“... Ah, I see.

After listening to Ash's description, Haruka also roughly understood how this Eevee met them. She looked at the guy who was lying in Ash's arms at the moment, sticking out his tongue and licking the ice cream, and she couldn't associate this cute appearance with that kind of weird description...

But Ash has no reason to lie to her. Xiao Yao was still clear about this, so he simply sighed.

Dr. Lily of the Valley's physical fitness is a bit worrying, and even when Haruka takes back Xiang Meow, or even returns to the park to bring the other friends back and run back, the doctor can barely stand up.

At first glance, you can see that it is a typical home-like school.

Looking at Eevee, who was almost about to stick his head into the ice cream bucket, Ash smiled helplessly, turned his head and finally said something he cared about very much: "But why did you call Dr. Lily of the Valley here? ".

He actually remembered that he had come here to get the Asgard Illustrated Book... But the illustrated book had already been given to him, saying that he had taken it from the institute by the way—in that case, why did he call Dr. Lily of the Valley here?

Chao thought for a moment, thought about where to start, and then slowly spoke: "There is no wild Eevee in the Asgard region—you should not know this. ... Well, all in all, the Ievee we can see is basically owned by research institutes or trainers, and there is no such thing as a "wild Eevee" in the strict sense. "

Dr. Akaza - my father's side, although there is a greenhouse where Ievee is cultivated. However, due to... For my personal reasons, if something happens there, my parents will definitely remind me clearly. Anyway, if my dad didn't know about it, I thought about asking Dr. Lily of the Valley if he had any clue.

"And as soon as I said that there was a 'worse Eevee', the doctor dragged me to find it quickly..."

, and at this point, he looked at Dr. Lily of the Valley, who was next to him, and Dr. Lily of the Valley, who received the signal, pushed his foggy glasses, but did not continue to speak.

"—Let's take Ibu back to the institute first. "It's not a very convenient place to talk. -

There is an immensely huge skyscraper in the center of the city of Mine.

In the face of the unconcealed curiosity of Xiao Yao and Xiao Zhi, two outsiders, Chao was very responsible, and carefully introduced some basic local knowledge to them.

"The Asgard Territory is an artificial island built on four huge islands, and many different ecological environments need to be maintained. In order to monitor changes in the environment in real time, Dr. Dongfang Moran, who is also one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Asgard region, has created a super AI: Yuktrasil. "

This super AI is currently being placed in this building... All of them are scientists working to maintain the ecological harmony of the Asgard region. ... Hawkers, dad - I don't know yet, I'm talking about Dr. Akaza - although he also studies the ecological aspect, he should have worked here... However, he preferred to go out on field trips, which is why he moved to Vina Forest.

Xiao Yao let out a surprised "wow", I don't know why.

Seeing that he had walked in front of the Yuktrasil Building, Dr. Lily of the Valley took two steps forward, took the initiative to push open an iron door on the side of the building, and then looked back at the few children behind him, and suddenly said:

"——A little famous doctor has that kind of personality and Xi. Well, a theorist like me can only be the front desk of Yggdrahir... It can also be said that in short, I am also responsible for handing out Pokemon for newcomers at times, and distributing illustrated books, if Dr. Akaza forgets again.

"Anyway, this is my research institute, so just sit down." "

It seems that Dr. Lily of the Valley, as she claims, does not have many assistants in her institute. Ash walked in between the three of them, shouting "I'm sorry to interrupt", and it took a moment to see a man dressed as an assistant slowly come out of the hallway on the right side of the hall - even yawning.

Dr. Lily of the Valley waved at him and beckoned, "Don't sleep, that Eevee has been retrieved by the Akaza boy and his friends—"

"Oh !


"Eevee" seemed to be a key word in everyone, and as soon as he heard Dr. Lily of the Valley's words, the assistant's glasses widened and he came to his senses. He looked left and right, and it took a while to lock on to Eevee, who was still in Ash's arms.

Dr. Lily of the Valley waved his hand again and beckoned, "Take it to dinner, I'll tell these kids - say something. Hearing

Dr. Lily of the Valley's command, the assistant ran over in two steps, bent down and waved at Eevee intimately, beckoning Eevee to go to the garden with him first. Unexpectedly, this Eevee suddenly twisted his head and threw himself into Ash's arms in a sullen manner.

