Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 35 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Hey! Hurry up! Run faster!

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with claw marks all over his body. Another young man who was seriously injured was holding the huge gap in his stomach and was pulled forward by him.

No, it can't be done, Brother Feng, you should leave first, or you may have to start over again.

There is still a chance! I finally got a chance to practice to level 10, and I got a skill for nothing! You can't just die!

It's all my fault for being too greedy. I want to give it a try. Hunt Shadowfang.

Stop talking and run away first!

Then, as they staggered and fled in the forest, a ghostly black shadow swam behind them, extremely fast but always giving the impression of a leisurely stroll.

Yes, it was Shadowfang who regarded the two people in front of him as playthings.

As a shadow wolf that had just mutated into a boss, it loved the thrill of hunting to death. In its eyes, the weak humans were as slow as a snail.

It decided to play with these two guys who overestimated their abilities. This was their punishment for provoking the strongest person in the area.

It quickened its pace slightly, opened the bristles on its neck, and trembled slightly. These bristles shot towards the ankles of the two humans.

Puff puff--

The sound of bristles easily piercing flesh was heard, and the two fell to the ground instantly.


Two screams sounded together, which made Shadow Fang who was walking beside them very satisfied. The corners of Wolf Kiss's mouth were slightly raised, making him look particularly evil.

Damn it!

The man known as Brother Feng gritted his teeth and pulled out several bristles that had pierced his ankle.

If only my magic power were stronger!

He raised his staff and pointed it towards Shadowfang, and a ball of flame the size of a tennis ball was generated in front of his staff.



The fireball unexpectedly hit Shadowfang, halting its steps.

still have a chance!

The middle-aged man quickly pulled the young man lying on the ground waiting for death and moved his body in the direction of Fast City.

However, when the smoke dissipated, Shadowfang's bright red eyes had narrowed into a crescent shape. It was really enjoying it! It’s such a joy to give people hope and then despair!

But it was almost done now, and he felt that he was satisfied enough.

Then, the hind legs exerted force suddenly, and the two wolf claws of the front legs were already slapping towards the two humans.

The two of them looked at the flying shadow fang, with only despair in their eyes.

We can have a full meal tonight, Yingya thought.

But suddenly a red light flashed before its eyes, and its entire body was enveloped in fire. The scorching heat made its mane all over its body begin to turn red and then turn black again, completely turning into charcoal.


820! -904! -833! .

The three-digit damage numbers kept beating on its body, making its scarlet eyes reveal a look of fear for the first time.


This was its only thought at the moment, but the violent tornado that followed stopped its retreating figure, and it could not control its body and began to float into the air.


1080! -209! -1116! -220! .

With the blessing of the tornado, the power of the fire is further strengthened, and the damage caused by the tornado is also quite terrifying.

In less than 10 seconds, the newly promoted Shadow Wolf King, Shadow Fang, was declared to have turned into a charred corpse.

Kill Shadowfang.

This line of small words jumped out in the field of vision of the two men, and then the level went up by one and a half levels.

In their astonished view, a figure slowly appeared. He was wearing a bright red robe and was still muttering to himself,

It really didn't give me much experience! I'm really convinced! But this Shadow Fang is a bit weak. It didn't even last the duration of the mirage and died.

The speaker was Tan Xiao, who had become an elemental magician. Just now, while rescuing two players, he tested his current strength. The output was higher than he imagined. He was against the current attack. The killing efficiency is quite satisfactory, but I am complaining about the decrease in experience.

He turned to look at the two men behind him and started to remind,

Now the boss here should refresh faster and faster. If you don't want the character to be reset, go back to the city quickly.

After Tan Xiao finished speaking, he turned around and left regardless of the surprised looks in the two people's eyes.

Brother Fengfeng. That seems to be the [Feng Sheng] boss.

You want me to tell you? Do I have no eyes?

This is so cool, isn't it? Killing a monster in ten steps, leaving no trace behind?

“It feels a bit like a bird eating a cricket.”


The bird eats the cricket!


Tan Xiao naturally heard the conversation between the two people behind him. He slipped and almost fell, and touched his nose awkwardly.

The next moment, he used mirage again, exuding light vapor from his body, and then completely disappeared into the shadow forest at night.

In the next few days, two strange things happened in Fast City and the hot sand wasteland to the west.

First, a rich woman appeared in Fast City. She seemed to have endless gold coins. She bought all the healing potions and mana-returning potions in the entire town, and even antidote and other conventional potions. Dropped half of it facing up.

Some NPCs said that it was a woman named Lina, who used to be a shopping guide at Belle's Workshop. I don't know where she went a few days ago. When she showed up, she was already a wealthy woman with a huge fortune.

This caused some active players to start thinking, wondering if the other party had discovered some gold mine, so they began to plot something secretly.

Another strange thing is even more exaggerated, according to many reports of caravans that need to pass through the hot sand wasteland.

There seems to be a ruthless character in the Hot Sand Wasteland. In the morning, he hunted the Sand Prison Scorpion King in the western wasteland, and in the afternoon, he killed the Bloodmaned Lion King near the Joshua Mountains.

The entire Hot Sand Wasteland was decimated, and the population density of the two species dropped significantly. Businessmen who came and went did not need to be wary of the Sand Hell Scorpions and Blood-Maned Lions that would appear from time to time, and their safety was greatly improved.

Because these two groups were killed and fled south collectively. It seemed that they wanted to migrate to the vicinity of Woz Highland to avoid pursuit.

In the hot sand wasteland, the sound of wind and thunder continued, and it was clear whose masterpiece it was.

If it wasn't Tan Xiao, who else could it be.

At this moment, Amu finally woke up from the hotel. Because he needed to go to the military headquarters to report on his duties, he missed the beast-like battle.

Before going online, he had received instructions from the national military department and must recruit the player [Feng Sheng] into the special operations team, no matter what the price.

Feng Sheng.

Amu murmured to himself when he woke up. After a brief period of confusion, he quickly stood up and went straight to No. 13 Carter Street without even going to the [Red Light] base that was being rebuilt.

However, just before he arrived at Tan Xiao's property, he happened to encounter a scene that made him extremely angry.

Several mercenaries who looked like they had come from Leize City were surrounding a woman in a red dress, laughing evilly.

So what if you are a member of [Destiny]? Is [Feng Sheng] here? He will commit suicide immediately if he is not here.

One of them touched his chin,

If you're not here, please tell me the secret of your fortune. We will decide whether to let you go depending on the situation.


Lina didn't say anything. She instantly built an iron wall for herself, trying to push away the people surrounding her and run towards Leo's residence.

Hey, can you run away?!

One of them grabbed Lina's arm and kicked her, causing Lina to fall to the ground and press her to the ground.

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