I said, sacrifice to His Highness, this staff of yours?

On the way back to Silver Cliff City, Chrollo, who took the initiative to help Tan Xiao take the Demon-hating Beetle, couldn't help but ask,

It's a bit weird.

Chrollo, this is no longer a hint, it is a clear statement. She really wanted to know the origin of this staff that could contain the huge magic power of the Crystal Vein Frog.

You mean [Oath of the Dead]?

Tan Xiao was not surprised why Chrollo would ask this question. He even thought it was a bit strange that the other party didn't ask. After all, the ability displayed by [Oath of the Dead] has completely surpassed the scope of ordinary staffs.

It wasn't actually called that originally. I got it from a magician after I completed his mission.

Tan Xiao said while waving his staff,

Actually, I don't know its specific origin, and the magician who gave me the staff has passed away. I don't know the story behind this staff.

Chrollo nodded, she was still willing to believe Tan Xiao's answer. Because she didn't feel the other person's mood or heart rate fluctuations, it must be true.

However, this also made Chrollo more curious,

I heard that it is also the soul container of Ace and Uther?

That's right.

After the words fell, the two figures fell into silence. One was thinking about who to find in Silver Cliff City to process the solidified magic crystal, and the other suddenly remembered the ancient legend of the Shadow Fall World.

Could it be that eternal scepter?

She remembered the legend about Veltus and one of the artifacts that disappeared in the Shadow Fall, the Scepter of Ages.

When they returned to Silver Cliff City, they suddenly found that the atmosphere in the entire city was a bit strange.

Huh? What's going on?

Tan Xiao looked at the hurried pedestrians and the significantly increased number of city guards around him, and was a little curious about what happened recently.

It's not what they did, right?

So, he couldn't help but stopped a few citizens and wanted to know what happened.

In the end, Tan Xiao was sure that it was not something caused by Ace and the others, but more like an ordinary vendetta. However, the scale of the massacre was a bit shocking. Tan Xiao was so frightened that he quickly used [Embrace of the Phantom Butterflies] to help Chrollo change his appearance. .

Who is so crazy that he killed everyone in a casino and even burned the bodies to charcoal?

Tan Xiao couldn't help but murmur, and headed in the direction Chrollo pointed, which was where she and Salton had agreed to meet.

As for Ace and Uther, who are also rushing back from the mining area, Tan Xiao has already sent a signal to them through their souls in the [Oath of the Dead] to let them return to Silver Cliff City.

Salton, what happened in Silvercliff City these days? Why are so many people dead? Do you have any clues?

Tan Xiao came to a three-story house that looked dilapidated. As soon as he entered the room, he saw Salton mixing some liquid.

The damn murderer caused the entire city's forging workshops to close down. I couldn't find a suitable blacksmith even if I wanted to.

Before Tan Xiao could sit down, he suddenly noticed a figure in the corner of the room.


Tan Xiao instantly became alert, but realized that Chrollo and Salton were around him, and he felt that he was too sensitive.

With a lineup like theirs, ordinary people would definitely not be able to make waves.

Salton poured the last drop of the magic potion, carefully pushed the potion bottle to the center of the table, and then stood up.

Your Highness, you are back.

Salton waved back and then spoke,

Allow me to introduce to you, this is the first believer of the Dark Goddess in the world, Gilga Talon.

It turned to look at Gilga and said in a tone that left no room for doubt,

Kneel down! Meet the spokesperson of the Dark Goddess, His Highness the Dark Priest.

The figure did not hesitate, and immediately walked out of the shadows, kneeling in front of Tan Xiao, even putting his head on the ground, showing an extremely pious look.

Smelling the faint smell of blood on the opponent's body, Tan Xiao glanced at this guy who was obviously a human race, and then at Salton.


Tan Xiao suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but ask,

This tragedy in Silvercliff City must be possible.

Yes, I did it.

After hearing the other party's affirmative answer, Tan Xiao was stunned for a moment, and the expression on his face was as wonderful as any.

There were so many flaws in this matter that he didn’t even know where to start complaining for a while. Salton was the first to speak.

Don't worry, Your Highness, no one will find him, and his body will be among the dead.

As if he felt that it was not rigorous enough, he continued to speak,

There is no doubt about his loyalty, and the mark of the Dark Goddess has been imprinted on his soul. As for those in the casino, even from the perspective of the human race, their death is not considered unfair.

Then, Salton described in detail everything he saw in the city and how the incident unfolded.

At the end, even Tan Xiao could only sigh and remain silent.

Only Chrollo looked serious. She looked at Gilga and spoke slowly,

You're thinking?

Yes, I want to split the faith of the Goddess of Courage from the root and delay her recovery time.

Tan Xiao was keenly aware of the word Salton used, which was recovery.

However, now Tan Xiao has a more important thing to do, which is to forge the [Solid Crystal Pendant], otherwise this hard-won solidified magic crystal will become ineffective.

After Ace and Uther meet up, let's leave Silvercliff City first. I have to visit nearby cities.

Salton said with a strange expression,

Your Highness, the entire city is now on alert. The entire city is closed to entry and exit. It is estimated that even Chrollo's space magic may fail.


Tan Xiao quickly raised his staff, trying to stop Ace and Uther from entering the city for the time being, but their familiar voices already sounded behind Tan Xiao.

Your Highness, we are all here, there is no need to pass through the soul container.

Tan Xiao heard this and slapped his forehead. He had never thought that such an embarrassing situation would arise.

Your Highness, are you looking for a blacksmith?

Gilga slowly raised his head. He seemed to have guessed Tan Xiao's thoughts and spoke tentatively,

I know a craftsman in the forging workshop. When I was a miner, I sold all the minerals mined to him. His craftsmanship is also one of the best in Silver Cliff City.

Quick! Take me to see him quickly!

When Tan Xiao heard this, he didn't care that the other party had put the whole city under martial law. He quickly helped him up and brushed the dust off his knees.

I have an important magic prop that I want him to help me build. The materials are very precious, so I can't delay it! And I have the drawings, so I don't need him to design them.

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