The assistant's eyes widened in surprise, but it didn't seem to be because he was being treated coldly. He raised his head and looked at Ash with a strange look: "-Eh, this Eevee is so intimate with you..."

Ash was puzzled.

But one yard to one yard, Ash still touched the furry on Ievee's neck - towards the fire that had just been held yesterday Eevee showed him where Eevee liked to be touched - coaxed Eevee and his assistant to go to eat first.

This Eevee does seem to be more tolerant of Ash, and I don't know if it's because of eating one of his ice creams. Under Ash's persuasion, Eevee finally just curled his mouth, awkwardly jumped from Ash's arms, and reluctantly moved his pace to follow the assistant.

Looking at Eevee's departing back, Dr. Lily of the Valley let out a long sigh, and said with pity in his tone: "... If you say it in front of it, it may hurt the child's heart too much.

After sighing to herself, she told the background of the Eevee.

"That kid has a beginner's family. About a year or two ago, it chose a kid who was about your age to be its trainer... At that time, it was still a little mischievous, but it wasn't as noisy as it is now.

"But then because of some - some accidents, this child had to be separated from his beginner family.

Speaking of this, Dr. Lily of the Valley's eyes shook slightly, she opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything for a long time, and in the end she could only use "accident" to simply and perfunctory.

"The family of the first trainer later moved. But the kid seems to be reluctant to take this place... So I never left the institute. I don't think it seems to be out of the way to find new trainers... Anyway, after consulting it, it was sent out as the first Pokemon for novice trainers, as it wished.

"But the child's personality is getting worse and worse. In fact, last week that newcomer and I had a phone call and said that we had captured a new partner... She really couldn't accept this Eevee as her traveling companion, so she asked someone else to send Eevee back. "

“... Its Poké Ball was supposed to arrive two days ago. But it seems to have run out of the way on its own, and all it sent to me was an empty ball... With that

, Dr. Lily of the Valley seemed to sigh. As if to verify the correctness of her words, she rummaged through the cabinet next to her, eventually pulling out a Poké Ball that had been in good condition for some time, but had apparently been well maintained.

Dr. Lily of the Valley smiled bitterly: "I don't want to blame that newcomer either. She's not the first to ask for Eevee to be sent back... That Eevee, although it is not excluded from traveling with other trainers and fighting, but it is very common to disappear suddenly... Well, that's a milder thing to do. It's not like it's not unheard of when it goes its own way to cause a bunch of problems, or to suddenly attack a trainer... "

“... That's right. Xiao Yao was a little speechless, or didn't know what to say.

Asahiya didn't know how to speak. He subconsciously looked left and right, trying to find some opportunity to open the topic, and saw Ash and Pikachu holding their chin and tilting their heads, as if they were contemplating something.

"Ash, what's wrong ? " Chao wondered.

Ash held his head and thought about it for a long time, and finally asked very puzzled: "So... What about the beginner ? Why don't you come and take Ibrahimobu ? Is it a bad relationship? The

jaws of the three people present almost fell to the ground. But in the face of Ash's clear puzzled expression, he couldn't suspect that the other party said it on purpose - Ash may really not understand the current situation.

Dr. Lily of the Valley rubbed her brow and sighed deeply: "... The beginner... There was a car accident. Hearing

this, Xiao Yao was stunned for a moment, and finally suddenly realized: "No wonder that kid was so angry with me at that time..."

Thinking about it now, maybe it's because of that Ibu touching the scene, and I couldn't control my emotions for a while. Xiao Yao touched his face, and he always felt that he couldn't even sigh.

Dr. Lily of the Valley, who witnessed the brutality of the Ibu Meat Pad, explained: "In order to prevent this from happening, I also explained it to the newcomers who chose it, so as not to have any misunderstandings during the journey.

Hearing Dr. Lily of the Valley's explanation, Ash still frowned. He hugged Pikachu in his arms, thinking about something hard, and after pondering for a long time, he suddenly said,

"But I don't think that's the case..." "

“... Hey? Everyone blinked in confusion.

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