Tan Xiao looked at his attribute panel in surprise. His level had reached Lv112.

Just this battle directly raised his level by 32 levels.

"This is impossible"

Since Tan Xiao went back in time, his upgrade has been extremely slow.

Even with the blessing of [War Honors] this time, his level should not have suddenly increased so much.

"Is it weird? Although I can kill all the beasts around me with just one finger, they are still quite strong for you."

Maistra's figure appeared and saw Tan smiling and making a fuss, and spoke softly.

"But my upgrade speed has been very slow before, and I don't know why."

Maestra glanced at Tan Xiao, then at the staff in his hand, and instantly understood something.

"So this is ah."

With a smile on her face, she turned around and left,

"Then you may have to ask your future self. Let's go. Now that you have completed the integration, we can move on to the next topic."

Tan Xiao didn’t know what Maistra meant.

"Ask me? Huh? What do you mean?"

Just looking at the giant eagle that had begun to swoop down from the sky, Tan Xiao quickly followed Maestra.

"Ah sneeze——!"

Above the Joshua Mountains, Vertus sneezed.

"What's going on? Can I, a god of the undead, sneeze? This is a bit unreasonable."

Wiltus rubbed his nose and could only attribute this phenomenon to atavism.

"Let's take advantage of the free time now to level up. It's only Level 80, which is a bit underwhelming."

Vertus glanced at his experience panel, and he naturally knew that even if his current level was only Lv80, it was all accumulated through his own hard work.

"It's not easy to force yourself into this."

He felt a little emotional about the extremely difficult upgrade journey, but his body had already reached the top of the Shadow Forest.

Wiertus looked at the Shadow Forest with cold eyes, and countless red dots appeared in his field of vision.

These are all the orcs he sensed, ranging in level from Lv7 to Lv50.

"Maggie Irmata. Shadow Water is such a familiar name."

He remembered the stories of his old friends from thousands of years ago and couldn't help but sigh,

"You really helped me a lot."

Vitus slowly raised his right hand, and the dark liquid dripped from his hand towards the Shadow Forest.

"But you actually plotted against me. This is a bit different from what we agreed on."

As the dark liquid continued to drip on the ground of the Shadow Forest, the liquid began to seep into the fertile land,

"So the merits and demerits are equal to each other. I won't destroy you orcs, but I won't let you take advantage. Now I have the right to collect some interest first."

The next moment, the release speed of these black liquids began to accelerate rapidly. Until a black river formed on the ground, and the liquid that seeped into the ground instantly polluted the groundwater of the Shadow Forest.

In an instant, countless ancient trees began to topple over, causing countless birds to fly into the air.

"Mosquito meat is also meat, so you have to take it easy now."

In the next second, all the birds and beasts in the air were instantly deprived of their lives.

Countless souls were sucked into Vertus's mouth,

"Wow, it tastes like marshmallows and won't keep you hungry!"

At this moment, a black river with a width of tens of meters has appeared on the ground of the Shadow Forest. Countless tributaries split from the main trunk of the river and began to spread to the entire forest, forming a black water. pulse.

Under these black water veins, wherever groundwater passes through, they all turn black.

Countless orcs were corroded the moment they came into contact with this black water vein, and the surrounding plants and trees continued to fall into the black water veins and completely dissolved.

However, these water veins cleverly avoided most of the orc lairs.

Countless orc cubs and unhatched eggs were left behind, and some low-level orcs also fled from the terrifying black water.

It's not their luck, but Veltus' intention.

"I will use the wandering water of Irmata, the former king of the beasts, to let you face destruction and usher in new life."

It is undeniable that Vertus's move directly changed the ecology of the Shadow Forest.

Let the distribution of power of the orcs in this area be completely destroyed, and the remaining orcs will be reshuffled, and anyone may become the co-owner of the Shadow Forest.

"The only drawback is that I have little experience."

At this moment, Vertus's level has reached Lv170.

The speed of this level improvement is terrifying, but in the eyes of Viertus, this is not enough.

"The interest here has been collected, and the venue has been vacated. Let's wait for Azikt to seize the time to open the plane channel."

Viertus' figure disappeared high in the Shadow Forest, and all the black water he released had disappeared.

Looking down at the entire Shadow Forest from a high altitude, one can see wide ditches appearing on the ground, which are all traces of the black water that once flowed.

The number of orcs has been reduced to ten, leaving only some cubs.

However, the good news is that during this period, the human race will come to Shadow Forest again to level up flawlessly.

There is no other reason, because a more terrifying and powerful enemy has appeared. That is the devil. At this moment, because the devil world is connected to the human world, the dark devil energy has spread to the middle of the Star Vein Kingdom, and has even enveloped the Obsidian Kingdom next to it.

This caused the Obsidian Kingdom to stop its war against the Star Pulse Kingdom, and began to continuously recall its troops and start building defenses.

At the same time, news of the invasion of the demon world has spread to all parts of the continent.

Dozens of kingdoms, including the Kingdom of Estalia, began to hold emergency meetings and sent several powerful assassins to the northern part of the Star Pulse Kingdom to investigate the situation.

At this time, Li Ruomeng got back into the game cabin with the help of Mei Qiuyun.

She hasn't opened the game Magic World for several days, because her old account's good spell must have been reset.

After putting in so much effort, Li Ruomeng was deeply shocked.

However, during her free time, she had nothing to do but sit in her wheelchair.

She longed for the feeling of being able to run freely in the magical world, and she also missed the pleasure of going to heaven and earth and casting magic.

So, she finally decided to return to the game cabin and return to the magical world.

Although she had to spend time practicing again, the pain was much better than sitting in a wheelchair every day.

"Aunt Mei, help me pay attention. If Mr. Tan wakes up and asks him to add me as a friend, it will be too easy to die by myself."

"Okay, miss, I will help you convey it when the time comes."

After hearing Mei Qiuyun's assurance, she finally felt relieved and entered the game cabin with peace of mind.

"I'm here again! I don't know what kind of skills I will get this time."

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