Tan Xiao pushed away the jumbled rock spikes around him, and the head belonging to the demon-weary beetle rolled down.

Demon-hating beetles, especially those with earth attributes, have terrifying defenses. Compared with Tan Xiao's [Magic Matrix], which only improves physical antibodies, the defense of the Demon-Destroying Beetle is also effective against magic attacks. This is why the lightning strike just now failed to cause effective damage to it.

Tan Xiao, who had a certain understanding of the demon-hating beetle, knew that the weakest part of the opponent was only the connection between the head and the body.

Although the tendons at this joint are much harder than ordinary creatures, they are the opponent's only weakness and are only exposed when eating.

So, Tan Xiao used the skill [Bone Sloughing] to create a clone exactly like himself before the opponent came to the pothole, and he hid under the clone and waited for the opportunity.

As it turned out, his plan was successful.

At this moment, the corpse of the Demon-hating Beetle is the best proof. At the same time, the Soul-Eating Moth, which had just spilled all its scale powder, was already in an extremely weak state.

Its body stopped weakly on a rock spike. Looking at its dead companion, it wanted to escape, but how could Tan Xiao let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Tan Xiao grabbed the Soul-eating Moth and was about to squeeze it to death when he realized that the other party was about to begin to transform.

The body of the soul-eating moth began to ooze mucus involuntarily, and in a blink of an eye, it completely covered its body. Tan Xiao quickly retracted his arm and let it fall on the stone pillar covered with scales.

Is this... going to be a perversion?

Tan Xiao peeled off the caked mucus on his hands and looked at the Soul-eating Moth that had completely wrapped him. The sound of a strong heartbeat continued to come from the sphere in front of him.

Dong Dong——

It reached out and knocked on the opponent's shell, making a crisp sound. The mucus secreted by the soul-eating moth has completely solidified, forming a cocoon.

This is the first time I've seen it. I've never heard of a soul-eating moth being able to metamorphose twice.

Tan Xiao looked at the soul-eating moth in front of him curiously, and suddenly came up with a plan.

Hey, I thought of a good idea.

So, he picked up the soul-eating moth's cocoon and held it in his arms,

The next thing is to think about how to get up.

Tan Xiao glanced at the entrance of the pothole and was confused for a moment.

At this moment, all his magic power was exhausted. Even because of the thick scale powder of the surrounding soul-eating moths, his magic power was absorbed by the scale powder before he could recover.

Although without the control of the Soul-eating Moth, the absorbed magic power cannot be transferred back to the body, but it will still spill into the air.

Just when Tan Xiao looked distressed, Chrollo's head popped out.

Need help? My dear dark priest?

Chrollo's crimson skin was still shimmering with magic power, as if some special skill had been used to prevent the scale powder from absorbing her magic power.

What do you think?

Tan Xiao's face was full of smiles.

Then I'll leave first. I've already violated His Highness the Dark Priest's order. I can't offend His Highness again.

As he spoke, Chrollo's head disappeared into the hole.

Hey! Chrollo! Want to help! Need to help! Pull me up quickly!

Seeing Chrollo leaving, Tan Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then decided that a good man would not suffer the immediate loss, so he quickly gave in and asked for help.

Chrollo at the entrance of the cave showed a smile of success, and with a casual move, he pulled Tan Xiao up from the bottom of the pit.

Okay, Your Highness, I have rescued you, and I must ask for some insignificant reward.

Tan Xiao returned to the ground, finally came to an environment without scale powder, and began to breathe in the fresh air.

Hearing Chrollo's words, Tan Xiao reluctantly stretched out his right hand, signaling for the other party to speak. Unexpectedly, Chrollo's request was just to be able to follow Tan Xiao directly and cancel the restriction of not being able to enter the experience area.

Tan Xiao was stunned for a moment, then saw Chrollo's serious expression,

That's it?

That's it.

Tan Xiao scratched his head, then nodded quickly,

Okay! Deal.

He was afraid that the other party would make some trouble, so he quickly agreed.

In fact, even if Chrollo follows up, as long as he does not participate in the battle, Tan Xiao will not lose much experience, and it can even provide him with more survival guarantees. Tan Xiao doesn't care at all.

However, he didn't know why Chrollo had such a request.

Forget it, it's not important. What's important is that I thought of a good way.

Tan Xiao's eyes fell on the soul-eating moth's cocoon.

We can start fishing law enforcement now!

Chrollo and Tan Xiao on the side had their own thoughts, and they were both in a good mood at the moment.

Two days later, there was an insect on Tan Xiao's shoulder, which was the soul-eating moth that emerged from the cocoon.

It's just that the Soul-Eating Moth at this moment can no longer be called a Soul-Eating Moth. It is more appropriate to call it a Soul-Eating Butterfly.

Its original feathery tentacles had disappeared, replaced by two slender tentacles, which were placed on Tan Xiao's body. There were subtle magic pathways shining brightly, as if they were conducting some kind of magic exchange with Tan Xiao.

What? We went to the wrong place? Didn't you tell me earlier?

Tan Xiao couldn't help but curse in his heart, and the Soul-eating Butterfly was obviously a little uncomfortable. It waved its wings gently, trying to relieve the embarrassment.

You can't blame me. You two are too fast and my eyesight is not very good. Please understand, Master.

The words of Soul-Eating Butterfly appeared in Tan Xiao's mind, and those two tentacles were the key to communication between them.

So, under the guidance of the Soul-Eating Butterfly, Tan Xiao quickly changed his path and headed in the other direction at high speed.

They were going to find another demon-hating beetle, and the Soul-Eating Butterfly became Tan Xiao's guide. The cooperation between them dates back to the moment when the Soul-Eating Butterfly emerged from its cocoon.

One day after Tan Xiao was rescued by Chrollo, the soul-eating moth's cocoon suddenly cracked.

Tan Xiao looked at Cocoon warily. Two layers of fire curtains had surrounded him and the Soul-Eating Moths. The first layer is to prevent yourself from inhaling the scale powder again, and the second layer is to prevent the Soul-Eating Moth from escaping.

However, when the soul-eating moth emerged from its cocoon again, Tan Xiao suddenly developed a subtle connection with it, much like the fire-eating ant king he had met in the Woz Highlands.

At the same time, the Soul-Eating Moth's body shape completely changed. The originally gray body turned into something with strange patterns, and the pink scales on a pair of wings were extremely bright, making it look like a butterfly.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of attacking at all, and even showed any intention of getting close to him, Tan Xiao removed the fire curtain around him.

It could already be called a soul-eating butterfly. It flapped its wings gently and rested on Tan Xiao's shoulder. A pair of tentacles gently touched Tan Xiao.

Thank you for your magic power, which allowed me to transform.

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