"I can't believe it now, how could I be chosen."

Walking on the way to the eastern coast, Kim Stella had not yet fully recovered from this earth-shaking change.

He was originally just a farmer, and his life trajectory was almost determined. In addition to farming the land honestly in Xingshan Village, if he was lucky and raising a few livestock, that would be the pinnacle of his life.

However, a few days ago, he was suddenly told that he was going to the Kingdom of Estalia with Vertus. What he wanted to do was actually to help Saint Freya achieve the divine status. This shocked him, and he confusedly followed the somewhat unfamiliar Viertus to start his journey.

He has not yet adapted to the changes in life and status. He bumped the shoulder of Vertus next to him and couldn't help but ask,

"Vitus, do you think I'm dreaming?"

Tan Xiao closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked up at the sky and felt like he wanted to beat up the person next to him.

"Jin, this is the 1094th time you have asked me this question in the past few days."

Tan Xiao raised his fist and gestured towards Jin,

"If you ask me one more time, I'll beat you to death!"

"What? Have I asked this so many times? No way?"

Jin scratched his head and was extremely surprised by Tan Xiao's words.

"It's incredible."

Tan Xiao thought that the other party had finally returned to normal, and just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Jin murmuring to himself again,

"Why did you choose me?"

At the same time, he looked at Tan Xiao habitually, and just when he was about to ask, Tan Xiao was also ready to repair the other person and let him know the pain of being beaten, when an orc was approaching in the distance.

Tan Xiao squinted his eyes and saw a group of prairie wolves from Fasha Plains following a young child from a distance. The child was holding a magic crystal tightly in his hand. It looked like it had been stolen from the wolf's den. spoils of war.

While Tan Xiao was still watching, wanting to see what was going on, Jin also noticed something strange in the distance.

He started to move almost the moment he noticed the abnormality. Jin lowered his body, took small steps, and quickly came to a short tree nearby, and climbed up the branch with two hands and two feet.

Jin at this moment was completely different from the one who had been in a daze for the past two days. His eyes were sharp, staring at the child in the distance and the surrounding prairie wolves.

"Vitus, don't move here, I'll go rescue the child."

Jin lowered his head and looked at Tan Xiao,

"You magicians are not in good physical condition, and you are especially poor. You may not be able to deal with so many prairie wolves. If they get close, you will easily be seriously injured, and I can't save you."

He looked serious, not realizing at all that he was just an ordinary person who had not yet changed his profession.


Jin didn't give Tan Xiao a chance to speak. He had already jumped down from the branch, picked up his sickle and sneaked towards the direction of the prairie wolf.

Looking at Jin's figure, Tan Xiao discovered two things that he had never discovered before.

First, he saw that the other party had considerable talent in stealth and was a good candidate to become an assassin.

Secondly, he was a little surprised at Jin's mobility. Although these prairie wolves were nothing to him, perhaps just a few orcs that could be dealt with by fireballs, to Jin they were existences that could really threaten his life.

Ordinary people should not say that this is a group of prairie wolves. Even if it is just one, if one is not careful, the neck may be bitten off by the other party.

Jin did not sneak towards the wolves recklessly. He licked his fingers cautiously and stretched them into the air.

"Northeast wind, downwind, very good!"

After confirming the wind direction, he moved forward with more peace of mind. He was located southwest of the wolves and the children and would not be exposed by the smell. The next step was how to quickly reduce the number of wolves.

"There are four wolves in total, and the last one must be the wolf king. There are two on the left wing. There is no way to kill them all at the same time."

While sneaking, Jin was formulating a strategy in his mind. His route began to shift to the right side of the wolf pack. The goal was clear. Jin wanted to reduce the number of wolves as soon as possible.

"Sound strategy."

Tan Xiao had already seen the change in Jin's path from a distance. He picked up the [Soul Abyss Mysterious Staff] and pointed towards the sky.

Dark clouds began to gather, with faint flashes of lightning among them.

The [Soul Abyss Mysterious Staff] was specially returned to Tan Xiao by Maestra before Tan Xiao set off with Jin. After using Maestra's strange staff, Tan Xiao only felt that his [Soul Abyss Mysterious Staff] was very handy.

At this moment, Tan Xiao secretly used Lightning Storm in order to protect Jin and the child. He decided to wait and see what happened, and then take action when they were in danger.

"The first king of the Star Pulse Kingdom? He is indeed a bit courageous."

Tan Xiao looked at Jin, who was about to meet the steppe wolf. Not only did Jin not feel nervous at all, but his aura further converged, and he had obviously entered the hidden state of an assassin. Jin can achieve this level without training. It can only be said that he is not only talented, but also brave and careful.

The prairie wolves that were chasing the child at this moment were not aware of Jin's presence at all. They were now bent on catching the child who had just stolen something from their lair.

In fact, they could have closed the net long ago, but the wolf king who was at the end didn't know why he didn't issue an attack order for some reason, and just hung far behind the child.

The prairie wolf on the right side of the pack complained secretly in its heart. It couldn't understand why the wolf king didn't give the order and insisted on following the child from a distance.

The next moment, a cold light flashed through, and the sharp blade flashed past its eyes.


The shrill howl of the prairie wolf instantly echoed through the area, alarming not only the child, but also the three remaining prairie wolves.

The next moment, the blind wolf's neck was cut instantly, leaving only the last intermittent whimpering sound.

“It’s still almost interesting.”

Tan Xiao looked at Jin's actions and the actions of the three remaining prairie wolves. He judged that Jin might not be able to withstand the offensive of the three wolves.

If he had taken action, he would have cut the coyote's throat first instead of blinding its eyes.

"This will only attract other wolves."

The moment Tan Xiao made this judgment, he suddenly realized something and looked at Jin suddenly.

"He can't be."

After Jin killed the first prairie wolf, he no longer hid his figure, stood up and ran in the opposite direction to the child.

"Are you going to use yourself as bait, not only to attract the hatred of the prairie wolves, but also to take them away from the children?"

Tan Xiao's expression changed a little at this moment. He suddenly had a new understanding of Kim Stella, and it no longer seemed so difficult to understand that he was chosen by Freya, the goddess of courage.

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