Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 201 Assassination of the Earl

Rhythmic footsteps sounded in the Lord's Castle of Silvercliff City. It was Annamy who was walking towards the room where Kirkett was.

Kill him before he recovers, and then frame him for Blaze.

Annamy held Blaze's weapon in her hand, thinking about her next plan.

In this case, even if the royal capital sends people, they will at most accuse me of failing to protect me well.

Annamy's hand holding the weapon tightened again,

That's it!

It wasn't until this moment that she really made up her mind.

Dong dong dong——

There was a crisp knock on the door, and Annamy waited quietly for Count Kirkett's response.

However, there was no response inside the door. She couldn't help but get closer to the door and put her ear to the door to carefully identify the noise inside.

Annamy didn't hear any sound except moans of unknown meaning.

He really has a big problem! Gloria must have been seriously injured by the undead during the battle!

Anami showed an expression of surprise on her face. After all, the weaker Kirkett is, the easier it will be for her plan to be implemented.

She is not a Judgment Knight, nor does she have the spatial attributes of Blaze. There is no way for her to guarantee that she can completely imitate Blaze's moves in battle, but if Kirkett is extremely weak, then things will become simpler.

My lord, my name is Annamy. I have something important to report.

Anami knocked on the door again, but there was still no response, and the moan just now seemed a little louder.

An evil smile climbed onto Annamy's cheeks, and her eyes shone fiercely.

Your Excellency, I will not bother you.

Annamy opened the door to the room, quickly stepped in, and then closed the door gently.

This corridor, which has accumulated hundreds of years of Silver Cliff City's history, has returned to calmness. It looks like a twilight old man sitting quietly on a chair and watching the clouds rolling and relaxing around him. He is in it but not involved.

As soon as she entered the room, Annamy smelled a strong fishy smell.

The room was pitch dark, and when she released a lighting spell from her fingertips, she was stunned on the spot.

At this moment, Count Kirkett's room could no longer be described as a mess. It could be regarded as a living hell.

There were unknown living tissues everywhere, blood and mucus sprayed all over the room, and light yellow liquid was still dripping in some places. The walls of the entire room were covered with ugly tumors, which were still squirming as if they were performing some kind of life activity.

Annamy subconsciously covered her mouth. After seeing the scene in front of her, she almost couldn't help the urge to vomit.

Damn, what's going on?

The magic output of the lighting magic at Annamy's fingertips was further enhanced, making the light much stronger. This is her skill as a light mage.

With the help of stronger light, she saw a flesh ball in the depths of the room that was still moaning strangely. All the living tissues were eventually connected to the flesh ball, which was presumably the source of the strangeness in the room.

found it!

Although the other party's original face could no longer be seen clearly, Annamy judged based on the magic power released by the other party that the meat ball was the former Count Kirkett.

That's really disgusting. I'm sending you to see the Goddess of Courage, which is a good thing for you.

Annamy raised Blaze's weapon, and just when she was about to chop it down, the meat ball made a vague sound,

Help, help me.

Ha, save you? I want you to die, but I still want to save you? If I really want to save you, I will be in trouble!

Annamy raised her knife and used Blaze's weapon to chop off the meat ball.

The foul-smelling juice sprayed instantly. Annamy could have used her light magic to avoid it, but in order not to leave any traces, she still did not choose to use her light magic. She could not leave any evidence here.

After one knife, another knife, and another knife

The soft sound of the blade cutting flesh continued to sound. It was not until Kirkett was cut into meat that Annamy slowly stopped. She was panting, and her face was already covered with minced meat and body fluids. It was vaguely possible to see that her original There was a sickly flush on his face,

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Only then did she let out a wild laugh,

Silver Cliff City is finally mine! No more worries!

At this moment, her laughter stopped suddenly because another voice sounded from above her head,

This guy doesn't seem to have anything to do with the undead, he's just plain bad.

Indeed, not only bad but also a bit stupid.

Those who spoke were Tan Xiao and Blaze. They had already stayed on the ceiling of this room. They also used Tan Xiao's [Phantom] to hide their figures, and at the same time, Blaze's space magic blocked their breath. .

Annamy's eyes were cold. She said nothing and stared at the two people above her head. She saw Blaze's thin figure at a glance.

She was startled at first, but when she noticed the opponent's weakened state, the expression on her face changed again.

You have escaped and are coming back. Don't you think you can beat me in your current state? This person beside you.

Anami couldn't help laughing when she saw Tan Xiao's level.

There's nothing a little guy in his seventies can do to help you turn defeat into victory.

After a brief panic, she quickly adjusted her state and returned to the state of strategizing at the beginning.

What about me?

At this moment, Kirkett's voice sounded, causing Annamy's expression to change suddenly.

How. How is it possible, you?

It was Count Kirkett who was supposed to be chopped into pieces and walked out of the shadows. He looked at Annamy with an extremely disappointed expression on his face.

If you were bewitched by the undead, I might still feel sorry for you, but you actually did it for your own selfish desires.

Count Kirkett shook his head, full of disappointment,

It's really uglier than those undead.

Annamy was in panic at this moment, she didn't know what was going on. There is no problem that the meat ball releases Count Kirkett's magic power, so why he can still appear here intact has become Annamy's biggest question.

More importantly, Count Kirkett's current state is a bit strange.

In addition to the changes in his body shape, he changed from a fat man of several hundred pounds to a well-proportioned middle-aged man. Although the total amount of magic power in Kirkett's body at this moment is less than 10%, in Annamy's eyes, Kirkett's current state is not inferior to the opponent's peak state.

Damn! Damn! Damn! How could this happen!?

Annamy slowly regretted it and had already thrown Blaze's knife on the ground and took out her staff.

And all of this will start after Blaze wakes up.

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