? It's not just the communication of the waveguide, but the more straightforward talk about .......... Oh, no, my heart is beating so loudly... What are they talking about ? Ah, I can't hear clearly....

Lucario's waveguide slaps his heart again and again, and Pichu seems to be pushing his face... Ah, they've tried it before, they know it, they know it's useless...

The buzzing sound hit the eardrum heavily, and the breath that could not breathe accumulated in the chest, irritating the chest cavity painfully... Until I almost want to close my eyes and cover my ears.

... But that won't work.

Those people — those people are just arguing, just too paranoid. Things are not decided by one side, and in the moment of separation, in addition to hurt, there are countless happiness... No, it's not that profound, I just don't want to think about the future where I want to be separated from my friends. - Yes, even such a self thinks like this, feels like this, how much pain will those who are luckier than themselves be?

He couldn't stop here,... At least the children in the greenhouse, he couldn't allow those children to be separated from the trainers without even seeing them for the last time.

As if sensing a glimmer of certainty slowly emerge from Asah's chaotic emotions, Lucario lifted his paw and patted Asahi on the shoulder.


At Lucario's call, he shook his head vigorously and slowly stood up by Lucario's shoulders.

The moment he opened his eyes, a blinding golden color overshadowed his vision.

The breath of electricity came to the nostrils, and in the center of the dazzling bright light, the color of white and gold was hidden. The three gophers, who thought they didn't care about the ground, rushed up, but were hit hard by the high-speed stars caught in them.

... This kid is the guy who used to "protect" and stop the wave of missiles at that time.

Hurt not weakly, the three gophers shook their bodies. Naturally, it had no friendship with anyone on Team Rocket, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight - not only that, but its waveguide also disappeared from perception.

As soon as the gophers, who were not of low level, left, the momentum of the three members of Team Rocket, who had been quite confident, suddenly weakened by a large amount.

"Hey... Meow meow.... Isn't the situation bad now?

Looking at the two Pokemon who had escaped from the trap, and seeing Lucario who had hit them twice in a row also stand up, Kojiro swallowed his saliva in concern and subconsciously took a step back.

Of course, there is no need to answer with meow, and the current situation is indeed not optimistic. First of all, regardless of the little ghost head, the little girl, and the little ghost head No. 2, there are so many guys, and one person on the opposite side is enough for them to eat a pot.

Seeing that the morale of Team Rocket had dropped greatly, Ash, who knew that now was the perfect time, waved his hand and gave a loud order:

"Pikachu! 100,000 volts! Ievee ! High-speed stars! "

Flame Chicken! Use the Flame Vortex! Not to be outdone, Xiao Yao gave an order to the Flame Chicken immediately behind Xiao Zhi.

The assistant's voice rang out: "Dharma baboon! We also use jet flames! The

scorching red flickered red, and the fangs of the weak fire stepped back in fear. But such a chaotic and powerful attack would not be good for whoever it hits... When the trio of Team Rocket was even ready to fly like this, the Monini in Kojiro's hand suddenly jumped out.

"Molnini!" Kojiro stretched out his hand, trying to catch the little figure.

Monini delicately passed Kojiro's hand, and "Morni" stood in front of the trio. I saw that its two small palms stretched out, and an emerald green barrier suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this a meow?" Meowth exclaimed in surprise, "When did Monini learn this skill?"

Seeing that the emerald green barrier was blocking the massive attack outside, Kojiro couldn't help but take a deep breath, and when the effect of the skill disappeared, he picked up Monini with his eyes and spun around: "Monini! You've become so powerful!

"No, it's a parody.

Chao squinted his eyes and said carefully.

He hadn't recovered from the emotion he had just momentarily had, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make too much noise. But fortunately, this dizzy state did not affect his observation: On the whole, the forward swing of Monini's moves is not like most humanoid elves, it is longer, and it is not difficult to conclude that this is "imitation" in connection with the Xi of Mornini, a Pokemon.

... Keeping this skill is not very wide. But the imitated gopher seemed to be so proficient at guarding that the effect of Monini's imitation was not weak.

"Towards ? Are you okay ?

