As Li Ruomeng entered the game cabin, strange pictures began to appear in her field of vision, just like when she entered the magical world for the first time.


However, she did not appear with an interface to reconstruct her character as she imagined, but directly entered the game.

"Why isn't there a new character?"

Just when she was still wondering, the scene in front of her changed and turned pitch black, and there was a heavy sense of oppression around her body.

She took a closer look and saw that her ID was still the Good Curse, but her race had changed from an orc to a red dragon.

It was only then that she realized that the source of the heavy pressure around her body was actually the thick rock layer.


This sudden change made her unable to adapt, and there was a strong smell of sulfur in her throat. The originally pungent smell was now even slightly sweet to her perception.


She only felt a little itchy in her throat and couldn't help coughing twice. Hot sparks spurted out from her throat, followed by a ball of blazing flames.

She wanted to change her posture, but found that the thick soil was not like the loose soil she usually saw, but more like solid granite, so that no matter how hard she tried, she could not move her body.

At this time, she realized that her blood volume was already below 10%, and she had obviously entered a state of serious injury.

Her dragon eyes turned everywhere, and everything was solid granite.

"What exactly is going on!"

Li Ruomeng struggled for a while and found that he could not break through the rock layer in his current state, so he stopped making futile efforts.

She lay quietly and began to sort out her chaotic thoughts.

"Did I turn into a red dragon? Did Tiamat do it?"

Li Ruomeng clearly remembered that before she exited the magical world, her body had been burned to ashes by the terrifying Silva from the Kingdom of Estalia.

"Yeah! That must be the case."

At this moment, she seemed to remember something and clicked on the detailed information about her attributes.

"You're still here?!"

She couldn't help but exclaimed because her favorite passive skill [Betrayal] did not disappear and was still in her skill bar.

"Awake? Little one?"

The voice that spoke was extremely charming, it was Tiamat's voice.

"If you don't wake up, this red dragon remains will be scrapped."

There was some complaining in her tone. According to Tiamat's prediction, Li Ruomeng should have woken up long ago, and she didn't know why it took so long.

I wonder what Tiamat would think if she knew that Li Ruomeng had been outside the game in recent days, sitting in a wheelchair in a daze.

Naturally, Li Ruomeng couldn't admit it directly, so he quickly changed the subject,

"Your Highness Tiamat, what am I...?"

"I forgot to tell you, this is a small gift from the Dark Goddess Ciel to you."

Tiamat no longer bothered about the reason why it took so long for Li Ruomeng to wake up. She attributed it to the fluctuation of each individual's state.

"This is the remains of the most powerful red dragon that ever invaded this world. It was secretly hidden by His Highness Charles. Now it is given to you as a gift, as your body."

Tiamat's charming voice continued to sound,

"What you have to do now is to use this red dragon corpse to successfully open the plane well and let my body enter this plane."

Li Ruomeng nodded, and the hard dragon scales rubbed against the rock wall, making a harsh sound.

She entered the role very quickly, and instantly realized that she had received a new task with the help of the mechanism.

"Then how am I going to get out now? My remaining strength doesn't seem to be enough to get out of this rock formation."


Now it was Tiamat's turn to be silent.

"You woke up too late. Charles left beforehand. There is a special magic circle in this area to prevent this body from being exposed. I can open it directly, but..."

This was one of the few difficult moments for Tiamat. It wasn't that she couldn't forcefully break the magic circle, but Li Ruomeng's body of the red dragon might not be able to withstand the impact.

".Now we may have to wait. We have to wait for Ciel to come back before I can let you out."

They didn't know that at the moment Li Ruomeng re-entered the game and returned to the red dragon's body to revive, white smoke suddenly erupted from the Riya volcano in the center of the Kingdom of Estalia.

"Hey! Look!"

In the capital of King Estalia, countless people in Riya City looked towards the crater in the north of the city.

"The Riya volcano is smoking! Is it about to erupt?!"

Under his exclamation, everyone saw the strange movement of Mount Riya.

At the same moment, the broken boundary appeared and slowly hung down from the sky.

This is a defensive magic passed down from the Kingdom of Estalia. According to legend, it was originally created by the Dragon God Bahamut in order to prevent his followers from being massacred by the five-colored dragons. Now it has been used by the Kingdom of Estalia as a volcano. protection.

This is why there is a strange-shaped mountain in the north of the city.

That is the magma mountain formed after the last Riya volcano erupted, using the power of the barrier to resist the magma.

"Don't panic, everyone is prohibited from leaving the city from now on!"

A man who looked like a general appeared over the city and issued orders to the citizens.


"As you command!"

Almost at the same moment, everyone in the city saluted the general. He was the first prince of the Kingdom of Estalia, Grofi.

Grofi quickly flew away from the city of Riya and came to the sky above the Riya volcano. He looked at the smoky crater and said doubtfully,

"Why is it cooler than usual?"

He often visits Riya Volcano. Although there is thick smoke coming out, there is no sign of eruption. Even the fire element in the volcano has begun to become thinner.

Grofi didn't know that in the vein where the Riya Volcano was located at this moment, the magma flowed in the other direction after initially surging.

It was in the direction of the red dragon. Tiamat couldn't help but sigh,

"It seems that I was right to choose Ciel. I have prepared such a back-up plan."

Just when Tiamat didn't know what to do, the granite around Li Ruomeng suddenly cracked, and bright red magma began to pour into the chamber.

The rich fire element and the smell of sulfur instantly filled Li Ruomeng's nasal cavity. The refreshing feeling made her groan, and then her physical strength began to recover quickly.

This was exactly what Charles had left behind. As soon as he noticed the red dragon's resurgence, he would immediately control the lava in the earth's veins and inject it into this place to replenish the red dragon's strength.

"Okay, you should recover well first. When you fully recover, go and demolish that damn tower for me."

Tiamat's voice sounded, then gradually disappeared,

"We need to take the lead before Bahamut fully wakes up."

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