We are here to chase an adventurer named Shanshu, not a spy!

Barbatos has woken up at this moment, and Ah Xing and the other two people have also woken up one after another.

They were surprised to find that they were imprisoned for no apparent reason, and Barbatos seemed to be still arguing fiercely.

Let's do it.

The warden who was the incarnation of a good curse originally didn't want to make a big move on this special day, but when she heard that Barbatos was actually chasing her, she suddenly became cruel and decided to solve the problem without stopping. At worst, this future trouble could change his identity and continue to lurk in Pangxing City.

Once again hearing the warden's order, Shanshu's subordinates holding broadswords gave up their resistance. The soft-spoken man could only choose to carry out the orders of his superiors.

In just a few seconds, four members of [Destiny], including Barbatos, lost their heads in an instant.


Silva seemed to have noticed something, and she looked towards the dungeon where the good spell was.

Who is disobeying the king's order and still executing prisoners today?

She covered Lina with a quilt, who had been put to sleep by her, and disappeared from the room the next second.

Deep in the dungeon, Silva's figure suddenly appeared,

what happened!?

Looking at the four corpses, Silva could not help but frown.

His Royal Highness Sisylva. This is

When the soldiers who were cleaning saw Silva's arrival, they naturally knew that today's execution had been known. They all knelt on the ground and could only tell the whole story.

Including Barbatos' last-minute conversation with Shanshu, Silva was keenly aware of the anomaly.

When she saw that the guild [Destiny] that Barbatos belonged to belonged to the same guild as her daughter, she looked around sharply.

Could it be.

Her figure suddenly disappeared, and only the dust rising on the ground proved that Silva had arrived.

is her!?

She had already guessed that there was something wrong with the warden who issued the killing order, and it was probably Shan Curse.

Sylva, who had already fought against the good spell once, came to the top of Pangxing City at this moment. She saw her hands clasped together, and a golden light curtain began to slowly lower from the top of Pangxing City.

Hey! Look, what is that?

Why is it broken? What happened?

In an instant, everyone in Aung Star City had not recovered from the joy of the princess' return, but their attention had been attracted by this sudden change.

Border breaking? Run away quickly. It doesn't look like a simple skill.

Listening to the words of the people around her, Shanju, who had transformed into another person, began to escape outside the city. She had to leave the boundary before it completely fell.

She didn't want to be caught in a trap. As long as she could escape, she would always have a chance to return to Pangxing City.

As a result, a pair of wings suddenly sprouted from Shan Ju's back, and she began to use any means necessary to escape from the broken area.

Got you.

Silva immediately saw the whereabouts of the good spell and once again accelerated the speed of casting the spell.

Have the opportunity!

The good spell did not count the consumption of magic power, and another pair of wings appeared, further speeding up her speed.

Look! What is that!

Quick! Stop her! His Highness Silva must have lowered the barrier to capture her!


In an instant, the whole city saw the conspicuous good mantra. Combat personnel with rich combat experience immediately guessed the purpose of Silva's world break, and it must be related to the guy who suddenly appeared.

Don't let her leave the city!

Those who had the ability to intercept Shan Ju took action almost at the same time, and all began to block Shan Ju's escape.

Another warrior jumped up high and tried to drag Shan Ju to the ground, but he was instantly cut into pieces before he could touch Shan Ju.

This is a terrifying scene caused by the super high attack power of the good curse combined with the wind blades fanned out by the two pairs of wings.

With this person's lesson learned, everyone spoke one after another,

Keep your distance and don't get close! This guy is very dangerous!

As a result, there were no unthinkable combat personnel in front of Shan Ju anymore, only long-range magics were restricting her actions.

Shan Ju's movements at this moment were clean and neat, with almost no redundant movements. Faced with these countless magic skills, he did not dodge and would rather resist them with his body than slow down his speed.

At this moment, she was only a few thousand meters away from the misty forest outside Ao Xing City.

Shan Ju's blood drew a straight red line in the air during her high-speed flight.

Two thousand meters to go!

She glanced at the broken boundary falling from the sky from the corner of her eyes, and estimated that the broken boundary would land less than two thousand meters away from her current position.


Shan Ju realized that he would probably still be locked up in Ao Xing City by breaking the boundary.


Another pair of wings sprouted from the back of the good mantra,


A mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth. It was obvious that the increased speed and the rapid consumption of magic power made her body overloaded in a short period of time.

However, the efforts of good mantras are still effective.

Her speed increased again, not only allowing her to escape from Pangxing City faster, but more importantly, it allowed her to avoid many skills that might have accumulated more damage for her.

Damn it! She's about to leave the confines of Aung Star City!

What are you magicians doing! Where are your skills!?

At this moment, in Angxing City, angry curses and anxious shouts were heard one after another. They had only one purpose, and that was to stop the good curse.

Humph, run away!

However, the speed of carrying the six-winged curse has reached an incredible level.

A circle of white mist appeared around her, which was a sign of breaking the sound barrier.

call out--

Her figure crossed the Star City and reached the top of the misty forest before slowly slowing down.


Shanshu began to gasp for air, and there were fine wounds on his body, all of which were oozing blood.

She looked at the completely formed world behind her and grinned.

Fortunately, I'm not locked in, otherwise I'd be in trouble.

Just when she thought she had escaped, Sylva's voice sounded,

You don't think I lowered the barrier just to trap you, do you?

At this moment, she had arrived above the misty forest from the sky above Pangxing City, looking at the good spell, her tone was cold,

The purpose of breaking the boundary is to protect Pangxing City from being affected by the battle between us. I didn't expect you to be so cooperative in escaping from Pangxing City. It actually saved me a lot of trouble.

The gorgeous clothes around Sylva were rustling in the strong wind at high altitude. At that moment, she looked at the good mantra like a judgmental god and spoke word by word,

Messenger of Tiamat, I will kill you now in the name of the Dragon God.

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