Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 206 The battlefield appears

Roel, why are you back?

The speaker was Dom, Rolle's best friend in the City of No Return. Dom, who was participating in the reconstruction work in the City of No Return, saw his friend Rolle who had not been seen for a long time. He rushed over in surprise and hugged Rolle tightly. Body,

After living in Jinluo Village for a while, has your body become so strong?

Dom patted Rolle's obviously stronger body and continued,

I am preparing to go to Jinluo Village during this period. You see, after my house is built, I want to go over and find you. Why did you come back first?

Rohr didn't know what to say for a moment. He looked at the familiar friend in front of him and was speechless.

Dom noticed something was wrong with Brewer, and he patted Roll on the shoulder.

What's wrong? What happened? Go in and talk slowly.

Dom patted the back of Rolle, whose body had undergone tremendous changes. Rolle, who was originally thin, was now so strong that he was no less powerful than a strong warrior.

Something happened in Jinluo Village. I won't go back in a short time. I want to find someone.

Luo Er's expression was solemn, as if something was weighing on his heart. His left hand subconsciously squeezed his right hand with such force that even Dom felt a little strange. However, Roel's next words interrupted his thinking,

I'm going to find a man named Feng Sheng.

Feng Sheng? What a familiar name.

Dom was thoughtful, and then he suddenly stood up with a slap on his thigh,

Isn't Feng Sheng the adventurer who was wanted some time ago? He has been executed long ago!

Hearing this, Luo Er's expression was panicked. He quickly stood up, squeezed his right hand tightly, and said in a panic,

I'm a little uncomfortable! I'm going out for a while! Don't come to me!

After saying that, he ran out of the door as if running away.

Dom didn't expect this. When he wanted to chase Rolle, the other person's figure had disappeared around the corner of the street.


Dom's eyes were full of worry, and he had noticed something strange about Rolle.

In the ruins of Wuhui City,

Impossible! He is definitely not dead, otherwise it would be impossible for him to appear in the Shadow Fall Realm and return to the human realm from my station!

The voice did not come from Rohr, but from a skeletal mouth on his right hand. This was Azikt's voice.

Why don't you let me ask him carefully? You should still remember our agreement, right?

Don't hurt Dom, he is my last friend here! If you dare to do anything to him, I will commit suicide and you will die too!

Luo Er leaned against the broken wall, tears already falling from the corners of his eyes.

Azikt stopped talking. There was a ball of light in its right hand that was being continuously kneaded and shaped into various shapes.

That is Griffin's soul, Azikte said slowly,

Kid, remember, your partner's soul is still in my hands.

An eye appeared on Rohr's right arm, looked at Rohr, and sighed quietly,

Forget it, I won't embarrass you anymore, just arrest anyone. Since all your friends know about it, I guess it's not a secret.

Azct didn't want to push Rolle too hard, as it had sensed Rolle's mental instability. So, it took the initiative to take a step back, giving Rohr some breathing space.

Luo Er wiped the tears from his face, stood up, and walked towards the reconstructed area of ​​Wuhui City.

Now, in order to regain Griffin's soul, he can only choose to follow Azikt's arrangements.

In Jinluo Village, the moment Tan Xiao and his party walked into the room where Luo Er once lived, they instantly entered a fighting stance.

A layer of vague space barrier was spread all over Leo, which was a defensive posture to prevent attacks from unknown sources.

And the reason why they had such a reaction was entirely because this room was filled with rich and pure traces of the undead life.


The scene fell into extreme silence for a while, but there was no movement for a long time. Then they slowly took down their defense and looked around cautiously.

This is.

Only Chrollo's magic power was still a little disordered. She quietly felt the magic power around her.

This is the magic of Aztec! It must be Aztec!

She discerned the ownership of the magic power and couldn't help but exclaimed,

Has it already come to the human world?!

But Salton interrupted her,

It's probably not its true body, but part of its body that was sent over. These are the magic powers that it exuded when it was dormant.

Salton found patterns in the remaining traces,

. What came... was probably its right hand.

Leo disappeared instantly, and only the sound came from the distance,

I'm going to ask who has lived in the room here. Let's see if there are any other clues!

Not long after, Leo returned to the room. At the same time, he opened a message scroll. He sat on a chair and carefully drew a person's appearance. The message scroll was instantly burned and destroyed.

And this picture has appeared on a table in the King's Castle of Star Pulse City, the capital of Xingmai King.

This table belonged to King Chris. He slowly unfolded it. In addition to a delicate face, there was also a line of small words at the bottom of the message scroll:

The King of the Undead has come to the world, and the whole country is preparing for war.

At that moment, all the power of the Star Pulse Kingdom was mobilized, and secret messages were sent to various cities with only one purpose: to find the young man named Luo Er and monitor him.

At this moment, Luo Er didn't know that a dragnet had already enveloped him.

He was grabbing a strange young man, and stabbed the other man's head with his right hand. The blood slowly dripped from his right hand to the ground, making a ticking sound.

Have you really been executed in public? You shouldn't have!

Azikt was obviously suspicious, but the memory it ingested did show that the adventurer named Feng Sheng had been executed.

Did those guys at Winterdeath Keep make a mistake?

Just when it was still thinking about the next arrangement, it suddenly opened its eyes and looked towards the north.


It captures fluctuations that are difficult for ordinary people to capture, which are fluctuations caused by the collision between the devil and the dragon god.

Impatient guy!

Azikt murmured in a low voice, and then ordered Roel,

Now, rush to the location of the well in the extremely cold tundra as quickly as possible, and you have to wipe their butts again.

A terrifying explosion occurred at the well in the extremely cold tundra, attracting the attention of combat personnel from surrounding villages and cities.

what happened?

I don't know, it's coming from the depths of the extremely cold tundra.

Go and have a look?


Similar conversations appeared in various cities, and Tan Xiao and his party from Jinluo Village had already set off.

Tan Xiao and Leo were the most sensitive to this breath, because they had both been exposed to it, and it was the breath of the devil.

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