What just happened ?

If someone asked her so, Xiao Yao could only say that she didn't react for a while.

The cause and effect of the incident is nothing more than - her family Xiang Tail Meow is as curious as ever. She just turned her head to look for the energy cubes in her backpack, and after a little attention, the little creature didn't know where to go.

... In the past, she would have been so flustered that she couldn't do it, but now she is so physically and mentally exhausted that she can only sigh helplessly.

After explaining the flame chickens, they stay in the park and don't run around. She hurriedly chased after the tail meow, who ran away, all the way to the side of the road. On the other side of the road, she saw Xiang Tail Meow running after someone else's tail, Xiao Yao was a little excited that she would find the child so early, and immediately wanted to rush to the other side -

but as soon as she ran to the edge of the closest zebra crossing, she took the first step, and a sharp horn sounded in the neighborhood, and the sound was so loud that it almost shattered her eardrums.

Immediately, in the midst of the noise, a Pokemon cry sounded.

Before she could react, there was a pain in her abdomen from a heavy blow.

"Okay - it hurts—— !


Xiao Yao was not very good at forbearance, so he immediately couldn't hold back his screams.

The noise around was suddenly clouded. She blinked, feeling her face covered in a layer of plush... It also seems to have played a certain role in sound insulation. Before she could recover from a series of abrupt changes, her face was also slammed into pain............... Eh, it doesn't seem to hurt much.

Accompanied by the cry of "Ibu Yibuibu", the soft meat pads and soft plush slapped on the face, although the force is not light, but the face has a fluffy feeling... Anyway, it's like being stepped on by a doll.

“... Hehe, it's not bad. - No, it's not the time to do it, is it? !

Xiao Yao smirked twice, enjoyed it for a while before reacting, and couldn't help but scream and bounce. And as soon as she was so angry, the fluffy "doll" that was lying on her face also fell into her arms.

Feeling something furry and warm in his hand, Xiao Yao looked down and found that it was a small brown furry creature, it was an Eevee.

Needless to explain, it was obviously this kid who was just outputting into her face... At this time, the little guy was falling into her arms, writhing and struggling dissatisfied—but only the fluffy neck fluff rubbed against the hand below, which made Xiao Yao a little more fond of it.

What the hell just happened ? Xiao Yao shook her head, barely raised her mind to look around, and saw a rather large truck driving in front of her.

"Little girl! Watch the road! In

the rolled down window, an uncle reminded – or rather reproached – in a silent manner.

Xiao Yao was stunned for a moment, and reacted half-guessingly and half-intuitively. She picked up the step in her hand, lifted it up, and looked at it carefully for a while before she sighed: "... Did you just want to save me?

Ibrahimovic struggled with some unhappiness. Hearing Xiao Yao's words, it was rare to be quiet for a moment, and then its tail swept its head and posed as a drag.

... obviously looks so cute, but the personality is so ——。 Xiao Yao was suddenly lost by Yibu's reaction. As a trainer who had raised Eevee, she had already begun to think about what to do with this Eevee.

"Ahh Ievee, sure enough, is here!

Just as she was thinking, a noisy running sound rang out.

Haruka turned her head to see two people coming in her direction—well, technically, two people and a Lucario with an orange scarf.

One of the teenagers wore a bright orange scarf around his neck, apparently the same pair as the Lucario; He was dressed as a scientific researcher. The messy hairs on her head were soaked with sweat and drooped listlessly.

Physical strength is obviously the big shortcoming of the female scientific researcher, and at this time she is almost dragging her steps forward, so that the rhythm of her steps is completely staggered from the young man next to her. So the sound of footsteps fell to the ears, and all that was left was a noise.

Xiao Yao hugged - although he was still struggling, but he didn't have as much strength as Xiao Yao - Ibu stood up. She looked at the two people in front of her and wondered: "Are you looking for this child?"

In the past trip, Haruka has not met a lost Pokemon... Even her tail meow is a lost professional. But it's the first time Xiao Yao has seen this kind of notice, and she is still focusing on attacking her with a small meat pad... Pokemon who do it his own way.

This made her a little suspicious of the origin of the two people in front of her.

The boy with the towel was a little nervous. He glanced to the left and saw Lucario with his arms in his hands, and glanced to the right to see the woman dressed as a scientific researcher still holding her knees and gasping for air.

"...", as if he realized that he was the only one who could speak now, the young man with the wind towel let out a "uh", grabbed his shaggy hair, and said, "... How to say, this kid is a Pokemon for novice training homes....

