Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 207 Enemies meet on a narrow road

Kingdom of Estalia, west coast.

Four people were lying on the beach, being constantly beaten by the waves. Not far from them, there was a hull that had long since fallen apart. It seemed that they were victims of an accident while crossing the sea and were washed ashore.

There are already carrion birds in the sky, staring at the four people below and starting to circle and fly. They are confirming the life and death of the four people below, which determines whether they can have a good meal today.

However, they are obviously going to be disappointed today.

Because one of the warrior-looking men had woken up and looked around confusedly.

This is.

He is Barbatos from the [Destiny] Guild, and the three people beside him are Asing, Bach and Selina.

This is the Kingdom of Estalia?!

Barbatos checked his map and found that the area he was in had been changed from the Star Pulse Kingdom to the Estalia Kingdom.

He quickly stood up and rushed toward the surrounding union members. Barbatos wanted to wake them up, but none of the three responded.

Barbatos guessed that these three people were not online, so he could only slowly drag their bodies to the shadow of the seaside woods.

The scavenging birds in the sky are of a high level, and the weak Barbatos does not want to conflict with them at this time, and also to provide shade from the sun. The sunshine on the coastline has to be said to be a bit harsh.

After arranging everyone, Barbatos finally sat down with peace of mind, leaned under a big tree, and began to confirm his status.

The endless wind and waves on the sea during this period almost wiped them out. If they hadn't been determined, they might have reset their characters.

The only good thing is that they seem to have gained a lot of experience during this period of struggle on the sea.

And after they struggled to land, they were forced offline by the system. A 24-hour countdown appeared in Barbatos' vision. At this time, he had just finished the countdown and was able to go online again.

So much news?

As soon as he opened the chat interface, he saw dozens of messages, all from Tan Xiao,

They all belong to Lord Feng Sheng. It's over, it's over. There must be something urgent.

At this moment, the sound of breaking wind sounded from beside him, and before he could realize who it was, he felt like he had been punched in the head.

In an instant, his vision turned black again, and another countdown appeared.

It's over now. We were attacked by surprise?

In real life, looking at the countdown displayed in the helmet, Barbatos, whose real name is Li Shuo, could only take off his helmet and click on the forum.

He thought for a while and created a new post on the forum called Destiny Gathering.

Li Shuo thought that since he wanted to find Feng Sheng who also belonged to [Destiny] through this method, it would be better to find other members of his guild as well.

Naturally, there was a renewed discussion on the player Feng Sheng on the forum, because he was the president who single-handedly established [Destiny], but he was wanted nationwide by the Star Pulse Kingdom for a certain task.

In the eyes of these players, Tan Xiao must have changed his ID, reset his character, and started leveling up again bit by bit.

They felt that Tan Xiao, who had lost the opportunity, would never be able to catch up with the first-tier players, and the Destiny Guild would gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

However, they didn't know that Tan Xiao's level had already reached L80, and he even went to the extremely cold tundra that they had no way of reaching now.

Because, except for Tan Xiao, the highest-level players are only Lv77, and a large number of players have not even been able to change jobs for the first time.

It wasn't because their progress was slow, but more because they were so greedy during leveling that they accidentally died on the way to leveling up.

So they had to reset their character in order to continue playing.

At the same time, these players have begun to realize that the flow of game time has begun to synchronize with the real world.

From the initial flow rate of six times, it has now reached three times the flow rate. This made them ask more questions about the game planning, and they all thought it was a change made to extend the life of the game.

The strange thing is that the game development company has never responded directly, so apart from making complaints in the forum, no one will really start to boycott the game.

After all, with the promotion of the game Wizarding World, players who have played it once will never be able to give up again.

Even if you leave for a short time due to character reset, you will gradually rekindle your interest in the game amidst the overwhelming publicity around you, and eventually return to the magical world.

And this player with a level as high as Lv77 is Shan Curse.

At this moment, she suddenly transformed into the warden of Pangxing City in the Kingdom of Estalia.

During this period, she frequently changed her identity in order to be able to play her changing roles seamlessly.

Since she came to the Kingdom of Estalia, probably because of Sylva's order, the entire country has been under martial law, and Shanju must be cautious to barely survive here.

After all, with her current ability, there is no way to capture the Dragon God Tower and occupy the plane well at once.

And Tiamat seems to have fallen into a deep sleep, and will not be able to count on it for a while.

Therefore, she could only start from the most inconspicuous servant and observe the lifestyle of the superiors little by little, which allowed her to become the warden she is today without anyone noticing anything unusual.

Today, a few obviously special people were captured in her prison.

Hmm? Adventurer? Also a player?

Shan Ju looked at the people in front of him and felt they looked familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he had seen them before.

Until she saw the guild [Destiny] written on the other party's message, she suddenly thought about the two guys who made her feel bad.

How could it be them? What are they doing in Estalia?!

Shan Shu was shocked and doubtful in his heart, but he opened his mouth,

Since they were found on the seaside, we can't rule out that they are spies from neighboring countries. They will be locked up in the dungeon at the bottom. When they wake up, they will immediately notify me to interrogate them!

She left after saying that, not wanting to stay here any longer.

Yes! Lord Warden!

The armored soldier beside Shan Ju spoke quickly, and at the same time, he was still a little happy in his heart.

He knew that their team had made a meritorious deed this time. He had never seen such a nervous warden before. These guys must have a lot to do with it.

As a sap, he shook his armor.

Did you hear everything? Hurry up!

There was already a hint of officialdom in his expression,

Hurry up and throw these people into the lowest dungeon! Keep your spirits up and keep a close eye on them! If there is any movement, notify me immediately!

Yes! Sir!

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