
A giant eagle flew in the sky. It looked towards the ground and discovered that countless of its kind seemed to be surrounding a strange creature.

It hovers high in the sky with great interest, calling out its companions and letting nearby companions come to watch the battle.

Being keen on corpses, it realized that it would be able to have a feast here today, so how could it miss such a good opportunity?

However, it also feels strange.

Not only because it saw a sudden increase in the strength of several acquaintances of the orcs, but also because it found that almost all of its fellow beasts had no intention of approaching the central area, but instead continued to release magic towards the central area.

In the center of the battlefield, although Tan Xiao was not out of breath, his energy was obviously listless.

There have been countless wounds on his body, all caused by the intensive attacks of these damn beasts.

Without exception, these wounds continued to release soul mist. As the surrounding beasts continued to compete for the soul mist, Tan Xiao would have some breathing space.

But after they absorbed the soul mist and their strength increased significantly, Tan Xiao's already precarious situation became even more critical.

His condition is declining rapidly, so much so that he can no longer avoid magic that is obviously not fatal.

At this moment, another ball of flame burst out from under his feet, and Tan Xiao's soul was instantly torn apart.

When the flames dissipated, the divided souls reunited again. Although he inevitably lost some soul mist, he also avoided the one-hit magic that should have killed him.

This is a skill that Tan Xiao has figured out during this period of time. Relying on this skill, which can be regarded as a life-threatening gamble, he has survived from certain death situations many times.

Tan Xiao glanced at the [Oath of the Dead] that was still unable to be used, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

"I'm afraid I'm going to die here today."

He didn't know that Maistra had already appeared not far away.

But no orcs were aware of Maestra's existence, including Tan Xiao.

"Is it almost done? Looks like I need to help."

At this moment, a giant python with a level of up to Level 77 had penetrated into the ground and was moving in the direction of Tan Xiao.

It's called the Poison Swamp Python, and it can create highly poisonous swamps.

Its cautious character prevented it from taking action until this moment, because it also noticed that Tan Xiao was in poor condition.

It was ready to monopolize this strange creature that obviously had great opportunities. As long as it secretly created a poisonous swamp and let Tan Xiao fall into it, the surrounding kin would no longer be able to compete with it.

The poisonous swamp python was in a great mood. After it took advantage of the chaos and successfully arrived directly below Tan Xiao, and felt the magic vibrations constantly coming from the ground, it began to use its magic power.

The surrounding soil began to rapidly liquefy, turning into puddles of black water.

The black water spreads at a speed visible to the naked eye until it forms an area with a radius of ten meters.

The ground where Tan Xiao was sitting visibly sank. Before he realized what had happened, the soil began to rapidly liquefy into black water.

The black water seemed to be alive and began to climb towards Tan Xiao.

"It's over."

Tan Xiaoru thought, and the Mystra in the distance also moved.

"about there."

However, as soon as she raised her right hand, she stopped.

The flash of magic disappeared from her fingertips. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the center of the battlefield.

"Oh? It seems I have pretty good taste."

The next second, a violent explosion sounded.

The dark venom produced by the poisonous marsh python shot out to the surroundings in the explosion. The chaotic beasts could not completely avoid the poisonous marsh python's venom, and their skin began to rapidly fester and smoke.

This moment made the whole scene become chaotic.

Chirp - chirp -

There were more and more giant eagles circling in the sky, and they cheered excitedly. It could be heard that they seemed to be gloating about the chaos on the ground.

After all, the more chaotic the battlefield, the more advantageous it is for them, and the more corpses and food they can pick up.

No one in the orcs knew what was going on. Only the poisonous swamp python directly below Tan Xiao looked up. Its snake message kept hesitating, and although Tan Xiao's figure could not be seen clearly, it detected something extremely terrifying.

Like a black hole, the poisonous swamp python wanted to escape. It twisted its body desperately, and the python's body shot towards the outside of the battlefield like an arrow.

But in the poisonous swamp python's sight, it vaguely saw its own body.

Before it even realized what was happening, its vision fell into darkness.

In fact, its body did escape.

But it really couldn't escape, because its soul had been absorbed by the staff that was raised again in Tan Xiao's hand.

The same scene appeared on the entire battlefield. Almost all the souls of the orcs were pulled out and began to move towards the staff in Tan Xiao's hand.

And their bodies are still moving towards the periphery due to inertia.

Tan Xiao felt the new staff in his hand. It had a new name, [Soul Abyss Mysterious Staff].

At this moment, the top of the staff kept making waves, and the remaining magic power from all the wounds on Tan Xiao's body was absorbed by the [Soul Abyss Mysterious Staff]. Using the absorbed magic power as a medium, the souls of the owners of these magic powers were absorbed by an incomparably majestic wave. Suction traction.

Tan Xiao knew that this was the mutation that occurred after the shadow water absorbed by [Arcane Heart] merged with the staff. The moment Tan Xiao fell into the poisonous pool created by the poisonous marsh python, his staff also Complete the fusion with [Arcane Heart].

His whole body was wrapped in a layer of faint golden light, and the soul mist began to stop dissipating, all being sealed in his soul. At the same time, Tan Xiao was also lifted up in the air by this layer of golden light, preventing him from falling into the poisonous swamp.

After a while, the souls of all the orcs in the Zhou area who had used skills on Tan Xiao and injured Tan Xiao were absorbed by the [Soul Abyss Mysterious Staff].

Only those orcs who hunt entirely with their bodies and have no magic skills are still standing on the battlefield.

At this moment, they no longer looked at Tan Xiao with the expression of looking at prey, but with extremely fearful eyes.

Almost all the surviving orcs tucked their tails between their legs and slowly retreated. After leaving Tan Xiao for a distance, they quickly disappeared into the forest and disappeared.

There were layers of corpses of orcs piled up around them, some intact, and some already corroded by the venom of the swamp python.

Only Tan Xiao was in the center of the battlefield, looking around, feeling a little confused for a moment.

Before he could react, a series of system reminders sounded in his ears.




After being interrupted countless times, he finally heard a complete system prompt,

"Ding - level up."

Tan Xiao was stunned on the spot because he looked at his panel and spoke in disbelief,

"It's not impossible."

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