The moment Vertus got the remains of Sen Niu, a warning sign suddenly occurred.

This was the first time he felt threatened after reappearing in the world. However, before he could launch a counterattack, the opponent's slashes stopped first.

".why you?"

The voice was cold and melodious. Wiltus turned his head and saw the familiar person.

"Hey, Rebecca. Oh no, I should call you Freya now, right?"

Vertus spoke with a smile, as if seeing an old friend.

Rebecca's memory also flashed through Freya's head. Only then did she react and spoke in sudden enlightenment,

"No wonder I felt so strange when I saw you next to Maestra. It turns out that you don't belong to our era at all?"

The expression on Freya's face kept changing. She felt that she had uncovered a corner of the truth after getting Rebecca's memory of meeting Tan Xiao for the first time and seeing Wiltus now.

"How big a game of chess are you playing?"

As the goddess of courage, Freya's knowledge is naturally far beyond that of ordinary people. Recalling that the Vitus she saw next to Maestra thousands of years ago was clearly the Tan Xiao that Rebecca met, she already knew that the man in front of her was anything but simple.

And the inextricable relationship between him and Maestra made her really unable to understand how Vertus, who finally became the God of the Dead, could be pushed off the altar by a little Nerul.

What puzzled her even more was how Vertus returned to this era.


But Freya still didn't speak and was interrupted by Vertus.

"Don't talk about whether these things are available or not. Let's go quickly. I believe you don't want to see Yifu now, right? He must have sensed our presence and has already rushed towards us."

Wiltus took Freya's hand and rushed towards the Joshua Mountains.

But during the flight, Freya's face suddenly turned ugly.

"So the remaining magic power in the extreme cold tundra is really yours?"

Freya stared at Vitus, with white light flashing around her from time to time.

"It was you who opened up the world of demons and humans?"

Wiltus only felt a knife-like feeling starting to appear on his body. He knew that it was a sign that Freya was angry.

"Wait, wait, wait, listen to my explanation first! Listen to my explanation first!"

Shortly after Vertus and Freya left, Yifu appeared at the location where they had just stayed.

Looking at the sea of ​​magma that appeared inexplicably, he didn't think it was a trace that the devil could make. His eyes, which were sewn with black lines, opened slightly, and a blazing light flickered. Yifu looked around, seeming to be looking for something.

"It seems like there must be something wrong with him. He doesn't come to see me now, and he even wants to hide."

He twitched his nose a few times, and seemed to smell the scent of another existence. The other party was by no means weaker than him, and was even a god-level existence.

"I really don't know what they are planning."

Yifu turned around, closed his eyes again, and thought to himself,

"Forget it, it doesn't matter what little tricks you are doing. When you collect enough souls to defeat Lucifer and achieve my second position as the Demon King, you will all die."

Thousands of years ago, on the way back to the cabin with Maestra, Tan Xiao met someone he never expected.


Tan Xiao couldn't help but exclaimed, because he saw a person who looked almost exactly like Rebecca. If there was any difference, it was that the terrifying aura and holy brilliance on the other person's body actually coexisted.

"Freya, why did you come to me?"

Under Maestra's deliberate cover, Tan Xiao's voice did not reach Freya's ears.

Because, in Maestra's vision, there was a connection between the two parties who met by chance.

Freya didn't hear Tan Xiao's voice, but she felt that the man looked familiar, but as a saint, she could be sure that she had never seen this strange man before.

Seeing Maestra's methods, she realized that this was done intentionally by the other party, and believed that there must be some deep meaning.

Therefore, Freya did not delve into Tan Xiao's existence, but spoke straight to the point.

"Under the Temple of the Goddess Mystra, I want to found a country and achieve the status of a god."

Seeing that Maistra did not respond, Freya continued to speak, I have chosen my apostle, and he will definitely be able to lead my country to prosperity.

Freya's eyes were determined, and she stared straight at Maestra.

"That's Kim Stella, right?"

Maestra was not particularly surprised and asked as if confirming.

"Yes, that's him. The one I chose is Kim Stella."

Freya nodded, confirming Maestra's guess.

"Okay. I will also introduce you. He, Vertus, has just killed the lord of the Shadow Forest, Senniu. As my agent, he will evaluate whether Jin can become the king. Vertus's opinion is It represents what I mean.”

Maestra patted Tan Xiao on the shoulder and pushed him forward.

"You and Jin will go to the Kingdom of Estalia across the sea. When you are recognized by Dragon God Bahamut, you must also give a fair evaluation. If you and Bahamut both approve, then Freya You can achieve a new divine status."

"Huh? What?"

Tan Xiao only felt that he was confused. Why did he just come back from the Shadow Forest and seemed to be in trouble again.

"Understood, thank you! I will notify Jin."

The next second, Freya disappeared from the spot.

Before Tan Xiao could speak in confusion, Maistra sighed,

"I have to live without good food again."

Her expression was downcast, and she was obviously grieving that she was about to lose a cook.

As for Tan Xiao's question, she turned her head and said,

"Freya is a saint. As long as she is recognized by the two main gods, she can found a country and become the main god of this country."

She withdrew her gaze and looked at the sky,

"You can witness all this as my agent. I have already seen part of the future from you, so I will not participate."

After saying that, she disappeared from the same place, and only the faint voice came,

"You go directly to him. If you can, give him the [King's Heart] in you. This thing is of no use to you, but it is to him."

Tan Xiao didn’t listen to Chiangmai Stella’s last words, and he didn’t even fully understand the situation at hand.

"Rebecca is Freya, the goddess of courage? And I want to build a country with Kim Stella? Even Dragon God Bahamut is still in this world?"

Tan Xiao only felt that this sudden unfolding made him a little overwhelmed.

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