After saying that, he looked hesitantly at the woman next to him, and cautiously asked, "...—should it be so, Dr. Lily of the Valley?"

The woman known as "Dr. Lily of the Valley" had apparently not yet taken a breath, and was almost collapsed on the ground at the moment. Hearing what the young man said, she just raised a hand in pain, but she couldn't say a word.


, let's take a break."

Xiao Yao and the wind towel boy thought of it together.

The young man turned his head to look at Xiao Yao, took the initiative to change the topic first, and began to explain the current situation clearly:

"My name is Akaza Chao, and this is Dr. Pokemon from Meien City, Dr. Lily of the Valley. This Eevee, which I met with my friend in the Vena Forest, was badly injured at the time... Then when I was treating it at the Pokemon Center, I didn't expect it to run out on its own——..............."

Asahi obviously hadn't finished speaking. But suddenly, his expression was shocked, and his whole person froze, and the panic in his trembling eyes that could be discerned without words almost overflowed.

“... ? "

Xiao Yao looked at him with some puzzlement.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Xiao Yao to care, a pink furry suddenly jumped out from Chao's back and threw himself into Xiao Yao's arms. It stepped on the Eevee three times and climbed up Xiao Yao's shoulder along Xiao Yao's arm, and finally lay down and "meowed" coquettishly.

"Meow to the tail! Where are you from ? Xiao Yao looked at his partner lying on his shoulder in surprise, and said with half surprise and half confusion.

Xiao Yao was pleasantly surprised, and Chaoya breathed a sigh of relief, but Ibu, who was stepped on a few times in a row, was very unhappy on his face. - It seemed to be playing more before and now it's really throwing a tantrum. I saw that as soon as it used force on its feet, it jumped up in Xiao Yao's exclamation, turned in a circle, and its head was facing the tail meow on Xiao Yao's shoulder, and the purple energy was in its mouth -


Eevee, who was picked up by Lucario and slipped to the back of his neck, struggled and screamed in dissatisfaction.

With Lucario's strength, he wouldn't just run away with Eevee. But despite this, it sighed somewhat tiredly: "... Road.

Pikachu also sighed tiredly: "Pi..." "

“ ? Pikachu?

Xiao Yao and Chao looked at Pikachu who ran to their feet at some point in surprise, and wondered in unison.

Pichu poked his head out of the wind towel around his neck, and Chao squatted down and lowered his eyes to look Pikachu in front of him up and down - the brightness was slightly above average bright yellow fluff, the color purity of the electric sac was a little brighter, the affinity of not afraid of people and the tail was more powerful than other Pikachu - Chao quickly recognized the identity of Pikachu in front of him: "You're Ash... Ash is also nearby ? After saying that

, he stood up and looked around, but he didn't see the person he was looking for.

"Ash ? " Xiao Yao repeated the familiar name, and opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

Hearing someone call out his trainer's name, Pikachu turned his head to look over. When he saw the familiar face under the strange costume, Pikachu screamed excitedly, jumped up and waved his paw at Xiao Yao.

This one looks like a familiar acquaintance. Chao looked at Pikachu, and then at Xiao Yao. He had some speculation, but seemed incredulous—or surprised—and finally turned to look at Lucario who was standing beside him.

A flash of sharp light flashed in Lucario's red eyes, who was asked for help, so he silently turned his head back towards Lucario, knowing that he would not know more than himself.

However, the person who could give this answer soon appeared.

"Pikachu! So you're here? - Ah, Chao, you are here too. Ash

ran over with an ice cream in his left hand and an ice cream in his right hand.

When he found that the two Pokemon who were supposed to be sitting at the door were gone, Ash was still a little overwhelmed. But after all, there were a lot of people here, and Ash shouted twice, and then there was an enthusiastic crowd passing by—two Pokemon he didn't know pulled his sleeve and showed him the way, "yessan", "yessan".

Seeing Ash coming, Pikachu's eyes lit up. But at this time, the guy who was as greedy as the trainer was not in a hurry to eat ice cream at this time, but waved his two paws vigorously, signaling Ash to look at the person next to it, and shouted: "Pikapi! Pickup! Pickup pickup!

When Ash looked up, his face hidden under the brim of his hat was revealed. So almost at the same time, Haruka and Ash recognized each other.

"Haruka-chan! " / "Ash! "

... It's really an acquaintance. Chao pulled the corners of his mouth helplessly, feeling that he was a little redundant to stand.

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