Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 234 Reaching an Agreement

With the arrival of Tiamat, the five-color dragon, the entire Kingdom of Estalia fell into turmoil.

Especially Aung Star City has been reduced to ruins.

Countless bones piled up in mountains. They were all the original residents of Plutostar City, but now they became the raw materials for Tiamat's forging lair.

At this moment, Tiamat was lying on a pile of bones, in great pain.

Because she had a head cut off, and the head could not be restored for a long time, so she could only live in constant pain.

"Damn Bahamut! He even sent the Dragon Fang Sword."

Tiamat's eyes always fell on the Dragon Fang Sword. She neither wanted to touch this artifact that was nailed to the Star City, nor could she let the humans take it away, so she could only have four dragon heads. Keep staring at this sword.

She was extremely resentful. If it weren't for one of her heads being chopped off, she would have swept the entire Kingdom of Estalia by now.

Tiamat glanced at Ciel, who had fallen asleep after opening the plane well, and couldn't help but sigh.

Because the plane well was repaired immediately after her arrival, and even formed a stronger structure than the original.

Without the help of Char, even Tiamat would not be able to open the plane well again for a while and let her children come into this world.

She knew that this had something to do with the Dragon Fang Sword, but she was unwilling to risk it. So, she settled down in Pangxing City, thinking about solving the injury to her head first.

"Let you weak humans enjoy the sunshine for a few more days. I believe you will thank me for my mercy after falling into eternal darkness."

Tiamat's three heads closed their eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Only one head was still monitoring the Dragon Fang Sword.

It was Tiamat's judgment that gave the Kingdom of Estalia a chance to breathe and prepare.

"Report! Your Highness!"

A city guard broke into the hall and brought a message scroll.

At this moment, the person sitting on the throne of Riya City, the capital of Estalia, is no longer the former king, but a young woman.

She was sitting on the king's throne, surrounded by a group of the most elite nobles in the Kingdom of Estalia. Even the first prince Grofi could only sit next to her, waiting for her to speak.

This woman is Lina Klein. As the daughter of the protector hero Sylva and the messenger of the Dragon God Bahamut, this is why she deserves to sit on this chair.

The city guard's message scroll was delivered to her through the hands of General Grofi, her uncle, and Lina slowly unfolded it.

The moment she saw the content, her eyes turned red. Grofi chose to look away, and other nobles in the hall also lowered their heads.

They were not ordinary people, so they naturally guessed that the content of the letter was probably related to the country-protecting hero Sylva, and their smooth handling experience made them choose to remain silent.

Lina suppressed the pain in her heart and handed the letter to her uncle, Grofi.

"The damage my mother desperately inflicted on Tiamat put her in a lot of trouble."

Lina's voice was not loud, but an unusually firm will was heard in the ears of all the nobles,

"She can neither summon her offspring through the plane well in a short period of time, nor can she recover from her wounds, so this will be our last chance to prevent a counterattack."

Her voice trembled a little,

"The Dragon Tooth Sword is still in Pangxing City. It is not only my mother's relic, but also the key to our victory over the evil Dragon Mother. We must retrieve it."

When Lina said this, the surrounding nobles looked at the new queen one after another, with complicated expressions in their eyes.

Only Grofi stood up, knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to salute Lina.

"For the Kingdom of Estalia, for the Queen!"

With Grofi taking the lead, other nobles stood up and half-knelt in front of Lina, swearing allegiance.

At that moment, a crest like a dragon's tooth appeared behind Lina, blessing her body.

At the same time, the dragon tooth sword in front of Tiamat also trembled slightly, as if echoing Lina in Riya City.

Feeling something strange, Tiamat raised her head, but the dragon tooth sword immediately stopped trembling.


Tiamat's only head that was not asleep was also a little sleepy. She didn't even see the changes in the Dragon Fang Sword clearly. She thought she had seen it wrong and slowly lowered her head.

"Scared me, damn Bahamut."

At the same time in the Joshua Mountains, Vertus had already told Freya, the goddess of courage, about his general plan.

It’s just that Freya obviously hasn’t recovered from the shock just now. She even thinks that Vertus is talking nonsense.

"Are you kidding me, Veltus? Is your plan even remotely feasible?"

Freya's face was full of shock and disbelief. What Vitus said just now had already overturned her understanding.

"Feasibility? If it is not feasible, do you think Mystra will participate in a plan like mine? You only obtained the position of Lord God through her. You should know the strength of Mystra."

Freya fell into silence. She naturally knew what Vertus meant. Even the man in front of her was also a key figure in promoting her divine status.

"Then I have a question, please answer me."

Freya's face was extremely serious. This was also the question she wanted to know the most.

"What happened to Nairul? Why did you get tricked by Nairul at that time? Even your godhood was deprived of you."

At this point, Vertus fell silent.

He thought carefully about the timing of Nairul's appearance, and even the things the other party did, and none of them hit him within seven inches, making him feel a little strange.

Wiltus thought about it carefully and finally gave a pertinent answer.

"I don't know, I didn't even think it could do that."

This was one of the few times when Vertus was not sure. He even felt that there was still a big hand controlling everything, but this was obviously not Maestra's doing.

"I really haven't figured it out yet."

Vertus told the truth. He looked at Freya and had no hope of getting help from the other party. Just when he was about to tell the other party to leave on his own, Freya interrupted him.

"In this case, Nairul is the only loophole in your plan. I can approve your plan and assist you. I hope you can bring me a good result. The worst is to lose the godship. Anyway This divine throne was originally given to me by you.”

Freya's eyes were distracted, and she seemed to be thinking of a story from a long time ago.

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