In the sky above the extremely cold tundra, dark evil energy continued to overflow and cover the sky and the sun.

Including Jinluo Village, everyone in the Xingmai Kingdom saw this apocalyptic scene.

Before most people could leave, they were captured and devoured by the swarming demons.

"Who asked you to eat all their souls?"

An obviously strong demon punched another demon on the head, so that the other demon had to spit out most of the human soul that had been swallowed.

"Keep it and take it back! Don't blame me for not reminding you, it won't be my fist that hits you on the head next time."

The demon who was punched knew that he was in the wrong and quickly calmed down his expression, and put the human soul into the specially made magic item in his hand.

Similar magic props were distributed to every demon. This was the preparation they had made before invading the human world.

All demons are ordered to collect human souls and are not allowed to devour them at will, and there are no restrictions on human bodies.

Before the plane well was opened, they had been waiting at the entrance of the devil's plane well for nearly decades.

No one thought that the plane well would be opened at this time, and they did not even see who opened the plane well.

High in the extremely cold tundra, a man with thorns on his back stood suspended in the air.

The wings on his back were also covered with thorns, and his eyes were sealed by thin black lines. Red liquid flowed out of the gaps, forming two tear tracks on his face.

His skin seemed to absorb the red liquid, absorbing it completely before it dripped.

"Your Highness, Agnes' body was found lying around."

The man with thorns on his back didn't speak, he just faced a certain direction and was constantly breathing the air of this world.

The air was filled with despair, fear, resentment, fear, and countless other human emotions, making him feel unprecedentedly happy.

"So, it's not the plane well opened by Agnas?"

His voice was hoarse and so penetrating that the demon next to him who came to report couldn't help but shudder.

"Yes, Your Highness, it is suspected that he died due to the skills of the undead."


He turned his head, his sealed eyes opened slightly, and fiery energy leaked from his eyes.

Two vaguely visible golden pupils suddenly appeared, staring at each other,

"Let me keep this account in mind, and I'll let Vitus pay it back."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Closing his eyes, the demon returned to the state he was in before, and then asked,

"Go and find Mammon. I want to ask him why he doesn't open the door for us. Are you crazy about making money in this world?"

Having said this, he couldn't help but whisper,

"It made us have to go around in such a big circle to find Viertus to cooperate, and then reluctantly came to this world. The council will convict him based on his answer and let him prepare."

"Yes! Your Highness Leviathan!"

There is only one demon in the demon world who can be called Leviathan, and that is Ivor Leviathan.

As the head of the Leviathan family, Yifu already stands at the top of the entire demon world's pyramid.

The moment Yifu spoke, an old beggar in the Obsidian Kingdom quickly stood up from the ground. As the most famous beggar in Huite City, this was the first time in these years that he had left this position before the sun had set. .

You know, even when the Star Pulse Kingdom attacked last time, he didn't even move.

"Damn it, it's obviously Viertus who didn't let me open the door, why do you blame me? Are you still being unreasonable?"

He cursed and said words that no one could understand. People in Huitie City were surprised as to why this old beggar didn't continue to lie on the roadside begging for money today.

"You want me to go to the parliament? Unless my surname is not Mammon!"

His name is Gurid Mammon, he is the head of the Mammon family, and he is also the founder of today's monetary system.

With the opening of the plane well, the entire world began to fall into chaos, centered on the Star Pulse Kingdom.

The demonic aura continues to spread, and the northern part of the Star Pulse Kingdom has been completely shrouded in demonic aura, turning it into a dark night.

As for the royal capital, Star Flash City, at this moment, except for the dead DeWitt, the other three grand dukes were present again.

When they saw each other, they were relatively speechless.

This was the first time that they had met one after another in such a short period of time, and this meeting was related to the life and death of the entire Star Pulse Kingdom.

"Now that the plane well where Farr is stationed has been opened, and the demon army has poured into the Star Pulse Kingdom, the goddess of courage is about to revive, right?"

"Yes, I have also heard about what happened in the Star Flash City Temple. For a magic circle of that level to be broken so easily, the gods must have taken action."

Mordred interrupted the conversation between William and Ferdinand with a serious tone,

"The Goddess of Courage has not yet fully recovered."

This sentence alone pushed the already heavy atmosphere to the brink of collapse.

"Then we have no way to resist those terrible demons. The thousand-year history of the Star Pulse Kingdom will end in our generation?"

"Survival with a broken arm."

Chris, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, but his expression was also not very good-looking, and it seemed that he had used all his strength to make such a decision.

None of the three Grand Dukes around him spoke, neither refuted nor agreed.

Until Mordred broke the suffocating silence, his thick voice slowly spoke,

"I agree."

William and Ferdinand looked at each other. They both saw helplessness and sadness in each other's eyes, and each nodded in agreement.

As a result, the most stringent decree since the founding of the Xingmai Kingdom was promulgated.

Centering on the three remaining Grand Dukes' territories, all combat personnel gathered their battle lines and retreated to the Grand Dukes' territories.

At the same time, there are extremely strict requirements for level and age.

All elderly people, non-combatants, and women who had lost the ability to have children were excluded and were not allowed to enter the city.

At the same time, all children who did not meet the potential test were also given up.

As soon as this decree came out, almost all the city lords were stunned. They didn't understand what happened.

Until the battle reports of large-scale demons appearing in the extremely cold tundra were sent to them one after another. As the lords of a city, they had more knowledge and instantly realized the intention of King Chris's decree.

"The Star Pulse Kingdom may be destroyed."

This is what everyone thinks, and it didn't even take half a day for them to go from the first acquaintance to the demon race to fear.

"The human world is indeed the most fertile soil."

Yifu felt the despair in the air suddenly thicken several times, and he suddenly had the intention to break the agreement.

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