The room at No. 13 Carter Street looked a little unusual today.

A man and a woman were tied to chairs and unable to move.

It was Lina and Amu. At this moment, Amu's face was covered in blood and he had been beaten to a point of confusion.

The moment Lina was pinned down, he stepped forward regardless of the fact that these mercenaries from Leize City were 2-3 levels higher than him, staring at the mercenary who was pinning Lina down and doing crazy damage.

So there was a man with a bruised nose and a swollen face sitting opposite them with his legs crossed, spitting out bloody phlegm and speaking,

Are you good at fighting? Do you want to show me another one? The president of some shabby guild likes to pretend to be a hero, right? I want you to pretend enough for today!

He touched the scar on his face lightly, and the piercing pain hit him, making him even more annoyed.

Wash his face and then beat him.

Although Amu understands the essence of group fights, if he stares at one person and scares others, the fight will not continue. But he obviously underestimated the ferocity of this group of mercenaries in the magical world. He was not afraid of fighting for his life. Instead, he aroused the ferocity of the remaining people and killed him directly.

So much so that Amu has fallen into such a miserable situation.

And you, I will give you one last chance to tell me where you got so many gold coins, and have you found any mineral veins? If you don't tell me, then I won't be polite and I will collect some interest from you.

The chat interface in front of the unconscious Amu was pulsing. He had already informed the guild members of everything that happened here. He thought that his people were about to arrive, so he was ready to cheer up and delay for a little longer.

Corina's voice suddenly sounded,

What you want to know, I won't say a word! At worst, I will be treated like a dog! Mr. Feng Sheng will definitely help me get revenge. Even if he doesn't help me, as long as I live for one day, I will find a way to mess with you. Please trouble me, if you don’t die once or twice, I’ll see how many times you can be tricked by me before you die!”

When Lina said this, her eyes were calm, not at all worried about the horror she was about to face, as if her colleagues didn't care about her.

However, everyone present felt the cruelty in his words.

They didn't expect that Lina had such a character. The mercenary leader didn't doubt what Lina said at all. He saw the all-too-familiar ruthlessness in the other person's eyes, which was really what they were best at.

However, their cruelty is towards others, while Lina's cruelty is towards herself.

For the first time, the mercenary leader had the urge to take action. He wanted to kill Lina regardless of the laws of the main city to avoid future troubles.

Just as he stood up slowly and took out the dagger from his waist, the door to the room was slowly pushed open, and a figure walked in slowly,

Wow, what a little girl, are you so cruel?

The person who came didn't speak loudly, but he looked extraordinarily tall under the backlight.

Did you always pretend to be gentle when you talked to me before? Women are really scary, and beautiful women are even scarier.

The visitor was none other than Tan Xiao, who had returned from the hot sand wasteland.

Feng Sheng?!

Your Excellency Feng Sheng!

Two exclamations, one panic, and one surprise.

You choose, commit suicide or be killed by me?

Tan Xiao spoke in a deep voice. He really didn't expect that his home would be stolen and that there would be such a blind person in Fast City.

Hahaha! Arrogant! Feng Sheng, don't think that you can become the king and hegemony just because you have some achievements. I'm afraid you don't know the laws of the main city. You are not allowed to kill people at will in the city. Do you think?

Before the mercenary leader finished speaking, another voice sounded,

According to Chapter 1 and Article 12 of the main city's laws, those who actively provoke people and cause serious harm can be killed on the spot.

A young man in luxurious clothes walked up from behind Tan Xiao, it was Acting City Lord Sherani.

Hahaha! What serious harm have I caused? I just injured an adventurer. I am a member of the Forma Mercenary Group in Leeds City. I will be detained for a maximum of 10 days!

No, you have made Lord Feng Sheng, the warrior of Fast City, unhappy. The harm is already great enough.

Sherani spread his hands casually and said.

Do you think that because you are the acting city lord, you can do whatever you want? I want to talk to the leader.

Before the mercenary leader finished speaking, Sherani interrupted him again.

That's right, I'm just doing random things. You are the city lord and I am the city lord?

Before the other party could react, Sherani's aura changed and he shouted loudly,

The kill is allowed to be supplemented later, and it is allowed to kill on the spot!


Several thunderbolts struck down, and the mercenary leader and the gangsters around him were hit without any suspense. They were instantly ignited by the terrifying high temperature brought by the thunder, and turned into charred corpses in despair and roars.

Tan Xiao looked at the roof and then at Sherani behind him.

I saw the other party speaking with understanding,

The repair costs are mine.

At the same time, players from outside the street came one after another, still shouting boss, people from the [Red Light] Guild had arrived.

Amu, who had regained consciousness slightly, spoke with difficulty,

It's okay. Mr. Feng Sheng has finished handling it. You can go back.

Seeing their president in such miserable condition, some people wanted to step forward to help, but Amu shouted them back.

You go first, Mr. Feng Sheng and I still have something to discuss.

Hearing this, those [Red Light] members who had finally arrived could only obey the order and leave.

Okay, I'll take these corpses away. I want other forces in the city to see the consequences of not obeying the law. I'm sorry about this incident. It was my mismanagement.

After saying that, Sherani turned around and left without waiting for Tan Xiao to speak. Several bodies were dragged away by the guards behind him, and the place was cleaned.

After everything in the room returned to its usual calm, Tan Xiao looked at Amu who drank several bottles of recovery potions one after another and said,

“Thank you very much”

Amu hesitated for a moment, then quickly waved his hand,

It's nothing. When the road is rough, draw your sword to help. Besides...

Amu suddenly stopped talking. He was organizing his words.

In fact, Tan Xiao had already penetrated Amu's thoughts. Amu thought that Tan Xiao did not know him and did not know the purpose of his coming.

But Tan Xiao knew Amu in his previous life. He had already expected that Amu belonged to a state agency and came to him to join the special operations team.

It's not that he doesn't like Amu, it can even be said that he admires Amu very much. He knew that in the previous life, it was Amu who kept dealing with good spells after the fall of eternal night, which brought the losses of mankind under control.

The reason why he didn't take the initiative to contact Amu was because he didn't want to join the special operations team. Because a special identity will inevitably bring special responsibilities, once you join the special operations team, you will inevitably have to obey the arrangements.

This will disrupt his own plans and may not be a good thing for the future.

Therefore, he has been avoiding contact. Who knew that this first meeting would be such an irresistible scene.

Just as Tan Xiao smiled bitterly in his heart, Amu finally spoke. After thinking for a long time, he still chose to hit a straight ball.

Mr. Feng Sheng, I hope you can join our organization.

I reject.

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