Ash's concerned voice sounded on the side, and he shook his head gently, trying to reassure them, but he could only smile reluctantly.

Chao's voice is neither loud nor small, but Meowmeow's hearing is not comparable to ordinary people. Meow picked up his beard, and with the backing of the guard, Meow Meow squinted and laughed: "What about imitation! Little ghost, you can't help it now, right? "

“... Hawkers, don't worry. It is easy to fail if you keep using it continuously. ... Besides, there is still a loophole that is easy to grasp in imitating this skill....

Chao shook his head and let out a long breath with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes again, he took a deep breath, as if trying to give himself some motivation, straightened up, looked at Team Rocket in the heights, and gave Lucario an order: "—Spirit.

Lucario let out a low roar, his paws together, and his eyes instantly turned a faint glow blue.

Seeing Lucario attack, Kojiro confidently raised his hand and lifted Monini up, shouting, "Monini! Hold it again! "


Morni waved two small hands, but before the power could coalesce, the entire Pokemon flew upward.

It was not surprising to see Lucario's move hit first, and he laughed slightly: "There shouldn't be any novice trainers here in the true sense. Wouldn't anyone still think that the simulation mechanics would work in real life? - Even if it can be used, the speed of the Mornini just now is lower than everyone's, and there is no need to defend it.

"Everyone's attack just now requires a certain flight distance, so naturally it can give Manini enough time to attack. - However, the psychic interference of the superpower system cannot be seen.

After explaining slowly, he looked at the dumbfounded Team Rocket, smiled happily at the real moment, and then turned to look at Ash: "Ash, now it's your turn.

Seeing that Asahi smiled so naturally, Ash, who was sure that the other party was fine, also smiled. He nodded heavily, then turned his head, pointed his finger at Team Rocket, and shouted, "Pikachu! 100,000 volts! "

Pickup-chu !".

Golden lightning flashed like light, and a powerful electric current landed and caused a huge roar. Dr. Lily of the Valley took the opportunity to run to the entrance and pull down a switch, and the top of the greenhouse "rumbled" open, revealing the blue sky above - it looked like the battle on the tower was over——, giving Team Rocket enough space to fly freely.

... Of course, although Monini escaped 100,000 volts, he was still thrown out by Lucario, and finally reunited the group.

The "nasty feeling" that has not changed for thousands of years came from the sky, but it was obvious that no one cared about it. Ash's eyes were already shining, and he looked at Chao with a "brush": "That trick just now is so powerful! How did you come up with it? "

... Feeling some kind of coercion, Chao: "... Eh, uh, when it's time to fight... I've met a lot... Just want to get it ? "

Sure enough, it's very powerful!" Ash's eyes lit up, "Now that I have the illustrated book, I also have it." Let's have a fight! Towards

a frightened step back: "... ? ! No, wait a minute, I-ah, speaking of which, Ash, aren't you going to challenge the Gym? It's almost afternoon, and if you don't go, you'll have to go tomorrow.

Suddenly remembering this incident, Chao hurriedly reminded, and by the way, tried to extricate himself from the current situation.

This trick worked, and Ash let out a regretful "ahhh

"Huh?" Dr. Lily of the Valley, who was standing on the side, tilted his head and said mercilessly, "In today's situation, the hall owner must have been called to help?" We'll have to fight again tomorrow anyway. "


can this be! Chao's expression quickly deflated. On the contrary, Ash's eyes lit up again, and he took Chao's hand and continued to attack: "That's just right! How about a warm-up battle before the gym challenge? "

Yes! Super awesome! Don't you feel that the words used in the gorgeous competition are super unexpected? I also want to see the battle between Ash and Asah!

Without waiting for Chao to come up with another excuse,

Xiao Yao, who also had bright eyes, also rushed up from behind.

“... Huh.

The cheese-sandwiched between the two breads glanced at Lucario for help, and noticed that the waveguide from Lucario's side seemed to be a little eager to try it - including the pichu in his own wind towel was even more urging.

Dr. Lily of the Valley, they looked like they didn't care about themselves, and they obviously couldn't ask for help. Chao can only cry without tears:

"..................... Ahh "

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