Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 214 Becoming an Apprentice

You must have been frightened by me, right? Okay, I'm just teasing you!

Jin patted Tan Xiao, whose eyes were dull, and said with a smile,

I won't let you starve to death. I know you are concentrating on your research. If you run out of food, come to my house to ensure that you can survive the winter safely.

Jin thought Tan Xiao had taken his joke seriously, and he was a little confused for a moment, so he reminded,

Go home and rest early. Stop playing with your magic all day long. Life is not just about magic.

He didn't know if it was the warmth and familiar touch of Jin's hand that made many memories begin to emerge in Tan Xiao's mind. Suddenly, a memory about a person caught his attention.


He thought of a court magician named Mednit. This was the only clue that Tan Xiao could find related to a thousand years later.

The next second, under Jin's strange gaze, Tan Xiao rushed towards the house belonging to Mednit, the palace magician's residence that he had arrived several times but never dared to enter.

This guy

Jin shook his head and returned to his room. He only felt that Vitus was so abnormal today, but he attributed all this to Vitus's excessive research.

When Tan Xiao opened Mednit's room, a beautiful woman slowly raised her head. The moment she saw Tan Xiao, she was startled at first, and then smiled and said,

You're here?.

She felt the abnormality of Vertus in her eyes with just one glance.

Let me guess, when did you come back? Five hundred years? No, no, no, eight hundred years?

Seeing that Tan Xiao had no reaction, the woman named Mednit smiled and said,

It turns out I'm from a thousand years later. I'm really awesome. Hahaha.

Mednit stretched out his slender right hand toward Tan Xiao and said,

It's a pleasure to meet you. I believe you are the best helper I can prepare for myself in the future. Let's get to know each other again. I come from the God Realm. My name is Mystra, and I am in charge of the magic network.

She bluntly revealed her true identity, not just because she felt the power of time and space coming from the other person.

More importantly, the opponent still has the aura of [Arcane Heart] on his body, and this [Arcane Heart] is the artifact she is still forging at this moment.

It seems that in the end the [Arcane Heart] was successfully forged by me. It's very good.

Maestra didn't mean to check [Arcane Heart]. This was her pride as the goddess of magic. Even if the answer was right in front of her, she would not choose to take a shortcut.

Or maybe she already knows that as long as she looks at [Arcane Heart], she will truly fail and will never be able to successfully forge this artifact again, and the world will even have a space-time gap.

And Tan Xiao will always be trapped in the gap between time and space, never able to leave, and trapped in a circle of paradox.

Maestra ignored Tan Xiao’s confused reaction and continued to speak,

Your current magical attainments

She shook her head,

The lowlands are a bit pitiful. The unstable elemental corridors and the messy undead magic, this is

Maestra looked at Tan Xiao with interest.

Oh, you actually have some experience in time magic, but it was completely stripped away. No wonder you were sent back by me and your soul can remain so intact. It turns out that you are still somewhat resistant to time retrieval!

She rubbed Tan Xiao's slightly messy hair,

Okay, from today on, you are my apprentice, so you must study hard! Otherwise

Maestra gestured with his palm on his neck as a warning to Tan Xiao.

I will kill you.

At this moment, Maestra suddenly noticed a prop on Tan Xiao.

Huh? This is.

Unexpectedly, the [Heart of the King], which had been almost forgotten by Tan Xiao, fell out. It was a prop he got from Shadow Fang.

Char's props, what do you want this for? Jianguo? Reputation means nothing to people like you.

After saying that, Maestra's eyes suddenly lit up,

You should give it to the person you think is most suitable to be the king of this land. After all, it belongs to Shire. Although I don't know why it fell on you, but don't use it in vain. Don't waste it.

After saying all this, Maestra patted Tan Xiao on the shoulder,

Okay, the chat is over, today's training is about to begin.

Joshua Mountains, Wiltus suddenly shuddered,

Hey - what's going on? Is it the influence of the game cabin? Why are there strange memories emerging?

He thought of the memory of when he was just transported back to Maestra thousands of years ago.

Damn, just thinking about it makes me feel a little scary.

Vitus shook his head. Maistra was not by his side, which made him a little uncomfortable.


He shouted hello, and Rohr also appeared in front of him.

You go back to the Shadow Forest, open the plane passage between the Shadow Fall Realm and the Human Realm, and prepare for the Land of End to receive a large number of dead souls.

Vertus looked towards the direction of the extremely cold tundra and spoke slowly,

Next, until eternal night falls, our plan can continue to be implemented.

After saying that, he suddenly remembered something,

Griffin's soul, please let him go home in peace. Don't use such despicable methods again. It makes me a little sick.

Luo Er lowered his head and said nothing, but his right hand trembled slowly, as if he was frightened by Tan Xiao's words.

Yes, Your Highness, I am unscrupulous.

The next second, Griffin's soul, which was detained by the soul-destroying knight Azikt, appeared instantly, then disappeared again, flying to the end.

Luo Er didn't get up for a long time, not because he didn't want to get up, but because he couldn't get up at all.

Because, at this moment, he had tears streaming down his face.

Wiltus said nothing more and disappeared together with the Book of the Dead.

At this moment, he had arrived at an altitude of 10,000 meters, overlooking the Star Pulse Kingdom.

Wiltus looked towards the far east, where the Kingdom of Estalia is located.

Ha, so you ran there, no wonder.

He was speaking of the Good Mantra, the messenger of Tiamat,

It's not right for you to be a good five-color dragon queen. She insists on messing around. Wait.

Veltus obviously had some conflict with Tiamat in the past thousand years. His tone was full of murderous intent.

I'll beat you until your father, Io, doesn't even recognize you.

Far away in the Kingdom of Estalia, Shan Curse felt something in his heart. He looked in the direction of the Star Pulse Kingdom, but heard his subordinates around him speaking again,

Warden, today is the day when Her Royal Highness the Princess returns to the country. Isn't it inconvenient to take action? It would be bad to see blood, right?

He was holding a big sword, and there were several people kneeling in front of him. They were the people from the [Destiny] Guild.

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