"Wait a minute... The number is wrong. Dr. Lily of the Valley frowned, "I remember that there were ten people in the greenhouse today, right?" "

Huh?" The teenagers turned their heads and looked at Dr. Lily of the Valley suspiciously.

But soon, it doesn't matter if they don't react. Because the moment they turned their heads in a daze, a loud "boom" sounded behind them, rising together with the huge smoke and dust.

Cover your nose to prevent the smoke from getting involved, but you will inevitably inhale it when you don't react. The dust stirred up irritated the nasal mucous membranes of humans, even Pikachu and them, and only Eevee barely escaped by burying his head in the fluffy neck fluff with his head bowed.

Eevee struggled to open his eyes to see what was going on outside, and was horrified to find that the Pokemon had disappeared from where they were.

"Ibui ?! " It shouted in disbelief.

Since this Eevee asked, "What the hell is going on?" Meow.

In the midst of the smoke and chaos, a high-pitched, childlike voice suddenly sounded, like a sharp spear piercing the chaos, attracting everyone's attention, and ending with a strange "meow" word fetish. Everyone was attracted by it, and noticed that the sound was coming from the direction where the Pokemon in the greenhouse had disappeared.

At the other side of the huge hole that suddenly appeared, two tall and slightly lower figures suddenly appeared, with their own BGM and strange lighting effects, so that their figures were a little unclear.

"Then we will have mercy—

" The moment the man spoke, he sighed and gave instructions to Lucario without hesitation: "

Lucario, wave missiles.

Lucario had the same expression as the same as the previous one, and without hesitation, he raised his claws, condensing a powerful fluorescent blue waveguide between his claws, and then pushed it out with a strong push.

The blue energy projectile was as fast as lightning, and it arrived in front of Team Rocket almost instantaneously in the blink of an eye. The blue light illuminated their terrified faces, and the next moment they were about to be blasted into the sky before they could finish their opening remarks—



An emerald green wave spread out and turned into a strong and beautiful barrier, steadily withstanding the attack of the wave missile. After the smoke from the collision of energy and energy cleared, a half-human-tall brown shadow appeared in front of the Team Rocket trio.

"Ahh The "protection" of the three gophers. ... There's no way to solve this problem all at once.

Asahi frowned and complained dissatisfiedly.

The more unhappy the Asahi is, the more the Rocket team is free. Musashi raised his eyebrows, pointed at the opposite side and laughed, and mocked mercilessly: "Little Devil Head No. 2, you can't interrupt our appearance now, right? ".

“... By the time Musashi said this, our appearance had already been interrupted..."Meow muttered and complained, and then was gouged out by Musashi's eye knife and had to shut up.

Ash angrily stood a step forward, pointed at the trio of Team Rocket, and shouted: "Team Rocket, what bad things have you done again? !


"Pickup pickup!


Pikachu also jumped in front of Ash, the electrical sac on his cheek crackling menacingly, and yelling at Team Rocket in a questioning tone like a trainer.

"Ha—— ? " Musashi stammered impatiently, "What do you know about a little devil like you, we're righteous partners now."

Laughing until his eyes were bent, Kojiro nodded and agreed: "That's it, don't think we're doing something bad when you see us, we're also innocent. Naturally

, Team Rocket's statement couldn't win anyone's approval, especially since they had just wiped out all the Pokemon in the greenhouse a second ago.

"Don't kid yourself! You shameless guys, hurry up and let those kids go! Xiao Yao shouted.

Meow Meow shook her head and replied with ease: "Self-deception? nonono... Meow, we won't do such a tasteless thing.

Xiao Yao wanted to refute something, but for a while, a more attractive mutation appeared. In the air behind Team Rocket, on every glass wall in the greenhouse, many flickers of light flashed quickly, and finally the image of a human appeared.

It was a man dressed in red. In the blurred background, there seem to be three or two black and white blocks that have fallen, but due to the resolution problem, it is not clear what they are.

After raising his hand to comb his somewhat messy hairstyle and clearing his throat, the man in red grabbed the microphone in front of him.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen of the Asgard region. I'm sorry to bother you at this point in time, but today, I have a very serious question for you: Have you enjoyed your time in this man-made garden at our feet? In this place where you absolutely coexist with Pokemon, did you spend a pleasant and safe life?

She used the sound of the announcer to speak in a rounded voice, and the voice came from all sides of the greenhouse, overlapping it like countless loud voices, and shaking her chest with a kind of fear.

Some might say, "Of course." ... Unfortunately, although you don't admit it, the answer is "no".

"Pokemon is a scary, funny, cruel, and charismatic being. They are full of infinite possibilities, and they are so fascinating that we all forget that they are also dangerous.

"In fact, they have the power to easily subvert us, and they have the terrifying power to destroy us at will. Our "coexistence" is nothing more than the result of their suppressive power. If we don't pay attention, the electric rats that can be seen everywhere can release huge electric currents that can easily paralyze countless people, and the children in the cemetery will take the essence of those who come at will... Although they are not malicious, these accidental injuries can make life worse than death.

"Our 'coexistence' is a time bomb that can explode at any moment, a pathetic lie that deceives us all. ... In this region of Asgard, we who have built this bridge of sin will sooner or later be killed by our reckless decisions. "

—Yes, coexistence is wrong. Therefore, in order to prevent more grief from happening, humans should keep an absolute, safe distance from Pokemon. Unmistakable

words came from loudspeakers in all directions. Ash subconsciously clenched his fists, wanting to shout, "That's not the case." But the people in the picture seemed to have expected that someone would say this, and someone would think like this, and after a silence that relieved the person in front of the screen, he continued.

"The coexistence of humans and Pokemon is a double-edged sword that stabs each other. There are wicked people in this world who catch and sell all the species of Silly Beasts because of the unique delicacy of their tails, and there are also people who covet the value of the bones on Caracalla's head and do the evil act of forcibly snatching the valuable skull. The more we learn about the existence of Pokemon, the more we lose our reverence for them, and the more unscrupulous those wicked become.

"This kind of behavior may not exist in Asgard, and we can stop it by means of rules... But what about the Pokemon ?

At this point, the man on the screen suddenly lowered his eyes, as if remembering something that made him sad, sighed, and said slowly after a while:

"-You should remember the news eight years ago."

Along with his words, a large picture popped up next to him, but it looked like it should have been added to the live broadcast, not someone actually stuffed a half-human-tall photo of him next to him...

At first glance, the image was a little invisible, just a mess of gray and white. Soon, however, they could barely make out what seemed to be the outline of a very young child.

... But the silhouette is too confusing, too bumpy. In some places, it was deeply sunken, as if a large piece was missing out of thin air, and there was not a trace of blood. And the layers of gauze almost tied the child up and down. It seems to be the place where the eyes are, and the gap between the gauze is full of burnt black colors. ... It's more like a mummy that has just been dug up than a living person.

"Eight years ago, in an attempt to put an end to the conflict between the mad Nighold and the nearby Ibu community, Dr. Akaza's youngest son, who was only two years old at the time, was drowned in Nighod's extremely corrosive venom. ... When he was rescued, he could barely make out what he looked like.

As the words of the people on the screen fell, Ash subconsciously looked at Chao who was standing next to him.

Lucario also looked worriedly. Under the worried gaze of others, Chao's eyes widened vacantly, and he looked at the picture on the screen that seemed to be "him" with some strangeness.

... Sensing Ash's gaze, he shook his head towards a complicated expression, and after a while, he slowly spoke:

"... Don't look at me like that... I... Memories of that time... I can't remember it at all... "

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