
Shan Ju's desperate voice came. Her face was covered with blood at this moment, and all the bones in her body had been broken. The pain that had been weakened by the game system still swept through her perception.

At the same time, compared with her unimaginable attack power, her defense power is not outstanding, and her current state does seem a bit pitiful.

If you don't come out, I'm going to die! Tiamat!

However, even though she shouted heartbreakingly, the five-colored dragon called Tiamat did not appear.

So, the next second, Shanshu's head fell to the ground.

It seems that I suddenly remembered something,

What about Dr. Liu Lin? Why didn't you see her?

I don't know. I asked Dr. Liu Lin to check on Mr. Tan's condition when she was here. The final decision was to let him change from the helmet to the same game cabin as you, miss, without exiting the game. , using game cabins to sustain life.”

Li Ruomeng seemed a little surprised and puzzled by the fact that Tiamat had not appeared until the last moment.

Not much blood flowed from her neck because her blood had been basically drained from the battle just now.

She rubbed her head,

Ah, what a pity! This account should have been strong.

It seems that I have said too much,

Miss, why don't you get up? I'll take you out for a walk?

Recalling the encounter between the two parties in the misty forest, Li Ruomeng couldn't help but complain,

This character is really sinister!

Otherwise? She is the goddess of magic and the owner of the magic network. It took me nearly a thousand years to drag her down.

This was equipment they had not used in their last fight. Between the fluctuations and the ebbs and flows, how could Li Ruomeng withstand such an intense battle.

Mei Qiuyun suggested.

She looked at the door of her room with confused eyes, feeling annoyed for the death of the character she had played for so long.

So she was quickly defeated until she was beaten by Sylva so that she could not resist at all, and all the bones in her body were shattered.

Mei Qiuyun thought of Liu Lin's appearance when she left,

Mr. Tan cannot add you as a friend for the time being. He is unconscious in the game and is currently being cared for by engineers from the game company.

Li Ruomeng sighed. He didn't know how to explain it to his Aunt Mei, who didn't play games, and fell into a brief silence.

However, after confirming that the other party was Tiamat's messenger, she casually set Shanshu's body on fire and returned to Star City.

It was Silva who took advantage of the good curse, that is, when Li Ruomeng was too exhausted, to take out a set of obviously extraordinary armor from nowhere.

Let's wait for the good spell to return to this world again. I have planted a mark in her soul. I will be able to sense her as soon as she appears and give her a surprise then.

Over the misty forest, the black smoke from the burning corpse of Shanshu has been blown away by the strong wind at high altitude. Two vague figures are talking.

You heard me right, right?

Well, I'll wait for your news.

At this point, the two figures disappeared, not just because the exchange of important information had been completed.

Let's go out for a walk. I haven't been in the community for a long time. By the way, take me to see where Mr. Tan lives. I don't know how he is doing now.

What's more important is that Sylva, who is closely related to Bahamut, actually came back and reappeared here.

No need, no need now.

Then what's next?

Is it my imagination?

She was originally going to visit you, Miss. I don't know why, but she left after going to Mr. Tan's place.


You're going to die now?

Indeed, luckily we didn't rush out. As expected, Maestra has already reached that world one step ahead of us, and left many behind.

Is there any hidden plot?

Hearing Aunt Mei's words, Li Ruomeng sighed and spoke with some frustration,

The game character is dead and should have been reset. There is no need for teammates for the time being. Hey——

Li Ruomeng seemed a little surprised by the news about Mei Qiuyun.

how so?

Seeing that Li Ruomeng didn't speak, Aunt Mei spoke again,

By the way, miss, you just happened to be out of the cabin. I have two things to tell you.

Okay, miss.

I always feel that Dr. Liu Lin looks a little weird today.

Sylva carefully inspected the surroundings again, including the body of Shanshu that had been burnt to coke. She shook her head and returned to Pangxing City.


Li Ruomeng didn't know what to say for a moment. She didn't expect such a thing to happen, but then she heard Mei Qiuyun say,

It's okay, miss. I will go to Mr. Tan's place often. As long as there is nothing wrong with his health after he wakes up, I will ask him to add you as a friend as soon as possible.

At this moment, Mei Qiuyun walked in. She was surprised when she saw Li Ruomeng leaving the cabin early.

Miss? Why are you offline so early today? It's not your usual rest time yet?

Looking at Shan Ju's body, doubts flashed across Silva's face.

Aunt Mei came to Li Ruomeng's side, skillfully picked up an exquisite jade comb,

Thinking of the skill [Betrayal] that he had finally obtained and Tiamat's blessing, Li Ruomeng let out a long sigh.

It's starting over again now. How annoying. Speaking of which, why didn't Tiamat come out? As her messenger, shouldn't she help me?

What? There is such a thing?

However, neither of the two people who left the room noticed that a black mist enveloped Li Ruomeng's game cabin.

A line of black smoke floated out of the misty forest, and Shanshu's corpse curled up and twisted in the burning flames. The five colors of light flashed away and were never seen again.

The game character died, and Li Ruomeng, who was in a bad mood, left the game cabin with the help of Mei Qiuyun and sat in her wheelchair.

Mei Qiuyun skillfully pushed Li Ruomeng out of the room. This was the first time Li Ruomeng took the initiative to ask Mei Qiuyun to take her out after starting to play this game.

In Peninsula Garden, Li Ruomeng slowly got up from the latest game cabin.

She was cautious enough, but she still didn't know that a bigger conspiracy had already enveloped the Kingdom of Estalia.

That's right, Shan Ju's body did not disappear into a beam of light after death like other players. Instead, it was burned into ashes and slowly drifted away like the local residents.

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