"Why do you say that all of a sudden?" Dr. Lily of the Valley was surprised.

"Well, I can't say either. Anyway - that Eevee didn't look so sad, although he really didn't get along with Pikachu when we first met... But didn't it just share ice cream with Pikachu?

Ash waved his hand twice, and explained his thoughts hand and foot: "I thought, maybe it's not because of the sadness of the previous trainer, but because of something else...

As if reminded of something important, Dr. Lily of the Valley's eyes widened in surprise. She stood up on the couch, trying to ask something more when

suddenly there was a loud "boom" outside. As the whole building began to shake, the lights hidden in the corners of the room suddenly turned a blinding red, and the buzzers screamed violently, scaring everyone into a daze.

"What's going on ? " Ash struggled to protect Pikachu and shouted in confusion.

Dr. Lily of the Valley was so shocked that he almost curled up on the couch and replied loudly to the sound of a loud buzzer: "'Eugtrahir' seems to have been attacked by something! The alarm is going off! "

So what do we do now?" Xiao Yao shouted.

The assistant ran out of the corridor with the falling rubble, and happened to hear Xiao Yao's voice, and replied shouting for Dr. Lily of the Valley: "What else can I do! Follow me! The courtyard is safer! "

Oh !



"The first team assault was successful.

A teammate's voice came from across the current. The man in the crimson jersey on the solo aircraft nodded, and raised his hand to signal the next group to fly in from the huge cavern that had been blown out.

The leader of the second team pushed the handle of the aircraft in his hand, controlling it to move into the huge cavern that had been bombed out. Squinting at the empty corridor inside, the bright environment, the captain waved his hand, and was just about to lead everyone to rush in together, when a roaring noise suddenly erupted from the earphones embedded in the ears.

The sound was extremely destructive, as if it had been hit head-on by Pokemon's moves, and many of the mentally fragile figures shook and fell from the sky.

"Everybody !


Pushing the manipulator in his hand, the captain wanted to rush down to save his partner. But a gust of wind struck, and an even stronger push rushed in, knocking him out uncontrollably.

The commander-in-chief in mid-air whispered something while holding on to his headset, and the logistics team members who had been prepared for a long time flew out from all directions to catch those companions. The Commander-in-Chief looked down at the giant cavern and saw the red uniforms of the first squad come into view, as he had expected, and those people were controlled by something, suspended in mid-air.

And from the giant hole, a blonde girl in a white sweatshirt walked out. It was as if she had just woken up, her ponytail was a little loose, and she even yawned leisurely.

After yawning, she raised her head and waved her hand at the commander-in-chief at random - while those suspended in the air were manipulatively rushed out, coming at the commander-in-chief like cannonballs.

But that didn't work out. Just as those men were about to rush in front of the commander-in-chief, a black fire-breathing dragon flew out of nowhere, "brushing, brushing, brushing" two or three times to catch the person who was thrown out.

When she saw the black fire-breathing dragon, the blonde girl was visibly stunned. She frowned, not knowing what she was thinking... Eventually, she gave up thinking about it and waved her hand, summoning two Poké Balls from her waist.

"Cell cub, cell cub, it's time to go. With

her call, the Poké Ball was opened. After a burst of white light, there were two more artificial cell eggs, one green and one blue, wielding huge fists

, browns, feathers

, and those Mi Blim, who were always taking care of themselves, and she sent them to guard near the Eugtrasil ontology computer. I'm going to stop these idiots... Those fish that slipped through the net must be more than enough for them to deal with.

"That being said, in the face of this rabble, as long as it misses it, it will be a failure - everyone understands it, right?" The blonde girl squinted and sneered, raising her hand to hold the fingertips of the two artificial cell eggs on the left and right, "So, let's create a magic space that envelops the sky and make this the perfect battlefield for us." "


"The super-powered Heavenly King, who is the number one of the Four Heavenly Kings, has always lived in the Eugtrasil. And, in addition to the Pokemon she wields, she is also a superpowered herself. ... I can't think of anyone who would dare to mess with her. Dr

. Lily of the Valley was patted on the back by his assistant for a long time before he came to his senses. At this time, he sat down against the corner of the wall, and explained while resting.

"Superpowers? ! " Xiao Yao's eyes lit up in surprise, "Is there really such a person?"

Dr. Lily of the Valley also tilted his head hesitantly, and said uncertainly: "Yes... Right ? ... After all, she's usually quite abusive... A lot of people have really seen her superpowers.

Xiao Yao looked up enviously at the top of the tall building—through the frosted glass, he could barely see that it was now wrapped in a huge pink, unpredictable box.

"That's nice... If I had this ability, I would definitely be able to put on more great performances. She muttered.

"Haha, it's not that easy.

Chao walked out of the courtyard - he had just volunteered to see if anything had happened... Although at first, it was almost stuck to the back of Ash and Lucario like the spirit behind it. However, he seemed to have recovered a little at this point, and Lucario was taken back by him.

Hearing Xiao Yao's envious voice, he explained: "Actually, superpowers are not so rare - just like a community of mini-dragons, right? It's rare, but more often than not, it's just not in front of people, because it's easy to cause panic. Xiao Yao's words, I heard Xiao Zhi say that he was a coordination trainer, right? For example, if a superpowered person wants to use superpowers in a glamorous competition, there is a very strict approval process, and a guarantor is required. The end result is that there are only a handful of trainers or coordination trainers for superpowers.

"The current Super Heavenly King was also the guarantor of almost half of the Gym Owners at that time, and he also had the merit of creating the Eugtrasil AI, so he could be the Four Heavenly Kings like this, and he could use his abilities so conspicuously. "

Oh..."Xiao Yao nodded with some regret, but quickly cheered up again, "What about Ash?" Isn't he with you ? "

I was smashed by Ibu from the sky before, and I had a nervous breakdown on the spot. Ash was a little relieved, and even more relieved that Eevee, who was not in the feeding area, also followed Chao into the courtyard to have a look.

But it seems that only one person is coming out at the moment.


Listening to Xiao Yao's worried words, Chao turned his head and waved his hand behind his back: "-Ash, hurry up! . "

I know!"

Ash's voice rang out loud too. Immediately after hearing a little bit of Suosuo, Ash staggered out of the bushes... On his head is Eevee and Pikachu, who are fighting.

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