Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 224 The Evil Dragon Mother

Bahamut's consciousness in Lina did not appear, because the moment Lina encountered the red dragon, Tiamat had already taken action and suppressed Bahamut's consciousness in Lina's body.

However, as a price, she could no longer provide help to the red dragon controlled by Li Ruomeng.

"It's up to you. I'm still optimistic about you."

Tiamat's voice sounded in Li Ruomeng's ears.

The huge red dragon nodded slightly, then swung it violently, throwing Lina's body to the side, and smashed it on the ground of the misty forest, creating a huge hole.

The hot and scarlet scales on her body shook off and shot into Lina's body, nailing her to the ground.

"Okay, now comes the second round."

The ancient dragon language sounded, it was Li Ruomeng's voice, and the words fell clearly in Silva's ears.

"second round?"

Silva was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of a possibility that couldn't be considered a possibility.

However, at this moment, she was extremely certain that the other party was the good curse that she had completely killed and even burned to death.

"Are you a good mantra?"

Li Ruomeng didn't answer, the hot dragon's breath was her answer.

Silva slashed open the red dragon's fiery breath with a casual swing, only to find that his blade had been melted.

The next second, a set of armor of extraordinary quality appeared on her body again. It was with this Dragon God's armor that day that Silva beat Li Ruomeng until he had no room to fight back.

The Dragon God's Armor forged with Bahamut's hardest thorn scales not only has terrifying defensive capabilities, but can also increase the wearer's attack power several times. It is an artifact and a shackle.

But anyone who merges with the Dragon God's Armor will never be able to leave the Kingdom of Estalia again in this life.

That is to say, when Silva returned from the Star Pulse Kingdom and decided to enter the Tower of Dragon God, she was destined to never leave this country again.

If she wanted to see Farr and Lina, all she could do was wait endlessly.

"That's right. It was the equipment you wore that defeated me last time."

Li Ruomeng was a little unconvinced by the last disastrous defeat and continued to speak,

"This time I also have the body of a red dragon. Let me see who is more powerful!"

Li Ruomeng flew high into the sky, his hundred-meter wingspan fully extended. Tiny blood vessels can be vaguely seen on the wing membrane under the sunlight, and the red liquid flowing in each blood vessel is the fire element like hot magma.


Countless magic circles appeared under her wing membranes, and huge meteorites hit Silva with their flame tails.

Within a hundred meters in diameter, the meteorite was filled with fire, almost forming a rainstorm, filling the entire space.

Rumblings continued to resound through the misty forest, and smoke and dust mixed with sparks instantly swept through the misty forest.

Sylva did not suffer any damage under such an intensive offensive. In addition to using her body skills to avoid most of the meteorites, even if the inevitable meteorites hit her, she remained unscathed.

"waste time."

Silva only felt that the other party was trying to delay her pace. Just as she was about to counterattack, she found that the red dragon had already appeared in front of her.

"Is it really a waste of time?"

In Silva's shocked eyes, Li Ruomeng's dragon claw struck Silva's Dragon God Armor.


Silva's body fell straight to the ground, making a huge hole.

Li Ruomeng raised her right paw, and she was surprised to find that her right paw had disappeared. It was her unparalleled attack power that hit the Dragon God's armor, and the shock caused by it caused her entire right paw to turn into blood mist.

"So tough? No wonder you beat me so hard last time. You can be considered cheating!"

Li Ruomeng was a little unhappy. She felt that the numerical designer of this game must have had a fool's errand to design such a powerful NPC and then give her such props to let other players play how they want.

"Fortunately, I'm lucky enough"

The next second, as the fire element surged from the red dragon's body, her right claw instantly returned to its original state.

"I met Tiamat and got this red dragon."

At this moment, the intact Sylva appeared on the battlefield again.

However, Li Ruomeng not only did not get discouraged, but laughed heartily.

"Hahaha! That's it."

Feeling the sharp decrease in Silva's magic power, Li Ruomeng realized that although the opponent's armor could withstand his terrifying attack power, the amount of magic consumed was equally astonishing.

She looked at the Dragon God Tower in Pangxing City, which had begun to collapse.

"I told you why no matter how I hit you last time, it didn't consume magic or cause any damage. It turned out to be because your armor is connected to the Dragon God's Tower. Let me see how long you can last."

But the next second, a white light flashed.

The wings on Li Ruomeng's back were all chopped off. If it weren't for the hardness of the inverted scale on her neck, which was much stronger than ordinary scales, her head might have fallen off.

At this moment, the Dragon God's armor on Silva's body had completely changed its appearance.

The original rounded shape has been transformed into one full of thorns. Each thorn is a sharp blade. This is the second form of the Dragon God's Armor.

Li Ruomeng, who suffered the loss, did not hesitate at all, and instantly gave up the attack power bonus brought by the red dragon shape and transformed into a human form again. Her two severed dragon wings also shrunk and turned into a pair of dragon-winged swords in her hands.

"It is indeed you, Shanju."

At that moment, Silva was on top and Li Ruomeng was on the bottom.

As soon as the words fell, both sides disappeared from the spot at the same time and rushed towards each other.

The white-golden light and the dark red edge intertwined, and the battlefield in the misty forest completely turned into a restricted area of ​​life that no creature could approach, and the space was almost cut into pieces by both sides of the battle.

In Aung Star City, under the eyes of everyone, the Tower of Dragon God slowly collapsed.

Only then did they discover that there was a volcano wrapped inside the Tower of the Dragon God.

"Look! Who is that?"

Looking in the direction of the sharp-eyed citizens' fingers, it was Ciri who was wrapped in jet black gauze.

She jumped lightly into the volcano hidden by the Dragon God's Tower.

At that moment, there was no more sound at the scene, not because everyone was stunned, but at the moment when Xiri jumped into the volcano, almost everyone, no matter what level of residents, no matter what profession they held People, their eardrums all ruptured.

It was this loud noise that silenced the whole world.

Just when everyone was covering their ears in pain, a huge dragon claw appeared on the edge of the crater.

The huge dragon head poked out, and before everyone could recover, another dragon head appeared, and then another!

Until the fifth dragon head appeared, Ciri was lying quietly on the tallest dragon head, looking tired.

"The rest is up to you, Tiamat."

Turns out to be the evil dragon mother, Tiamat's true form has arrived in the Kingdom of Estalia.

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