“... It's a lot of fun. Chao commented.

Chao's evaluation is one thing, and Ash's situation is another. He had two six-kilogram small things on his head, and even a super newcomer couldn't stand it.

In the end, the Ash Head Tournament ended with Ibu raising his head and making a short impact, knocking Pikachu down.

Pikachu was knocked to the ground by a blow, and the knot was smashed hard. Its paws rubbed its head, and its mood fell to the bottom.

... Sensing suddenly, he quickly took a dozen steps back, and at the same time pushed back the Pichu who had poked his head out of the wind towel.

Eevee leaned on Ash's head and wagged his tail in a triumphant manner. It haughtily half-opened its eyes, and was about to say something, when it saw "crackling" electric sparks flickering in the electrical sacs on either side of Pikachu's cheek.

The familiar crackling sound, the electric sparks that are clearly visible even during the day. A familiar premonition surfaced, and Ash's expression tilted: "... Wait a minute, pickup-" "



Blinding electric sparks exploded in front of your eyes, and the power of 100,000 volts was revealed in a very intuitive way. Asa was a little scared and covered his wind scarf, his eyes dodging and he didn't dare to look at Xiao Zhi who had turned into an explosive head. Eevee, who was pointed at the spearhead by Pikachu, spat out a mouthful of charred black gas, screamed stiffly, and fell to the ground.

"Pippi. Pichu poked his head out of Chao's wind towel and grabbed his hair three times and climbed to the top of his head, touching Chao's forehead soothingly.

Shaking his head, Ash, who quickly recovered, squatted down and held Eevee on the ground in his arms, while reaching out for Pikachu to step on his shoulders.

He would be hit by every other day because of various circumstances, and he Xi got used to it early on. Looking at Chao, who was a few meters away from them, Ash smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I scared you, didn't I? But Pikachu didn't want to hurt anyone by mistake.

As if to prove Ash's words, Pikachu scratched his head embarrassedly, clenched his little paws into a fist, knocked on his head cutely, and screamed even more cutely, "Pika~".

He tugged at the corners of his mouth, but still didn't walk forward. ... Regardless of what kind of physique Ash is, Pikachu's moves are unscathed... And Pikachu just now always felt like it wasn't like "sorry" at all, but more like a "hey" who was shirking responsibility!

"Pippi, Pichu Pichu~"

Pichu sighed and touched the door of Chao's head with its little paws.

Dr. Lily of the Valley patted himself on the head, and soon returned to his original state. After rubbing her forehead, she turned to the assistant next to her and asked, "All the other Pokemon should be in the greenhouse, right?" - The kids who like to stay indoors are out, right? Why don't you seem to see ? The

assistant nodded: "Yes." Before the accident, it was lunch feeding time, and I counted it all in. "

Really... But don't you feel a little too lonely? Xiao Yao felt a little hesitant.

She also has quite a few Pokemon who stay in the greenhouse of her father's gym. Every time someone goes in, the more sensitive Pokemon will find that those children of their relatives will even get out. And they waited here for a while, but they didn't see any movement.

Ash let out an "ah" and reacted sluggishly: "Speaking of which, when I was in the greenhouse just now, I didn't seem to see a few Pokemon, but I saw a Dharma baboon in Dharma mode... "

Ah, the kid ? ... When I counted it just now, it was still in an ordinary form... Never mind. The assistant apparently didn't quite know what was going on, scratching his head in confusion and guessing, "Uh... Maybe it's too shy to meet people?

After speaking, he glanced at Chao who was standing in the distance with a slight hint of help.

“... I did see three or four children... They seemed to be frightened, and they were all a little scared. Well, it's just that it's not hurt.

Chao, who was asked for help, smiled helplessly but understandingly, and then took out a red and white Poke Ball from his waist, and then bent his fingers and lightly tapped it twice, and then the Poke Ball opened in his hand.


Lucario, who jumped out of the ball, whispered. Without much explanation, he stretched out a paw into the air and closed his eyes, as if focusing on something.

At the same time, a breezy wave – yes, that can only be called a wave – spread out in the direction of Lucario, blowing through everyone and every corner.

"If you emit a gentle waveguide like this, you might be able to appease everyone. Chao explained.

The wind from nowhere blew through the middle of the greenhouse, blowing through the leaves. The air was filled with silence, as if the frosted glass was a wall of the world, separating the greenhouse – a necessary soundproofing, of course.

The gentle waveguide blows like a wave, making everyone who feels it feel relaxed.

With a more intense rustling sound, three long green leaves suddenly emerged from the nearby bushes, and then a blue bulb also poked out, and its big black eyes blinked and looked at them curiously.

"Ahh It's a walking grass-" Xiao Yao said in surprise, "What a cute child....

Dr. Lily of the Valley smiled and introduced, "This kid is a Pokemon in the hand of an employee of the logistics department. The employee liked it so much that he heard that he would like to take it to the Glamorous Contest next time he has a vacation.

Xiao Yao nodded in understanding and said with a smile: "I feel like it's going to be a very tricky opponent!"

This is the first one. One after another, under the call of Lucario waveguide, one or two Pokemon slowly poked their heads out. Dr. Lily of the Valley was also very active in introducing them to the boys:

"This kid is a little Kirbymon bred by a researcher on the fifth floor. Although smaller than most Kirbymon, it has a large appetite and is not a picky eater, so it can only be kept here. However, every time there is a break, the researcher will come down to find the little Kirbymon to cultivate a relationship and sleep together, saying that it is "rejuvenation".

"That Larulas and that Chirulian are sisters. It is a child who assists in the study of superpower moves, one shy and one active... They just finished their busy work yesterday, so these two days are a time to rest. They are very enthusiastic children, and often take the initiative to help everyone share Pokemon food, and will also maintain order. "

That bronze mirror wasn't the Pokemon in the building, it was supposed to be sent to another courtyard... However, it likes to look in the mirror, so it especially likes the greenhouse here, and refuses to leave no matter what. Ah, that being said, it's still very positive when its trainers need it. "

The kids—"

one, two, three, four, five. ... The Pokemons with different personalities slowly poked their heads out from all directions, but his expression became a little serious for some reason, and he patted Lucario on the shoulder.

“... These are the children I just greeted in the greenhouse.

Lucario nodded, grabbing Chao's wrist with one hand and increasing the waveguide's output with the other.

There was some loud movement, and a huge red peeked out from behind the bushes. The Daruma baboon's conspicuous eyebrows fell into everyone's eyes faster than it itself, and it swayed from the tree with its naturally huge smile.

With a smile on his face, the assistant waved at the Dharma baboon, and then explained to the children with a smile: "That's my hand-held Pokemon, which is usually as bold and active as this. ... I don't know why Ash saw the Dharma mode just now, I've basically only seen it when I was playing hide and seek. "

Six Pokemon are standing opposite. They glanced at each other, then at Dr. Lily of the Valley and his assistant on the other side, and as if their hanging hearts had relaxed, they hurriedly ran towards the other side.

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