Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 92 The whole army was wiped out

At this moment, it seemed that the shock caused by the resurgence of the bone armor colossus caused unexpected changes in the largest ore altar. A light door appeared, and two undead of high level fell from it.

They are all wearing exquisite armor, and the lines of magic pathways flash on the armor, which seems to have resisted a lot of damage.

what happened?!

One of them had a particularly bad temper. After falling from the light door, he began to curse and speak,

Why was there such a big shock? Another third of the newly opened space channel collapsed!

It saw the giant bone-armored statue holding a giant sword, seemingly fighting an enemy. It immediately looked around with vigilance, but only found three humans who had just passed level 30.

The fire in its eyes was beating violently, but it still cautiously asked,

You wouldn't make such a big fuss just to deal with these three bugs, right?

The giant bone armor statue held a giant sword and looked at his colleagues in front of him, speechless for a moment.

Only then did it remember that before it fell asleep, it had been specifically told to ensure that there were no strong vibrations around it to prevent the unformed space channel from collapsing.

Well, the situation is critical. If I hadn't taken action in time, the altar would have been destroyed.

The giant bone statue opened its mouth to explain, but the erratic fire in the eye sockets of its skull seemed to be telling its guilty conscience.

As soon as these words came out, combined with the dust on the armor of the bone armor colossus, the several undead generals who fell could not know that this guy was lazy again. He must have fallen into a deep sleep, leaving only a trace of consciousness on the altar.

The grumpy undead stepped forward and kicked the right leg of the bone armor colossus. The right leg covered with armor broke directly under the blow, and the body of the bone armor colossus crashed to the ground.

There was a huge amount of sand and dust all around, but unlike before, the ore altar was not affected at all. It was wrapped in a mysterious force and absorbed all the vibrations.

You wait, I have to report your dereliction of duty to His Highness Azcott. The node I finally found in Wards Heights was almost destroyed by you!

The more it talked, the angrier it became. It stood up and wanted to punch the bone armor colossus again, but the opponent did not dare to fight back and could only bear it silently.


Another being who looked like a skeleton mage suddenly spoke and stopped his colleague who was about to step forward to beat the giant bone armor statue again.

It's just a part of it that collapsed. The passage in Wards Heights has already taken shape. It's just a matter of reconstruction here. Compared to the accident that has already happened, are you sure that those little bugs escaped successfully because of your conflict?

It couldn't take action because it needed to cast spells to maintain the stability of the ore altar, so it could only remind,

There are other explanations for the slowdown in the progress of the passage. If these insects escape, not only will I not intercede for you, but I will also ask His Highness Azcote for your soul container.

As soon as these words came out, the two powerful undead people trembled subconsciously, as if they had heard something extremely terrifying.

They looked in the direction of Sister K at the same time, with murderous intent evident.

Xiao Wu, hurry up! Open the space channel and join the boss Feng Sheng!


Sister K, Barbie and Xiao Wu were extremely shocked when they heard the conversation of the undead. They subconsciously wanted to join Tan Xiao and tell each other the news.

Tunnel Path!

Xiao Wu used his skills one after another, and small space passages kept appearing, allowing the three of them to quickly move away from the three terrifying existences and quickly approach Tan Xiao's location.

Seeing this scene, the Bone Armor Colossus ignored it. Its right foot was kicked off and it was too big to pursue. Even the other undead general did not move.

Saul, are they kidding?

The undead mage named Saul who was still maintaining the stability of the Ore Altar shrugged.

Perhaps they think they can escape? I leave it to you, Mars.

After finishing speaking, a small plane passage appeared in front of Mars, the undead general who kicked off the right leg of the giant bone armor.

Mars stepped in, and the next second he appeared in the path of Sister K and the other three who were escaping quickly.

Saul turned out to be a necromancer with spatial attributes, which may be the reason why he appeared here, and he was also the mage responsible for constructing space channels.

This space passage leading to Wards Highland is different from the Shadow Forest. There is no good spell to provide an anchor point, which makes the passage extremely unstable. This is also the reason why the passage will collapse due to the vibration caused by the bone armor colossus before it is completely formed. .


The only person who was surprised was Xiao Wu, who was also a space magician. He had no way to open such a long space channel. He also knew that the mana consumption of such a level of space channel would be exponential compared to his tunneling path. increase.

However, Mars' movements suddenly stopped. It turned its head and looked behind it, as if something was approaching.

Also looking into the distance was Saul. The fire in his eyes swayed slightly, not knowing what he had discovered.

At this time, the sound of breaking wind came.

A figure fell to the ground like a meteor, only to hear a bang, and a huge hole was made in the ground around it.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, causing subtle changes in the battlefield for a while.

Mars stopped moving and allowed the other three to continue running away.

When the three of them took the opportunity to escape, Sister K subconsciously observed the surrounding environment. She wanted to know what happened.

But it was this look that made her liver and gallbladder burst.

They saw that it was Tan Xiao they were looking for in the pothole. At this time, Tan Xiao's armor was full of holes, and blood was everywhere, soaking the Breath of the Dead suit.

She stopped, causing the two people around her to shout anxiously,

Sister K, let's go quickly! What a great opportunity!

However, when they looked in the direction of Sister K's field of vision, they saw that the armor was covered in dust and revealed countless knife holes.


At this moment, there was a flash of cold light, and Sister K's head flew up instantly, then turned into a ball of blue light and disappeared.

Xiao Wu's reaction was not unpleasant. He had already reached into his backpack to take out the teleportation scroll, but unfortunately it was too late.

His body was cut off at the waist and turned into two parts, following in the footsteps of Sister K.

Only Barbie survived, but her eyes were full of fear, and she seemed to be too frightened to operate, and could only stay in place.

When Mars saw this, he appeared behind Barbie and stabbed his bone claws into Barbie's back, directly wiping out all his life.

The next second, its body was suddenly smashed into the ground like a cannonball. Several bones in its body were broken. A sinister voice sounded,

Who asked you to steal my prey?

It was the Bone Blade Sword Attendant who spoke.

Mars stood up from the hole and looked at the Bone Blade Sword Attendant.

You're a little arrogant, young man.

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