“... Woo, Ibu is here too. "

Chao was a little helpless.

Not long after they came out of the research institute, they just chatted and said that when the two of them finished fighting, they would go to the snack street in Meien City to settle dinner-this proposal was obviously put forward by Xiao Yao. As a self-proclaimed "foodie", Xiao Yao learned early on about the street in Meien City, where food from all over the world gathers.

... Although it was not a very authentic taste, Xiao Yao still insisted on taking a look at the rave reviews.

In short, a few steps away from the research institute, a fluffy ball suddenly sprang out from behind, stepped on Chao's head, and "Duang" fell into Ash's arms.

It was Eevee biting a Poké Ball.

Asah's illustrated communicator was buzzing at this time, and when he opened it, he realized that Dr. Lily of the Valley had communicated with Eevee, and after getting the answer that the other party really didn't like the atmosphere of being overly cared for, he proposed to return the Poké Ball to Eevee and let Eevee choose his own partner.

And then it was like this.

"What does it matter! " Ash smiled brightly, "Eevee is also eager to try. "

... That's right. As soon as this Eevee arrived on the battlefield, his personality seemed to be carved out of a template with Ash, and he immediately jumped around excitedly. Obviously, that little collaboration at noon wasn't enough to make it enjoyable....

Xiao Yao stood in the center of the arena, learning how he had seen Xiao Gang and Xiao Sheng before, raised his hand and shouted: "The battle format is 2v2

- ""-Wait a minute! "

Raise your hand towards the emergency.

In full view of everyone, he pursed his lips in embarrassment and pulled out a Poké Ball from his pocket: "... I haven't released my partner yet. "

“... Aha. Xiao Yao scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly, "The first time I hosted the battle, I was a little nervous. Nodding

in understanding: "No matter how many times I've stood here, I'm too nervous... Furry, this battle is up to you. The

ball opened, and in the falling blue light, a fiery red Pokemon with bright orange fluff jumped out. It was similar in shape to Eevee, but it was much larger.

“... Furry... O Eevee, the fire.

Although he recognized the body holding the Pokemon, Ash subconsciously took out the illustrated book and scanned the information of the fire Ibu on the other side.

"Fire Eevee, Flame Pokemon, one of the evolutionary types of Eevee. When excited, it inhales air and spits out a 1,700-degree flame in its sac-like internal organs, which can easily roast caught prey and found tree fruits, and its body temperature will exceed 900 degrees Celsius. Unfold the fluffy fuzz on the body to dissipate heat into the air, causing the body temperature to drop.

"Yes, furry. Chao smiled gently, and said with a little confidence, "A very apt name, right?" "

... That's a very apt point.

Looking at Huo Yibu's equally helpless expression, Xiao Yao still felt that it would be better for him not to say things like "too apt and a little dirty".

"The battle format is 2v2, and one Pokemon can only replace the next one when it loses combat ability. The battle ends until one of the two Pokemons loses their ability to fight. - Now, the battle begins!

Now that the players on both sides have been in place, Xiao Yao raised his hand and officially announced the start of the battle.

"Ibrahimovic, let's attack first!" Ash raised his hand and called out to Eeving, "Use a flash of light!" "

Ibrahimovic !


Cheerfully answered, Eevee lowered his body and rushed out like a meteor, heading straight in the furry direction at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Chao was not in a hurry, stood there and did not immediately give any instructions ... After a breath of time, he "snapped" and clapped his hands suddenly. The furry kicked his feet on the ground at the sound and leaped up from the ground - straight past the rushing Eevee.

"What?" / "Ibouyi ?!

Looking at the furry that landed smoothly, Ash and Eevee couldn't help but be surprised.

I had expected Ash's reaction, but seeing their surprised expressions, Chao couldn't help but cover his mouth and snicker. Pichu poked his head out of the towel around his neck, and "Pichu Pichu" reluctantly reminded his trainer that now was not the time to rejoice.

... But towards that moment... How exactly do you know when it's time for a furry to dodge? Ash couldn't think about it,... Or maybe he's not really good at meditating here. After turning around and taking an attacking stance and looking at Eevee, he quickly decided to use his Xi method to decipher:

"Eevee, another flash of light!"

Of course, practice makes sense! Fighting is not such a hassle. In short, just try again and again to find that flaw!

"Get out of the way!".

Following the trainer's instructions, the furry once again tiptoed to the ground and jumped high again.

Ibu had already eaten a trench, so naturally he wouldn't want to fall in the same place a second time. At the same moment as the furry jumped, it paused slightly, exerted force on the soles of its feet, and chased the furry figure and swooped through!

