Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 198: Cang Dang is in jail

Huh - that's really helpful, Gilga.

After meeting Airei, the skilled forging master, Tan Xiao finally felt relieved.

Also pleasantly surprised was Airey,

Sir, this design drawing of yours is priceless!

Looking at the design drawing of [Solid Crystal Pendant], Airei's eyes were shining. As the most famous forging master in Silver Cliff City, he was already shocked by the drawing in Tan Xiao's hand.

Airei raised his head and looked at Tan Xiao carefully.

Is your name also Feng Sheng?

He remembered the wanted notice that was posted in Silvercliff City some time ago, and carefully compared it with the man in front of him.

The two of them didn't look alike at all, so Airey asked again out of politeness.

Your Excellency Feng Sheng, are you sure you want to give me this blueprint to build?

Airey reminded in a low voice,

“After seeing the design drawing, I may still overlook some of the details, but if I actually build it, this design drawing will remain in my mind forever!”

No problem, please, Master Airei.

Tan Xiao didn't mind the leakage of this drawing at all, for two main reasons.

One is because even with this drawing, there are very few solidified magic crystals in the world, and there is no possibility of mass production.

The second reason is that the more such magic props, the more beneficial it is to the human race. Tan Xiao even hopes that someone can make a few more, so that the human race will have more means to deal with demons that appear again in the future.

Your Excellency is so generous! I admire you!

Tan Xiao's reaction was beyond Airei's expectation. He carefully took the solidified magic crystal handed over by Tan Xiao and carefully put it away.

However, Airei hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to remind him,

This magic item requires a lot of mithril, and there isn't that much stock in the workshop right now. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem. I would just ask my apprentice to buy some mithril, but recently...

Airey glanced outside the door. There were city guards running around everywhere, as if they were looking for someone.

Recently, because a very vicious guy killed everyone in the casino, and the city was under martial law, there was no chance to transport mithril from the mining area, so there is a certain possibility that the forging will fail.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, making Tan Xiao feel like he was on a roller coaster. He even now wanted to ignore Silver Cliff City's magic circle and force Chrollo to open the plane channel to smuggle out enough mithril.

Just when Tan Xiao looked desperate, Ace took out a bag from nowhere.

I wonder if this is mithril? This is something Uther and I found when we were wandering around the mining area.

Airey took a look at the contents of the bag and suddenly took a breath.

Mythril marrow?! You are so brave, you dare to steal even the city lord's mining area!

Ace and Uther were about to kneel down to Tan Xiao immediately. They guessed that they must be involved in something big, but they heard Airey continue to speak,

But this mithril marrow can make the forging efficiency of this magic item close to 100, eh? Why did a ball of mithril marrow suddenly appear in my workshop? Put it down quickly! The gangsters must have thrown it in my room, you guys Put down the stolen goods quickly! I want to hand it over to the city lord!

Airei and Tan Xiao looked at each other, and they understood each other instantly.

Let's go, Ace, what are you doing with this loot? Put it down! Let's go, let's go!

As Tan Xiao said, he had already pulled Ace out of the workshop, followed closely by the others.

What a great achievement! I'll mark it down for you!

Tan Xiao was obviously extremely happy. All he had to do now was wait for the [Solid Crystal Pendant] to be released. Make his [Magic Matrix] unable to be dispelled, thereby gaining the ability to permanently increase physical resistance.

You! Stop!

Just when Tan Xiao was about to return to his temporary residence in Silver Cliff City, Gilga was suddenly stopped.

Behind him, several troops from outside the city swarmed forward.

May I have your name?

They stared at Gilga with evil eyes.

My name is Yan Xin, from Jingxi City, yes.

Gilga answered unhurriedly. Before leaving Airei's workshop, Tan Xiao had used [Fantasy Butterfly Embrace] to help everyone behind him change their faces. They were not arrogant enough to let Gilga, a guy with great suspicion, walk on the road with great arrogance.

After all, it was well known that Gilga was cheated in the casino. Then his provocation and revenge were not unimaginable, so in order to prevent accidents, Tan Xiao still carefully changed his face.

But what happened next was beyond their imagination.

Outsiders? Take it down!

The leading city guard did not hesitate and immediately captured Gilga.

Basically the same body shape as the gangster, let's capture him first!

He looked at Tan Xiao and his party,

And this group of people, let's take it down together! Maybe they are accomplices!

As a result, Tan Xiao and his party, who had not had time to celebrate getting the [Solid Crystal Pendant], were thrown into jail.

The reason for their arrest was naturally to cooperate with the investigation as suspects in the murder.

After several days of not being able to find the murderer, the city guards had no choice but to cast a wide net, throwing all possible criminal targets into the dungeon, preparing for interrogation one by one, hoping to take a chance on finding the real murderer. .

As for Tan Xiao and his party, even the leader Tan Xiao was captured obediently. The remaining few naturally did not dare to resist and were arrested with him in the prison of Silver Cliff City.

It has to be said that the city guard's approach was quite effective. After all, they caught the real murderer Gilga, but they didn't know it at all.

It smells familiar.

Tan Xiao and his party were assigned to a cell. Uther and Ace recalled what happened in Winterdeath Castle and felt a sense of familiarity.

Your Highness, I'm sorry!

Salton spoke in a low voice, apologizing for bewitching Gilga.

It doesn't matter, drink and peck, it's a predetermined decision. If you hadn't saved Gilga, maybe I wouldn't have been able to find a skilled blacksmith like Aire.

Tan Xiao comforted Salton instead, which surprised Salton, who was already prepared to bear the wrath of Thunder. Only Chrollo snickered aside, not feeling depressed at all about being imprisoned.

This dark and humid environment even made her more comfortable.

The people in the casino are indeed nothing. Gilga went too far, but it is understandable.

Tan Xiao patted Gilga, who was even more frightened, and found a comfortable haystack to sit down.

Anyway, the forging will take a few more days. Staying somewhere is not just a matter of waiting. Let's check the situation first.

Having said this, Tan Xiao waved to Chrollo,

Show them our new member.

Huh? Who?

Chrollo looked confused, not knowing what Tan Xiao was talking about.

Tsk! Those two little guys! Didn't you put them away!

Tan Xiao was talking about the Demon-Destroying Beetle and the Soul-Eating Butterfly.

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