Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 90 A powerful enemy attacks

Oh my god, there is an undead city of this size here.

When Brother Zhu saw the building made of countless bones, there was a strange beauty in the chaos, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

Next to him, Tan Xiao and his group were lying on the ground, using the Breath of the Dead suit to blend with the ground to hide their figures.

As long as the undead didn't go out of the city to investigate, there would be no trace of them.

Fire Serpent Summons.

Tan Xiao raised the crystal-eyed spider staff and released several tiny fire snakes, crawling forward.

He did not want these fire snakes to explore the undead city, but to ensure that there were no undead buried underground ahead.

This is also an important mechanism that he discovered through a strange combination of circumstances.

Not long ago, after Tan Xiao accidentally injured Brother Zhu and almost killed him, Tan Xiao explained that the cause of the accident was a bug caused by the sudden upgrade of the crystal-eyed spider staff's proficiency, which prevented him from canceling the spell.

After hearing Tan Xiao's explanation, the other three were relieved. They were a little afraid that if Shadow Fall had any special negative effects and could temporarily control the player, then they would all be in trouble.

They had no confidence that they could escape from Tan Xiao's hands. After all, Tan Xiao's strength was far beyond his current level.

Tan Xiao left their hiding place and walked deeper into the Shadow Fall Realm under the pretext of testing whether the staff had any other bugs.

He used the Breath of the Dead Suit to fuse his body with the ground, making him almost invisible as he crawled forward.

Soon after, Tan Xiao saw a few scattered undead soldiers sitting on the ground from a distance, using some kind of ore to build strange things on the ground, like an altar or some kind of beacon.

Just when he was about to launch an attack and kill those soldiers in one fell swoop to test out his new skill [Thirst for Flesh], a sudden change occurred.

As soon as he took a step forward, a bone-white arm stabbed out from the ground and hit Tan Xiao in the abdomen.

Tan Xiao's [Magic Matrix] now has a permanent six-digit physical resistance, but it still suffered a big impact from this blow.

Although only a little blood was deducted, it could not completely eliminate the impact of that blow.

Tan Xiao's figure was knocked back nearly a meter. It was this meter that made the undead soldiers in front notice the strange movement and turned their heads.

The moment they saw Tan Xiao, they immediately put away the ores on the ground and rushed over with weapons raised.

After hitting Tan Xiao in the abdomen, the owner of the skeletal arm slowly crawled out from the ground, and it turned out to be the same undead soldier.

Unlike ordinary creatures, undead soldiers seem to enter a state similar to slumber, buried underground until there is an abnormal vibration that wakes them up and then launches an attack.

The existence of fellow undead soldiers would naturally be able to know the sleeping location of their kind and avoid it, but Tan Xiaoke couldn't find it, even if he had the [Pattern of Shadow].

Because [Shadow Pattern] can detect traces of biological activities, and the undead are not among them.

Seeing these undead people charging forward menacingly, their levels were almost the same as Tan Xiao's, ranging from Lv30 to Lv35, but the gap in strength between them was wider than the gap between humans and dogs.

Tan Xiao did not dodge in the face of the attacks, he just stood there and resisted the sharp slashes of these skeleton soldiers.


1, -1, -1

Tan Xiao's feet were more than ten centimeters into the ground. It can be seen that these undead soldiers are working hard, but with six-digit physical resistance, how do you deal with them?

Relying on the passive of [Magic Matrix], he only deducted seven points of blood and regained it instantly.

At the same time, he gently waved the crystal-eyed spider staff, and a layer of purple-red flames ignited on Tan Xiao's body.

During the battle with the Red Bone Guard, Tan Xiao was almost burned to death by the flames ignited on his body, which made him not feel resentful.

At that time, he showed his character as a scholar and learned from this skill, finally acquiring [Fiery Touch].

[Fiery Touch] Covers the entire body with a layer of flames. All creatures that touch the flames will be infected with the fire, causing burning damage of 5.0*current level.

This is what your bare-bone guard brothers taught you. How about it? It still hurts a lot, right?

These undead soldiers were tainted with this flame after hitting Tan Xiao. Before he could finish his words, these undead soldiers were already covered in flames and turned into a ball of black ashes.

Well, this doesn't go without a fight.

It seems that the level of these undead soldiers is not high, and they all carry soul containers with them, which leads to their rapid death.

In the lower left corner of Tan Xiao's field of vision, prompts began to appear continuously.

Kill the undead soldiers, trigger [Thirst for Flesh], and the upper limit of health +0.32.

Kill the undead soldiers, trigger [Thirst for Flesh], and the upper limit of health +0.30.

It was this experiment that allowed Tan Xiao to discover one of the strange defense mechanisms in the Shadow Fall World, and he used the summoned fire snakes to start investigating the location of the sleeping undead soldiers.


There were two muffled sounds, and two of the several fire snakes had been penetrated by the undead soldiers underground.

At this moment, there was no need for Tan Xiao to take action. The Illusive Blade and Brother Zhu stepped out and rushed directly to the location of the two skeletons along the path that the fire snake had passed just now.

After their level increased by leaps and bounds, their attribute panels were also greatly improved.

Now, facing undead soldiers of similar levels, they are fully capable of fighting.

Tan Xiao was not prepared to step forward to help. For him, there were many ways to get the upper limit of his health, which was less than a little, but training his teammates was not that simple.

At this moment, those two undead soldiers were the best training machines, so he naturally wouldn't do it for them.

Illusory Blade, Brother Zhu, including Ah Xing, and Tan Xiao have already made up their minds to let them enter his guild. Although these people are no worse than Barbatos and Ciri who were famous in their previous lives.

There was no stage for them in the previous life, presumably because the characters were frequently reset in the early stages of the game, which slowed down progress.

Slow step by step, slow step by step, made them unable to stand out in the end.



As two sounds of broken bones sounded, Illusory Blade and Brother Pig killed their opponents one after another.


Brother Zhu resisted hitting the double axe, but he didn't control his mouth and blurted out. This scared him so much that he quickly looked around to check if he had attracted the hatred of the undead.

Fortunately, it didn't, which made him let out a sigh of relief.

The Illusive Blade swung the magic sword, and a pair of eyes on the body of the magic sword closed immediately.

My strength has improved a lot, thanks to the boss Feng Sheng.

He walked towards Tan Xiao slowly and was about to say thank you.


Illusory Blade's shoulder tilted, and a hole as big as his head appeared on the shoulder blade of his right arm.


A similar hole also appeared in Brother Pig's chest.

Tan Xiao's eyes widened instantly, and he saw a small black dot in the distance from the fleeting trajectory.

call out--

There was another burst of wind, coming towards Ah Xing beside Tan Xiao.

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