I didn't expect that the reunion would be like this.

In Salton's three-story cabin, the weak Blaze spoke.

At this time, all the dirt on his body had been washed away, and Tan Xiao was shocked to see the rotten and inflamed wounds exposed.

Stop talking and let the priest treat you first.

Beside the bed, a priest seduced by Salton was tremblingly treating Blaze. He regretted so much why he entered the den of thieves after coveting such a little bit of mammenkin.

If you cure him, you can still go out standing, otherwise...

Tan Xiao's staff tapped the opponent's shoulder.

Let your family go to the place of legend to meet you.

At this time, Tan Xiao missed the days when Lina was still around.

Under Tan Xiao's threat, the priest drained almost the last drop of his magic power and released it into Blaze's dilapidated body.

Blaze's condition also improved visibly, and even his pale face had a trace of blood.

How much mammon gold did you promise to give him?

Tan Xiao looked at the priest who had fainted due to exhaustion of magic power, and asked Salton.

Your Highness, I promised him to give him a piece of mammon gold.

Give him ten, it will help a lot.

Tan Xiao threw ten pieces of Mammon Gold and then helped Blaze up.

At this moment, the wounds on Blaze's body have completely scabbed over, and the main part of the magic pathway has been repaired, allowing him to start recovering his magic power independently.

Thank you very much, Your Excellency Feng Sheng.

Tan Xiao did not use [Fantasy Butterfly Embrace] to change his face at this time, so Blaze could naturally recognize him.

Since you are not dead yet, it seems that you have joined forces with His Royal Highness King Chris to play a big game of chess!

From Blaze's perspective, based on the nationwide wanted manhunt and the massive execution at the time, he had already guessed a lot of the inside story the moment he saw Tan Xiao was alive.

How did you end up in the dungeon? Count Kirkett?

Tan Xiaoxiao laughed twice and quickly changed the conversation.

There is a big problem with Count Kirkett. He must have been parasitized by the undead in Gloria.

Blaze opened his mouth with big news, and then he continued,

Because I served the parasitized Count Kirket day and night after the war, part of the parasite entered my body.

He raised his right arm with difficulty, revealing a huge wound. This was the last place where his entire body healed.

It got in from here. It had already lost control after coming into contact with the mithril marrow. I don't know what happened some time ago. The parasite suddenly went berserk. I almost exhausted all my magic power to stop it from going further. proliferation.

Blaze turned his head and looked towards the direction of the castle.

I was thrown into the water prison by Annamy when I was at my weakest. His Highness Earl Kirkett may also be in a very critical condition at the moment. The parasite in his body may be several times that of mine.


Tan Xiao was thoughtful,

So the current mess in Silver Cliff City is all caused by this guy?

Blaze nodded in affirmation,

Before Annamy took the opportunity to take power, Earl Kirkett and I should have had the opportunity to suppress the parasite in ourselves. It's just that we didn't know why we were transferred to Silvercliff City, especially after Archduke DeWitt presented the mithril vein, After we came into contact with the mithril marrow, the situation took a turn for the worse.

Hearing this, Tan Xiao was thoughtful, and when his eyes and Blaze's eyes met, they almost expressed their judgment at the same time,

The Archduke de Wit has a problem.

In the city lord's castle, on the throne that should have been the city lord, sat a woman with an enchanting face. She looked at the city guards who came to report,

Useless thing! Get out!

Under her cooing voice, the city guards hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Blaze was actually rescued? That shouldn't be the case. Kirkett shouldn't have an old team. Who is it?!

She is Annamy who is now the talker in Silvercliff City. She now regrets not killing Blaze immediately.

It's just that the escape route she originally left for herself seems to have become a reminder for her. She can't believe what kind of revenge Blaze will take on herself after regaining her strength.

Although she had seen Blaze's state, it was almost impossible for him to fully recover.

Kill Count Kirkett? Frame it for Blaze?

At this time, an evil plan appeared in her mind, a plan she had thought about countless times.

However, she never made up her mind. After all, the crime of murdering the earl was something that neither she nor her family could bear.

But as Blaze fled, the balance in her heart began to tilt, and her face began to become distorted and ferocious.

In Jingxi City, inside the medical center, cheers suddenly rang out and were quickly suppressed.

Don't yell! Do you want to disturb Mr. Leo to death?

Leo, who was seriously injured, slowly woke up. He opened his eyes and looked at the unfamiliar roof in front of him, with confusion in his eyes.

He turned his head with difficulty, looked at the unfamiliar priests around him, and slowly exhaled a breath,

It looks like we finally stopped that scary guy.

He could still wake up, and the surrounding environment turned out to be a human medical clinic. Leo had already guessed the outcome of the previous battle.

He pushed himself up with difficulty, and the priest beside him quickly put a pillow on him.

Did they leave anything for me?

The people Leo mentioned were Saxin and others.

The priest beside him quickly took out a thick lacquered document with the Stella family's heraldic lacquer seal on it.

Yes, Mr. Leo, this is what the other three left for you. They said they asked us to give it to you after you wake up.

Okay, thank you.

Leo took the fire-lacquered document and waved to the others, signaling them to go out.

After all the priests left the room, Leo unlocked the seal and opened the document.

Everything that happened after his near death was recorded in detail in the document. When he saw in the document that Lina, the Divine Word Priest of the [Destiny] Guild, was actually a believer of the Dragon God, Leo's expression changed obviously. .

How can this be?

And when he saw that the other party actually easily killed the demon who was not even his enemy, Leo exclaimed again.

This means that the compatibility between Lina and the Dragon God is far beyond his imagination. After all, even the messenger can carry power based on the compatibility.

Judging from the description in the document, Lina is undoubtedly the strongest messenger among them.

In the end, he was relieved to deal with this unclean believer. Sending Lina to the Kingdom of Estalia was undoubtedly the best arrangement.

After reading all the contents, he slowly closed the lacquered document and thought of a person,

Your Excellency Feng Sheng, where are you now?

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