Just when Mystra was about to take action, she stopped her movements.

"Oh? It seems like I don't need to take action yet."

Tan Xiao's body was penetrated by the flaming horn of the Senniu, and before Tan Xiao could react, its head hit him again, pushing Tan Xiao high into the sky.

As Tan Xiao shot high into the sky, the flames on his body began to sway due to the gradually thinning air.

The fire element on its body changed again, and the fire mane faded away, turning into blue water waves, and water drops began to drip in mid-air.

Sen Niu's throat swelled, making its skin almost transparent. Blue liquid continued to collect in its throat. The violent water element was sprayed high into the sky by Sen Niu at the next moment, accurately hitting Tan Xiao's body.

While the cold pillar extinguished the flames on Tan Xiao's body, it was constantly frozen into ice crystals in the high air.

These ice crystals did not fall to the ground, but began to condense together and turned into ice spikes.

Puff puff--

The ice thorns pierced Tan Xiao's body, turning Tan Xiao into a hedgehog.

Senniu had already begun to cough up blood due to these successive attacks. Maintaining the current state was also a heavy burden for it, so much so that it could no longer hold on.

The flames on Tan Xiao's body were all extinguished, and even his body was covered with ice crystals. He began to fall continuously, and Sen Niu's eyes were fixed on him.

Tan Xiao, who had no resistance, finally fell to the ground and broke into pieces, scattered around.

Sen Niu was finally relieved. The moment it released [Elemental Transformation], a flaming staff passed through Sen Niu's body that had returned to its original state.

The violent fire element swept through Senniu's body. If it had not released [Elemental Transformation], it might have been able to adapt to such changes, but now it was at its weakest and had no ability to resist such a violent fire element.

The owner of this staff is none other than Tan Xiao, and the shattered body just now was the clone he created using the skill [Bone Sloughing] he had obtained from Ye Ying's remains.

The reason Sen Niu didn't notice it was because Tan Xiao completed the exchange between his body and [Bone Slough] after blocking Sen Niu's sight at the moment the wall of fire appeared.

His body had already entered a state of invisibility using [Phantom Invisibility]. With the help of the surrounding chaotic demonic energy, Sen Niu had no way of detecting Tan Xiao's existence.

As a result, Tan Xiao sneak attacked Sen Niu more easily than he imagined.

Senniu's eyes turned blood red again. It could never imagine that it would be killed by such a weak human race.

It was about to die and saw a corner of the future in a trance, and a skill appeared in its mind. It looked at Tan Xiao, its eyes full of hatred.

The next second, the elements on it began to change again.


Tan Xiao noticed something strange, but found that his staff had been firmly absorbed by the opponent, and even his own magic power began to flow to the opponent.

"Elemental reversal?"

The Mais on the side moved. The development of the incident was beyond her imagination. The wisdom of this forest cow was much higher than that of the ordinary orcs.

He actually realized [Elemental Reversal] at the last second of his life, but it was just not perfect enough. This imperfect reversal of elements is equivalent to creating a small black hole, which can absorb the power of all the surrounding elements, then accumulate it to the extreme and explode instantly.

If Maistra hadn't been present, maybe Sen Niu could have wiped out the entire Shadow Forest in one fell swoop.

At this moment, she directly used Time Stop to restrain Sen Niu's movements, and pulled out a solemn smile.

Even Tan Xiao saw the [Element Reversal] skill for the first time. When he saw the appearance of Mystra, he was secretly relieved.

Maestra picked up the Senniu and appeared in the center of the huge magma lake that Tan Xiao had created before. She threw the Seniu towards the center of the lake with all her strength.

The Senniu sank in the thick magma at a terrifying speed,

"It would be a bit tricky for someone else to use [Elemental Reversal]. A half-baked skill like yours can be easily interrupted as long as the elemental input is greater than your backlog speed."

Maistra clapped his hands, as if slapping away the non-existent dust on his hands, and spoke softly to Tan Xiao, who was still in a daze,

"Let's go, why are you still hanging around? It's been solved."

Tan Xiao just woke up from a dream and quickly followed Maestra.

"Your Majesty Maestra, is this...is it over?"

"Oh, I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me."

The next second, Maestra waved his hand, and the magma lake instantly cooled and solidified, turning into a flat land.

"This is really solved."

"That cow?"

Tan Xiao couldn't help but continue to ask, but before he could finish speaking, his level had already begun to soar. He directly reached Lv156 amidst countless system prompts, and was directly promoted to level 46.

"That cow? It's dead. If it were still alive, I wouldn't be the goddess of magic."

Maestra was extremely confident, but she seemed to have thought of something, turned around and spoke,

"But its body might not have been burned yet. After all, it has absorbed a lot of your fire-attribute magic power. If you're lucky, it can even smelt a complete skeleton."

She felt a little pity at the moment, wondering if she had gone too far.

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have killed it. Even if it was a mount, it wouldn't be bad. There are not many orcs with such understanding."

Tan Xiao didn't have time to check his panel, so he looked at the area in the distance and combined with the terrain of the surrounding shadow forest, confirmed the location of Sen Niu.

He didn't have any other thoughts, he just suddenly thought of Ace and Uther.

"If I could go back and take this skeleton with me, maybe it would be helpful to them, right?"

Maestra seemed to be aware of Tan Xiao's thoughts. She turned her head slightly, with a rare smile on her face.

"So this is ah."

At that moment, she saw a phantom beside Tan Xiao, and the phantom also seemed to see Maestra,

"Hey, what a coincidence? It seems that our ideas collided?"

Vertus was standing at No. 13 Carter Street in Fast City, and while he was carefully identifying his location, he suddenly felt something strange.

He turned around and saw the image of Mystra, the goddess of magic, flashing away.

He knew that this should be the overlap of his thoughts with the one he sent back, and there was a resonance in time and space.

"Is this fate?"

Vertus looked at No. 13 Carter Street, which had been dilapidated after the demon's passage, which was the former base of [Destiny].

"It turns out that my earliest place to stay was above the remains of Sen Niu."

He lightly stomped his foot, and Carter Street made a loud noise. In an instant, the entire block collapsed, even the earth's crust was crushed, and endless magma was flowing underground.

In this rolling magma, there is a white skeleton floating up and down. It is a skeleton that looks like a cow.

"Long time no see, Senniu."

Viertus smiled, as if he was seeing an old friend. This was the first extremely powerful beast he killed thousands of years ago when he returned.

The scene at that time was still vivid in his mind.

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