Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 204 Exchange of Information

On the way from Jingxi City to Jinluo Village, Tan Xiao took the lead. He was quite familiar with the terrain in this area and moved very fast.

Salton had never seen Tan Xiao in such a state. He and Chrollo looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

They could have gone directly to Jinluo Village through Chrollo's space channel, but at Tan Xiao's request, they were ordered to carefully check for any signs of abnormalities on the way to Jinluo Village, trying to find some clues around Jinluo Village. .

When they reached the edge of Jinluo Village, faint cries kept coming from the distance. Tan Xiao squinted his eyes and looked far away, seeing corpses neatly placed on the snow.

The pure white snow is like coffins, carrying the weight of the deceased.

Each corpse was surrounded by a group of people, crying bitterly. Even though some time has passed, they still can't let go of the dead person in front of them.

When Tan Xiao and his entourage approached, some of them noticed these outsiders, their eyes full of wariness.

The old man holding the knife came out and looked at Tan Xiao and his party nervously. This was the last living force in Jinluo Village. Almost all the warriors in their prime were dead. They were among the few who did not participate in the battle because they had no fighting ability.

Who are you?!

The leader of the group, the old man, raised his knife and looked at Tan Xiao warily.

We are people who came from Jingxi City after receiving the news. What exactly happened here?

Tan Xiao glanced around, as if looking for someone.

That is.

His eyes suddenly fell on a certain corpse,

.Is that, Griffin?

It was only at this moment that the old man's hand holding the knife slowly relaxed and hung down weakly.

As if sensing Tan Xiao's heartfelt sadness, the old man lost his guard and wiped his eyes without saying anything, just nodded slightly.

Tan Xiao walked slowly, passing through the corpses, ignoring the gazes of the surrounding villagers in Jinluo Village, and walked towards Griffin's corpse.

You guy.

Tan Xiao squatted in front of Griffin, looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar face, so many memories came to his mind at once.

And lying next to Griffin was Mara.

There is an unnatural dent in the clothes on Mara's chest, which is a fatal injury on Mara's body. Even with the efforts of the villagers to protect it, it was still obvious that Tan Xiao could see it at a glance, showing the hideousness of the wound.

And you

Tan Xiao fell to the ground and lowered his head.

You two guys, you didn't die in your last life. Why?

At this moment, a terrifying loud noise fell from the sky, and the sonic boom completely broke the sad atmosphere here.

All the villagers screamed and fled towards Jinluo Village, thinking that the enemy attack was coming again.

Before Tan Xiao could react, strong spatial fluctuations had already appeared, and a circle of spatial barriers instantly appeared around him.

Chrollo's expression became solemn, she felt the threat of death, and the person who came was not easy to deal with.

She looked at the figure that landed in the middle of the corpse, but did not overturn any of the corpses around her. The clothes on her body began to flutter slowly, which was a sign that her magic power was fully activated.

The magic power on Salton and other undead people also began to surge, and the soul-eating butterfly flew out of the mutated demon-hating beetle's chest, preparing to flap its wings and start releasing scale powder.

Tan Xiao saw the person coming and stood up with difficulty. He released the [Fantasy Butterfly Embrace] and revealed his true face.

At the same time, there is also his paladin certificate.

Sir Leo, long time no see.

The murderous intent on the field was instantly eliminated, and Leo's surprised voice sounded,

Your Excellency Feng Sheng?! You

He glanced at the guys around him who clearly exuded the stench of the undead, and said in disbelief,


It's a long story. I didn't expect that I would meet you here without seeing you in Jingxi City.

The next second, all the figures present disappeared. It was Leo's skill.

What's going on? What's going on with them?

Leo was also frightened when he saw Tan Xiao suddenly appearing.

He had just received news of the accident in Jinluo Village at the main castle of Jingxi City. Although it had been some time since the incident, this was already the fastest speed for a non-combatant. The villager was almost exhausted when he arrived at Jingxi City from Jinluo Village.

During the conversation with the city lord, after Leo learned about the tragedy in Jinluo Village, he rushed here immediately, only to see Tan Xiao and his party.

He was keenly aware that except for Tan Xiao and Gilga, the other figures had more or less undead magic power, and he thought it was an enemy attack.

So, the previous scene happened.

Tan Xiao heard Leo's question, so he briefly described his experience of meeting Ye Ying, entering the Shadow Fall Realm, and finally escaping back to the human world.

Finally, he did not forget to add,

They are all my servants now and will not have any impact on the human race.

Only then did Leo understand why there were so many undead around Tan Xiao suddenly.

The alertness on his body finally slowly subsided, not only because of Tan Xiao's explanation, but also because of the paladin's certificate that still maintained its purity.

Okay, I believe in you, and I believe in His Highness Pope Elijah.

Until this time, the sights locked on Leo also disappeared, and the atmosphere relaxed.

Jinluo Village, do you have any acquaintances?

Leo was a little surprised. Seeing that Tan Xiao had just reached Level 80, logically he shouldn't have any acquaintances in Jinluo Village.

Tan Xiao did not answer this question, but asked Salton,

Who do you think did this?

There are traces of night shadows, but...

Salton was a little hesitant. It wasn't quite sure of its judgment, but Chrollo continued,

There is still a more advanced undead aura left.

Is it the work of the undead?

Leo said somewhat unexpectedly,

I thought it was

His body tensed up involuntarily, not like the tense situation before, but more like the tension of being threatened by his life.

.It's the demon named Agnus.

Tan Xiao's expression became serious. The existence of this demon was also one of the reasons why he came to Leo. He wanted to know what happened.

Leo's narration sounded in the room, and all the beings around him felt the chaotic magic around Leo. This was not an instinct that could be suppressed by will, but the fear of Leo's body after he saved his life after experiencing a near-death experience.

Tan Xiao's expression became more and more serious, and he knew the seriousness of the matter.

Actually, such a powerful demon has come to this world. Another question also appeared in his mind.

Is the demon named Agnas really dead?

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