What evidence do you have that it was us?

Tan Xiao was completely naked at the moment, even his staff was stripped away, and he was hanging from the ceiling.

There are several fierce city guards beside him,

Evidence? Let's see how long you can last!

While he was talking, he picked up the guy and gave Tan Xiao a hard whip.

I want to see if you admit guilt!

The sound of sonic booms was mixed with the curses of the city guards, but there was no scream from Tan Xiao.

Such anomalies made the city guards stand there in confusion, looking at Tan Xiao.

Aren't you a magician?

Tan Xiao looked at the other party helplessly, but he did not choose to speak. He felt that there was something wrong with Silver Cliff City, especially the behavior of the city guards, which was completely different from his previous life.

Silver Cliff City Lord Ross shouldn't let this happen, right?

Only then did Tan Xiao remember a detail. The silver marrow ore that Ace picked up was actually picked up from the mining area owned by Ross.

Where did Ross get the silver marrow veins?

Damn magician! Beat me!

The city guards seemed to be irritated by Tan Xiao's expression and became even more crazy.

Let's see how long your skills last!

He also thought that the reason why Tan Xiao felt nothing was because the other party had increased the physical resistance of his body.

However, two hours later, all the city guards in this room collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, while Tan Xiao, who was hung from the ceiling, was unscathed.

Don't waste your efforts.

Tan Xiao turned his neck, and the sharp spikes that should have been able to cut through other people's heads and necks snapped.

You are so unscrupulous, aren't you afraid of being held accountable by City Lord Ross?

The city guards who were still cursing suddenly became quiet. Their expressions suddenly changed, and they looked at Tan Xiao warily.

Who do you think the city lord is?

Ross, isn't the city lord of Silver Cliff City Ross now?

Tan Xiao was confused by the question. He remembered that the owner of Silver Cliff City had always been Ross from the time he entered the game until the demon invaded. At this moment, seeing the strange expressions of these city guards, I realized that things seemed to have changed.

You still call Ross the city lord. Even if you are not guilty, you must die here today!

The leading city guard spoke in a low voice,

The order of Archduke DeWitt cannot be questioned!

The next second, Chrollo appeared in the cell.

Your Highness, I'm sorry. I couldn't hold it back and killed everyone in my room.

Chrollo's expression was obviously unhappy,

What they did was a little disgusting.

When he thought of the city guards who took off their pants after closing the door, Chrollo felt that he was still too kind.

It doesn't matter, there's a big problem in Silver Cliff City. Kill them all, and remember to keep him. I have something to ask him.

Tan Xiao casually broke away from the iron chain, and the water mist filled his body, covering all the important parts of his body.

My first question is, who is the current city lord of Silver Cliff City?

Chrollo is not good at fighting, only compared to high-level orcs like the Crystal Vein Frog. For people at the level of the Silver Cliff City Guards, Chrollo's strength is crushing.

She just casually pulled out a few space cracks, and all the city guards present were broken into two pieces.

The bright red ground and the wailing of his colleagues constantly impacted the leader's psychological defense. He knew that he had hit an iron plate. So, he quickly answered, hoping to use his positive and cooperative attitude to save his life.

It's Kirkett, Count Kirkett Stella! The city lord who never returned to the city!

Hearing this answer, Tan Xiao frowned. He obviously did not expect to hear this name here.

After the battle of Gloria, Earl Kirkett was arranged by Archduke DeWitt to Silvercliff City. This is why the original city lord Ross was transferred to Jingxi City.

He allows you to do this kind of thing in the city? And that casino. As far as I know, the people in the casino are not good people, and he doesn't care?

The impression that Earl Kirkett left on Tan Xiao has always been hidden. Even in the previous life, Earl Kirkett showed great abilities after the demon appeared.

Uh, how do you say this?

The city guard leader thought about it carefully and seemed to be struggling with his words.

Rather than saying that he doesn't care, it's better to say that Count Kirkett has not managed any affairs since the first day he settled in Silver Cliff City. Now everything in Silver Cliff City is decided by his adjutant.

Knight of Judgment, Blaze?

Uh no, Blaze is also in this dungeon.

Half an hour later, Tan Xiao appeared deep in the dungeon of Silver Cliff City.

In addition to Chrollo and Salton, even Ace and Uther have joined him. Gilga walked in the front, escorting the leader of the city guard whom Tan Xiao had captured.

Everyone, it's not far ahead, hahahaha.

The leader laughed along with him, his posture extremely humble.

Tan Xiao said nothing. He was now curious as to why Blaze, whom Kirkett originally trusted so much, was thrown into the dungeon. He was also curious as to why Kirkett's state changed so drastically after the battle of Gloria. .

This is it, this is it, everyone.

Before the leader could finish speaking, Tan Xiao ordered him to break his neck.

Death was the best destination for the city guard leader, and Tan Xiao would not feel any guilt for killing him. Because, if he hadn't been strong enough, he would have been the corpse now.

Sir Blaze?

In the dark and damp water prison, a disheveled figure had his arms tied up high, and his lower body was immersed in the stinky water. There were also one or two mice running along the iron chain, as if the strong muscles could still be vaguely seen in the body just now. Foraged for food on the body.

Sir Blaze?

Tan Xiao spoke again, and the other party finally had some reaction and slowly raised his head.

The sight of a pair of cloudy eyes was blurry, and only when they saw the person coming clearly did they show a glimmer of light.

Damn it, is it really Blaze?!

Tan Xiao was surprised and extremely shocked by Blaze's current state.

Get him out, quickly!

At the moment when Tan Xiao was rescuing Blaze, in the deepest part of Silver Cliff City's main castle, a room that had not been opened for a long time was moaning in pain.

Damn! Damn the undead, what did they inject into my body when they were about to die?!

The voice came from Kirkett, but his voice was hoarse at the moment and seemed to be in extreme pain.


The screams continued, and Count Kirkett was now completely out of shape when he returned to the city. All the fat on his body had disappeared, and his body shape was the same as that of an ordinary person, leaving only a lot of fat dragging on the ground.

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