At the same moment when Tan Xiao and Leo met in Jinluo Village, DeWitt and Garner also appeared in the arctic tundra.

And their target is very clear, it is the plane well where Farr is located.

Although DeWitt still looks like an old man, the aura he displays is completely different from that of the twilight old man. He is more like a ferocious beast that wants to kill in the human world.

Because beneath DeWitt's skin, his true identity is Agnas of the Demon World, a pure-blooded demon.

When they passed several villages, Agnas couldn't help but want to massacre them several times. Although his condition has returned to its peak, the human blood food can still improve his body a lot, but in the end he restrained his impulse.

After all, as long as the demon army reaches the human world, there will be many such opportunities, and he is unwilling to cause trouble.

The fact that Lina was not killed before and the Dragon God finally succeeded in descending on her made Agnas a lot more cautious.

What's that called Falon? Falio? Ah, I remembered, it's called Fal, right?

Agnus's scornful voice sounded. Not causing trouble was already his most cautious behavior. For Farr, he really didn't think there was any possibility for the other party to stop him.

Especially in Ghana's mouth, the opponent's previous strength was not even as good as Ghana.

How come that guy named Farr is favored by Dragon God Bahamut?

This question is what Agnas is most curious about. As far as he knows, followers of the Dragon God should be active in the far east and should not appear here.

It should have something to do with his wife. His wife came from the other side of the sea.

Garner's attitude was respectful. Regarding the devil in front of him, he just felt like he was walking a tightrope every day, for fear of offending him.

It was after being with her wife that Farr became a believer in uncleanness.

Having said this, Garner thought of something and continued to speak,

The apostle of the Dragon God that day is none other than their daughter, named Lina Klein.

Agnas nodded, and then stopped getting closer.

He looked not far ahead. A man covered in chains was emitting terrifying heat. Blood flowed from his body and dripped along the chains onto a stone platform.

Agnus had a weird smile on his face, which looked particularly charming under DeWitt's skin.

Archduke DeWitt? Ghana?

The person who spoke was none other than Far Klein, the great magician of ice and fire who was imprisoned here.

What are you here for? Is it for Leo?

Far only felt that the aura of DeWitt in front of him was a little strange. The sense of decay was completely gone, replaced by majestic vitality.

Leo is dead.

Garner on the side took a step forward and spoke the news.

Farr frowned.

Dead? Hasn't the previous situation stabilized?

There was obviously a puzzled look on his face. Farr didn't think Leo would die easily. He thought of a possibility,

Could it be

Yes, that demon is not dead yet, Leo was killed by him.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, causing Farr's heart to be in such a state of turmoil that he lost his mind for a moment.

At this moment, Ghana's platinum sword appeared behind Far's head.

I'm sorry. Please go die.

Garner had already arrived in front of Far, and the blade of the platinum sword had embedded itself in Far's neck, slicing his skin.

The skin on Agnes' body has fallen off, revealing his original appearance.

The despicable knight really makes me sick, but this picture is so beautiful! The holiness tarnished by filth makes me feel so happy!

In Jinluo Village, Tan Xiao, his party and Leo appeared again.

The villagers are still surrounding the deceased. It has begun to snow heavily at this moment. The children among the villagers have been taken home by the old people, and most of the remaining ones are women.

They were unwilling to leave, even if the tears had frozen on their faces, they seemed unaware.

Let's go and see if there are any clues in the village.

Tan Xiao was stunned as he looked at the scene in front of him. Too many painful memories from his past life came to his mind, causing him to subconsciously clench his fists.


He turned to look at Salton and Chrollo,

Don't miss any clue.

Tan Xiao's tone was so serious that Ace and Uther, who were following behind them, tightened their hoods. They shouldn't have felt the cold, but they felt that their souls were freezing.

Half a day later, when the sky was about to turn completely dark and the houses in Jinluo Village began to light up lights, Chrollo and Salton stood in front of a ruin.

It's the trace left by Ye Ying.

Chrollo dug up the ground to reveal frozen soil.

There is a trace of dark red blood in the soil, which exudes an evil aura. It is Ye Ying's blood.

There are no traces of large-scale battles around, and the concentration of blood seems to be abnormally high.

Chrollo rubbed the remaining blood on the ground. Although he didn't believe it, he still expressed his judgment.

It's most likely the blood that flowed out after its soul container was broken.

How can it be?

Tan Xiao was the first to exclaim, and he faced Ye Ying directly. He clearly understood Ye Ying's strength, how could he be injured by a strong human race without reacting at all.

No, it's possible

At this time, Salton spoke slowly, his tone a little trembling,

If it doesn't dare to resist

Why doesn't it dare to resist? Even Leo.

As soon as Tan Xiao said this, he suddenly stopped talking.

You mean that the higher-level undead is one of the Thirteen Thrones? That makes Ye Ying unable to resist? The higher-level undead didn't come to join Ye Ying?

The incident suddenly became so confusing that even Chrollo stopped talking.

At this moment, as the wind and snow became heavier and heavier, an old man braved the wind and snow and came to Tan Xiao and his party.

Your Excellencies, if you need a place to stay today, go to that house. The original owner of the house has disappeared. He must have been killed. He didn't leave any wreckage behind. What a good boy!

The old man is the current acting village chief of Jinluo Village. He has been following Tan Xiao and Leo from a distance, for fear that they might need help.

But now that the temperature is getting lower and lower, he can't stand it anymore, so he can only say hello and prepare to leave.

Thank you. You can go back and rest first.

Tan Xiao naturally understood what the old man meant and answered politely.

After he helped the old man leave and returned again, Leo spoke,

Then let's take a rest first and sort out the situation.

Tan Xiao nodded and walked towards the house that lost its owner.

At this moment, they still don’t know that the original owner of this house was named Luo Er.

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