Your Excellency Feng Sheng, I.

Lina made Tan Xiao a cup of scalding tea. The tea leaves were flying up and down, which was very similar to Lina's mood at the moment.

I want to be Leo's apprentice.

Finally, Lina summoned up the courage to say this.

It turned out that her outing today was to go to Leo's station, hoping to become his apprentice.

After getting Leo's affirmative reply, Lina returned to No. 13 Carter Street without stopping. She wanted to wait for Tan Xiao to return before telling him her plans, but she didn't expect that Tan Xiao had already gone home before her.

This disrupted Lina's rhythm and made her look a little nervous.

She really felt that she was pushing too far, not only asking the other party to help her rescue her father, but also asking the other party to give her temporary residence permission, and even provide her with food and accommodation.

Now she even wants to study with Leo, no wonder Lina feels embarrassed.

But Tan Xiao's next reaction made Lina's slowly lowered head suddenly rise.

Ah, Leo, as a priest, he is quite good. You can go.

Tan Xiao recalled that during the Lunatic Moon mission, Leo's fighting sense barely put him under any pressure and he could fight heartily.


Tan Xiao took a sip of tea, then froze.

Huh? Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong?

Looking at Lina who was obviously a little strange, Tan Xiao thought for a moment, put down the tea cup and continued,

You want to become stronger, don't you? Then go ahead. What reason do I have to stop you?

Lina pursed her lips and didn't speak again. Instead, Tan Xiao spoke again,

As long as you're here when I'm about to go on a mission, I'll be free to do whatever I want during the rest of the time. Is there anything else? I'll go back to my room first.


Lina almost blurted out, and then she suddenly thought of something,

By the way, Sir Feng Sheng, since the promotion of Fast City, there have been many more high-paying tasks. Are we...?

Before she finished speaking, Tan Xiao understood what she meant.

“What is the most rewarding task?”

Well, the exploration mission is just to explore the Wards Highlands further south. It should be a mission prepared for high-level combat personnel who are coming from other cities.

Oh, let's do it next.

After saying that, he turned around and walked into his room, leaving Lina standing there blankly. She still had half a sentence left to say,

There are bosses that are close to level 15 and above, and even close to level 20.

Just thinking about what Tan Xiao did before,

Maybe it's true?

Lina thought like this and turned around to go to the guild hall. She was going to finish the task first. If she couldn't complete it, she would be shameless and cancel the commission.

Tan Xiao, who returned to his room, quickly opened the properties interface.

【ID】Feng Sheng.Lv15

【Occupation】Elemental Mage

【Title】King of Arcane Arts

【HP】788+12 (+2.7)

【MP】1660+180 (+13.1)

【Attack Power】540+30

[Skills] Flame attack; tornado; mirage; violent thunder


As Tan Xiao's level increased to Level 15, the Arcane Heart brought him an MP bonus of 180 and a magic recovery of 10.5. Coupled with the magic recovery improved by his own upgrade, his natural recovery rate has reached 13.1. .

He clicked on the detailed information. Except for the physical resistance, which was still declining, the other values ​​​​were quite satisfactory, with no special abnormalities.

However, the special item column [Heart of the King] caught Tan Xiao's attention.

【Heart of the King】.Lv2, Reputation (377/500)

The reputation of [Heart of the King] obtained from [Moon of Madness] has actually been raised to 377, and it is still less than 200 before it can be upgraded to another level.

Last time it was real estate. I wonder what I will give you this time?

Tan Xiao thought,

It seems that I need to work harder. Creating some benefits for players or NPCs can gain reputation pretty quickly.

He moved his sight to the Arcane Heart, which now has three skills [Magic Matrix], [Arcane Resistance] and the latest [Forge].

The physical resistance increase of [Magic Matrix] has reached 0.4.

[Arcane Resistance] has not changed for the time being, and [Melting Furnace] is currently running, and the progress has reached (72/100). I think it will give Tan Xiao a big surprise soon.

Clicking on the talent tree, at this moment, three of Tan Xiao's ten groups of talent trees have been lit up, and one group of talent trees has branched, which is the wind attribute talent tree.

These three sets of talent trees have completed the first stage of transformation with Tan Xiao's successful job transfer, lighting up the topmost sphere on the first level.

One red, one blue and one white, the spheres symbolizing fire, water, and wind are hung on the talent tree, like full fruits, and shining like stars.

This also means that the power of the three attributes of water, fire and wind that Tan Xiao has learned will be qualitatively improved.

There are still 17 useless skill points for upgrading and bonuses. The first level requires three points, the second level requires five points, and the third level seven points. In other words, I can still learn a fully-leveled third-level skill, and there are still two points left. remainder

Tan Xiao was thinking about the follow-up arrangements and had a rough plan in mind.

If equipped.

He clicked on the equipment page.

[Weapon] Crystal Eye Spider Staff


【Cloak】Blood Lion Cloak


[Waist Armor] Spider Mother Waist Armor


[Leggings] Wind boots

Since I'm going to Wards Heights soon, I'm sorry for you, stupid lion.

Tan Xiao has already thought that the Blood Mane Lion King will be his first target in the next few days. He will paint a helmet, breastplate, waist armor and gauntlets on it. After gathering the five-piece blood lion set, he will officially set off for Wards Highlands. .

Others may not know the situation in Wards Heights, but Tan Xiao still knows something about it.

The Wards Highlands are a plateau formed by the collision of the Stars Continental Plate and the Liuye Continental Plate in the north to form the Joshua Mountains, which then squeezed toward the south and then collided with the Hubi Continental Plate.

There are many active volcanoes scattered above the plateau, which has attracted many fire-type beasts to live there. The biggest reason why Fast City wants to develop a base in the Wards Highlands is probably because of the natural minerals, such as iron ore and gold mines. .

This is a necessary material for the expansion of a city.

Speaking of which, Lina needs to prepare some medicine. It's not convenient to go back and forth from Wards Heights, in case she can't hold on.

Dong dong dong——

Your Excellency Feng Sheng, I have swept away all the missions in Wards Heights!

Lina's voice was a little hurried, and she was obviously running back. It seemed that she had a lot of trouble taking over all the tasks in Wards Heights.

Well done! Don't let the good news go to outsiders!

Tan smiled and opened the door.

You go buy some more potions, some to restore mana, some to restore blood, some to detoxify, and some to cool down. Spend the money as you like, as long as you have enough.

I'm going to the Hot Sand Wasteland and I'll be back in two or three days. You make preparations first and set off when I come back.


Tan Xiao walked toward the west of the city. New houses were being built everywhere in Fast City, and many people were transferred from Leitz City.

Although many people died in the battle with the Mimic Beasts, it seems to be more lively now because of these people.

Tan Xiao walked slowly on this noisy road. This was his favorite lively scene in his previous life, but he was not happy at all.

If they knew all this, they would be trampled by the damn demons. Would they still be so enthusiastic?

He shook his head,

It's different, there must be a way to change it!

This time when we go to Wards Highlands, we need to reach level 20 as soon as possible. Then we will have the capital to go to the central and southern part of the Shadow Forest. Good Curse will inevitably escape deeper into the Shadow Forest through the underground river.

As he thought, the rain fell from the sky, which was the greeting of the monsoon from the east.

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