“Booster。 At

the same moment as Ievee paused, the furry in the air deftly flipped over. Its mouth suddenly grew huge, and it took a sharp breath, and the fluff on its body trembled violently, and the temperature around it rose with it.

"Smoke spew.

Chao still said with ease and in a flat tone.

It's more of an explanation than an instruction. Before giving the order, Furry had already prepared a smoke-spitting pose, and the moment Ibu rushed over, he converted the heat accumulated in his body into sparks and sprayed outward. The black smoke and heat spurted in, and Ibu, who was just a little one, slammed it out of the way and fell to the ground.

“... It's such a great timing..."

Standing in the referee's position, Xiao Yao, who had fully watched the whole process of Chao and Furry's dismantling, was a little stunned, and it took a while for such a sentence to come out.

Control the speed of the electric flash from use to hit... Use the pause when changing angles to preemptively attack - although the power is less than normal smoke due to the short charge time, it is enough just to pull away.

Of course, there is also a factor in this, such as Eevee's rank is not as good as the furry rank. - If it was Pikachu who used the flash of lightning just now, this trick might not have worked.

Feeling a little admiration, he pulled the hem of his own clothes a little shyly, and smiled a little embarrassed: "... Alright, this time it's our turn to strike first. Furry, we're using Charged Flame Strike. He

took a sharp breath like he had just done, and his furry body was the color of fire. It leaned down and let out a low roar, slamming into Eevee's direction.

"Eevee, get out of the way!" Ash shouted anxiously.

The race of Fire Eevee is not very high-speed Pokemon... Although it is still a little faster than the lower level Eevee. But keeping a distance, Eevee leaped hard to the side, still missing the running fireball and dodging the furry charge.

Asahi smiled: "But Charged Flame Strike is a skill that gets faster the more you use it... Ash, there's no way to dodge all the time, oh? - Furry, one more time! As

Chao said, the furry turned around and charged a little faster. It's a little hard for Ibu to hide, can you still dodge now? Ash frowned anxiously, but the image of Eevee using electric flashes suddenly flashed in his thoughts—

"Eevee! Use the Shadow Ball! He shouted.

"Ibui !


Taking a step back, Eevee opened his mouth and condensed the black shadow. The furry charge wrapped in heat rushed almost in front of his face, and the shadow ball was thrown out at the same time.

The two energies collided and exploded into a cloud of smoke and dust, blowing both sides away from each other for a certain distance. Ibufu, who had been expected to do so, lowered his weight and quickly gained a steady footing, while Fur, who maintained a sprinting stance, was pressed to the ground and easily stepped on.

The opportunity was fleeting, and before the furry could slow down, Ash hurriedly gave instructions to Eevee: "Eevee, take advantage of now! Use slamming!

The corners of Eevee's mouth curled smugly, and he raised his head in response. The little knee bent slightly, and started with an amazing momentum, slamming into the furry that was still shaking its head.

Although this move will bring some damage to himself, it is the most lethal skill that Ash's Eevee has mastered so far. The furry screamed in pain, fell to the ground and rolled twice, obviously suffering a lot of damage... However, it is not an easy character to admit defeat, and it quickly struggles to get back to its feet.

But Chao is not that kind of character.



There was a little panic in Chao's voice that couldn't be concealed. Although the furry stood up and shook his fur, standing as strong as nothing fire Eevee, it was not enough to calm Asah's emotions. He only felt that he was suddenly out of breath, and even his brain was shaking—as if it was not Furry who had just been hit, but himself.

“Booster ! "

The furry roared, and the hair stood on end, and the fighting spirit was undiminished.

Asa knew that Furry was telling himself "Don't worry", but his breath couldn't be calmed: "But-"

——... I was too careless just now. Two tricks in a row are easy to use... That's why I was over-impulsive for a while... No, the power of the shadow ball should be smaller, right, the ghosts I encountered before... No, it could be that this Eevee is better at special attacks... It's that he's too negligent, otherwise the furry wouldn't have hurt... Oh no, you should calm down next... But how?

Messy thoughts filled my brain for a moment, and I opened my mouth to open my mouth, but I couldn't spit out a word with all my might.

At the beginning, he could still concentrate, but the moment he was hit, he could only empathize with the sharp pain.

... It's not the first time I've done this... No, it's every time.... He seems to have thought of a countermeasure last night, that is...... How do you do it? He can't remember... I can't remember it every time....

Ash, who was standing on the other side, seemed to be shouting something, as if it was "one more slam"... Yes! ... No, no, Fire Eevee himself is not good at defending against physical attacks, he has to do something... The furry can't hold on... Anything is good... Gotta get, gotta get -

"Storage, Charge Flame Attack!" Chao closed his eyes, resisted the desire to cover his ears, and shouted through gritted teeth.

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