As the magma continued to seep in, the red dragon controlled by Li Ruomeng revived at a terrifying speed.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Li Ruomeng slowly propped up his body. The originally small granite cavity was pushed up by the red dragon body controlled by Li Ruomeng and began to crack.

The forest on the floor of the misty forest began to collapse on a large scale, at the moment the soil was destroyed.

Silva and Lina both looked in the direction of the red dragon almost at the same time, their eyes full of astonishment.

"Is this the breath of a five-color dragon?!"

The next second, without any hesitation, Silva lowered the barrier again, completely covering Aung Star City.

"Assemble the entire army!"

Silva's order sounded from the highest point of the Dragon God's Tower and spread throughout Pangxing City in an instant.

"Attack the misty forest! Fight the five-color dragon!"

No soldier questioned Silva's judgment, and the entire city's troops gathered at a terrifying speed in the direction of the misty forest.

Sylva took the lead to go to the misty forest. She wanted to see why the aura of the five-color dragon suddenly appeared.

"Are there other plane wells besides the Dragon God's Tower?!"

It's no wonder that Sylva has such speculation, because in the inheritance she received, all the five-color dragons have long been annihilated.

For Silva, the only possibility for the five-color dragon to appear again at this point in time is that there are plane wells other than the Dragon God's Tower.

Li Ruomeng, who was still underground, also felt the gazes of Silva and Lina. Hot sparks and dark smoke began to spray out of her nose. This was her subconscious reaction. For these two people, especially Lina, Li Ruomeng only felt a kind of disgust from the bottom of his heart, because the other person had Bahamut's will in his body.

However, the moment Silva and Lina left Pangxing City, a graceful figure appeared in a rarely visited street. She was holding a bloody human head in her hand, and blood kept dripping from the broken part of the head and neck. Makes a rhythmic sound on the ground.

If there were people from the Star Pulse Kingdom and Fast City present, they would definitely recognize that the owner of this head was none other than Amu, the former president of a famous guild and now a member of [Destiny].

The woman holding Amu's head is the one who everyone has high hopes for at this moment, Ciri.

At this moment, Ciri's whole body was covered with a layer of dark gauze. Looking closely, it is a gauze skirt woven from countless fine black magic powers, and the owner of this gauze skirt likes to call it [Shadow Fabric].

At the same time, she also has a prominent title, called the Goddess of Darkness.

It turns out that Ciri is the container of the Dark Goddess Char, her true dark sacrifice walking in the world. Now she has begun to recover.

"It's time to help Tiamat open the plane well, Bahamut."

There was no emotion in Ciri's eyes at this moment, only endless darkness.

"Then just stay in your seventh heaven and don't come here to disturb the situation."

After the words fell, Amu's head turned into a ball of light and disappeared. Seeing the blood that disappeared along with the head, Ciri looked a little unhappy.

"I have to say, you are really a genius. But in this world, only one genius is enough. Your magic network will inevitably be replaced by my shadow fabric!"

Ciri knew that the disappearance of Amu's head was due to the technology created by Maestra, which projected the consciousness of a group of alien creatures that should not have appeared in this world at this time, allowing her plan to appear. Huge deviation.

"All your efforts are destined to be in vain! Maestra!"

Ciri looked ferocious, and the dark gauze on her body moved without any wind. It expands at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then swells violently.

The next second, her figure disappeared from the alley and appeared in the Dragon God's Tower.

The Dark Goddess, who has not yet fully recovered, is unwilling to conflict with Silva, which is why she chose to come to the Tower of the Dragon God at this time.

"Without those two troublesome guys, things will become simpler."

One of her hands had already sunk into the magic circle at the top of the Dragon God Tower. The originally shining golden magic circle began to turn black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then collapsed.

As the magic circle collapsed, the broken boundary also began to collapse.

Countless cracks appeared on the surface of the broken boundary of Pangxing City, and the sound of broken glass resounded throughout Pangxing City in an instant.

All the residents looked at the broken boundary and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"What's going on? Has the barrier been lifted?"

"There seems to be something wrong with the situation. It shouldn't be like this when the boundary is lifted. Instead, it looks like..."

"Like what?"

"Like it was destroyed?"

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? It is possible for other cities to have their boundaries shattered. But for Aung Star City, it's possible for them to be shattered? Unless the Dragon God's Tower falls! Hahaha"

It wasn't until a certain resident of Pangxing City pointed at the Dragon God's Tower and said this in a joking tone that the Dragon God's Tower, which had stood for who knows how many years, began to collapse.



Doubt, surprise, confusion, panic, countless complex emotions appeared in the hearts of all the residents of Pangxing City at almost the same time, but no one wanted to believe that the reality was right in front of them.

In the misty forest, Sylva had long noticed something strange in Pangxing City, but it was too late for her to turn back.

It's not because she's not fast enough, it's because she simply can't return to Star City.

Because, she and Lina met a red dragon, a red dragon in its prime.

Although with her speed, she could fight and retreat and return to Pangxing City, she had to stay here at this moment.

Because there is an additional figure in the red dragon's mouth, and that is Lina.

The reason why Sylva didn't leave had nothing to do with Lina being her daughter. If Lina was not Bahamut's envoy, Silva would live in pain and self-blame for the rest of her life, and she would choose to abandon Lina and return to Star City.

However, there are not so many what-ifs in the world, only helplessness.

Lina is her daughter and Bahamut's messenger.

They didn't expect such a red dragon to exist in the misty forest, and they didn't know that this red dragon knew their skills well.

Lina, who had little combat experience, was seriously injured and captured in just a moment. At this moment, she was pierced by the red dragon's teeth, and blood was dripping down the red dragon's jaw.

"There seems to be something strange happening over there in Aung Star City?"

The red dragon transformed by Li Ruomeng held Lina in its mouth and was quietly communicating with Tiamat.

"Yes, I guess it was arranged by Charles. Then our task will be even simpler. We just need to hold off Sylva."

There was evil and excitement in Tiamat's voice. This was her joy that she was about to come to this plane in her true form.

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