Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 91 The situation is not good

As the sound of breaking wind quickly approached, a black bone shot out.

Tan Xiao has already seen the damage type from the Illusive Blade and Brother Zhu, and it should be a physical attack.

As a Divine Word Priest, Ah Xing may be able to withstand this blow, but his combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced. At this moment of judgment, his fighting instinct drove him to stand in front of Ah Xing.


A soft sound and the pain that followed made Tan Xiao look at the bone that pierced his shoulder socket in surprise.



This bone actually penetrated his [Magic Matrix]'s six-digit physical resistance and pierced into his body.

In front of him, the Illusive Blade had lost consciousness, and Brother Zhu instantly judged the critical situation. Without thinking, he took out the teleportation scroll, grabbed the unconscious Illusive Blade and left the Shadow Fall Realm.

This was a tactic that their team had discussed long ago after taking out the Red Bone Guards. Once you encounter a strong enemy that you cannot resist, and someone is seriously injured, use the teleportation scroll to leave in time to avoid character reset and all previous efforts being in vain.

Brother Zhu can be said to have perfect execution, so Tan Xiao doesn't have to be distracted to protect the two of them. He just doesn't know whether the Illusive Blade can survive in the end. If he dies, the magic sword he got will disappear with it. .

At this time, only Tan Xiao and Ah Xing were left on the battlefield.

Tan Xiao's body began to glow with light, which was the buff provided by Ah Xing regardless of consumption.

[Iron Wall] [Recovery Enhancement] [Counter Shock].

All the skills he could think of have been blessed on Tan Xiao. At the same time, he directly opened the [Life Pool] and let Tan Xiao share his health bar.

In other places, Tan Xiao like this can be regarded as an aircraft carrier, and it is not an exaggeration to sweep across a battlefield.

However, the undead they were facing at the moment seemed a little complicated.

The undead standing in the sky in the distance did not wear any props or weapons. Even the three bone blades just now were torn off from their own ribs.

It looked down at its chest and finally decided not to waste its bones.

The blow just now had hit the opponent and failed to kill the opponent instantly. The opponent even retained most of its combat power, which made it give up the plan of long-range killing.

However, it was also relieved.

After all, when the target, namely Tan Xiao, stepped forward to block Ah Xing, it thought that Tan Xiao would be pierced instantly, and then it would not be able to complete the task of capturing the target alive.

Seeing that Tan Xiao was full of life and didn't lose much blood, it decided to fight in close quarters, kill the other stinking bug, and then bring Tan Xiao back to its master.

So, the black spider that had been wandering around its body bones quickly crawled back into its skull because its body had moved.

It was so fast that it even produced a sonic boom, covering its entire body with a layer of something like white mist.

Seeing this scene, Tan Xiao instantly gave up the idea of ​​​​escape. At this speed, he would never be able to reach it.

As it quickly approached, Tan Xiao and Ah Xing saw its message clearly, Level 87, Bone Blade Sword Attendant.

It turned out to be a third-level undead that exceeded level 50, just like the previous lich. Although it is not as powerful as the Lich, it is still far stronger than Tan Xiao and Ah Xing now.

This was not over yet. White bone arms were stabbing out of the surrounding ground. It seemed that they had been summoned by the Bone Blade Swordsman. All the undead soldiers lurking in this area were awakened.

At that moment, there was only despair in Axing's eyes. He was about to take out the teleportation scroll when he heard Tan Xiao say,

Try again, maybe you can still fight.

Originally, he had given up hope, but when he saw the dark crowd of Level 30 undead soldiers appearing, he suddenly thought of a way to hold on.

Just when Tan Xiao and the Level 87 Bone Blade Swordsman met, another team led by the fish seller also discovered something unusual.

On the way forward, they kept discovering many stone piles made of unknown ores, which looked like some kind of altar or randomly piled up.

Only Xiao Wu's expression became more and more solemn. As a space magician, he had long sensed something was wrong, but he never realized what the problem was.

Because the chaotic spatial fluctuations in this area made him feel a little physical discomfort.

When he saw a significantly larger pile of rocks, he reacted,

I know! These stone piles are all altars used to detect spatial locations in the main world. The passage in the Shadow Forest should have been detected in this way!

Xiaowu pointed to the largest pile of rocks.

That is the weakest point in the space barrier in this area, so the pile of rocks is the largest. It seems that they are going to open a few more passages to the main world!

Everyone around them was shocked when they heard this. Although they had not experienced the undead invasion in Shadow Forest, they had heard about it from the forum.

The rewards are indeed generous, but the mortality rate is also high. There are many players who die several times in one night, which is equivalent to all the efforts they have made over time being wasted.

First collect all these ores and keep them here. Even if we destroy this miniature altar, they can still be rebuilt.

Sister K moved the fastest and started collecting the ores on the ground without saying a word. Mao Yuqiang followed closely behind, but he was thinking about another issue.

Why haven't we seen an undead soldier in a place like this? Shouldn't these be critical locations?

At this moment, a mound in the distance suddenly began to collapse, and a bone claw far larger than the red-bone guard they had encountered stretched out and slapped it on the ground.

The huge force caused the surrounding ground to shake violently. In the field of vision of the team headed by Mai Yuqiang, a giant skeleton over fifty meters tall appeared. Its whole body was covered with solid armor, and its message appeared in When everyone saw them, they fell into despair.

Level 90, Bone Armor Colossus.

It seems that this is why, during such a long journey, they did not encounter the undead soldiers buried underground like Tan Xiao's team.

Because there is no need at all. This Level 90 bone armor giant can completely protect this entire large area.

And the reason why it didn't wake up just now was because Ma Yuqiang and others didn't take action on those ore altars.

At this moment, after realizing that the ore altar was destroyed, the bone armor colossus woke up immediately.

It didn't even say a word, just raised the long sword in its hand and swept across.

Escape! Quick!

The fish seller Qiang shouted loudly, grabbed Barbie and Xiao Wu beside him and threw them into the distance.


Before he could even say the word escape, his body had been cut in half by the giant bone armor statue, like tofu.

Maiyuqiang's consciousness quickly faded. Before he even had time to take out the teleportation scroll, he declared his sudden death and disappeared in a flash of blue light.

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