Speaking of which, do you transform easily?

Tan Xiao was running quickly in the direction pointed by the Soul-Eating Butterfly, and Chrollo was following leisurely behind him, looking around at the ecology of the human world.

It's not easy.

The wings of the Soul-Eating Butterfly flapped slightly, and a small amount of magic power circulated on its tentacles, which was consumed to communicate with Tan Xiao.

In other words, as far as I know, there are no transformed soul-eating moths in this area. I am the only one.

Having said this, the Soul-eating Butterfly paused briefly, and then continued to speak,

This is one of the reasons why I signed a contract with you. Your magic power seems to be a little different. After I absorbed your magic power, there were obvious signs of transformation.

The Soul-Eating Butterfly didn't forget to add,

Besides, you are not a human being, so signing a contract with you cannot be considered a violation of our clan's rules.

What do you mean by not being human?

Tan Xiao was about to refute, but suddenly realized that his current race was indeed no longer human, but was classified as an elf. He could only change the subject.

Uh, okay. There's nothing wrong with what you said.

At this moment, the voice of the soul-eating butterfly sounded again,

We're almost there, be careful! The opponent is a demon-hating beetle that has an affinity for water attributes.

Tan Xiao nodded. As the sound of running water gradually became clearer, a huge lake and waterfall appeared in front of them.

The soul-eating moth in the body of this demon-hating beetle is almost dead, so it starts to look for the next soul-eating moth. When the time comes, give me the body of the soul-eating moth.

The voice of the Soul-Eating Butterfly sounded in Tan Xiao's mind. Its purpose was simple, which was to make some extra money while helping Tan Xiao. After Tan Xiao killed the Demon-Destroying Beetle, the remaining defenseless Soul-Eating Moth was its best reward.

Years of absorbing magic have left the Soul-Eating Moth with magic crystals of various properties in its body. These magic crystals are the best food for the Soul-Eating Butterfly.

Tan Xiao nodded, took off the Soul-eating Butterfly from his body, and gently threw it behind him, letting the opponent fly into the air.

He himself jumped up high and triggered the [Young Water]. Tan Xiao's whole body turned transparent, turning into a mass of invisible water and blending into the lake in front of him, disappearing without a trace.

This is the skill he got from the Lord of the Shadow Forest, Magee Irmata.

The Soul-Eating Butterfly flying into the air started to flap its wings according to the plan. Unlike ordinary soul-eating moths, the scales of soul-eating butterflies show colorful colors and continue to fall towards the water.

Where is it? My experience pack?

Tan Xiao dived into the water and began to look for the demon-weary beetle. His plan was to use the Soul-Eating Butterfly's scale powder to lure out the Demon-Destroying Beetle, and then kill it to gain a lot of experience.

As early as when the earth-type demon-hating beetle was killed by Tan Xiao, Tan Xiao discovered that the experience value of the demon-hating beetle was abnormally high.

This is why he chose to keep the Soul-Eating Moth in the end. He just wanted to take advantage of the Soul-Eating Moth's special attraction to the Demon-hating Beetle to fish for law enforcement.

However, the Soul-Eating Moth transformed into a Soul-Eating Butterfly for the second time, and its wisdom was significantly improved, which gave Tan Xiao an unexpected surprise.

Hey, it's out. It's out.

Following the movements of the Soul-Eating Butterfly outside the lake, somewhere at the bottom of the lake, something that looked like a black stone suddenly moved.

Only then did Tan Xiao realize that the Demon-hating Beetle had hidden so deeply that it had escaped his detection.

But at this moment, it is still under the pressure of survival and chooses to surface, because the scales of its important partner for survival have begun to merge into the water.

This is one of the reasons why the Demon-Destroying Beetles are so rare. In addition to the fact that they lay relatively few eggs, each Demon-Despicable Beetle must have a Soul-Eating Moth in order to survive healthily.

Otherwise, the body's physical condition will decline and death will occur due to the excessively mixed magic ingested.

Looking at the demon-hating beetles swimming towards the lake, he suddenly thought of the demons that had appeared in the past.

Damn, why did you think of them?

He recalled the previous images of demons using human beings as blood food, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion in his heart.

But he forcibly dispersed the distracting thoughts in his heart and swam to the lake behind the soul-eating beetle from a distance.

However, just when the demon-weary beetle was about to emerge from the lake, and Chrollo was about to capture it, a sudden change occurred.

As if it suddenly sensed a crisis, the Demon-Destroying Beetle suddenly dived down and gave up contact with the Soul-Eating Butterfly. It suddenly became transparent, merged with the lake water, and then disappeared.

Huh? What's going on?

Tan Xiao didn't know why. He didn't think it was his fault that caused the Demon-hating Beetle to become alert.

Could it be?

Tan Xiao, who had transformed into the ethereal water, stretched his head out of the lake. A huge toad had appeared on the shore.

What the hell? I really know the idea! Why did I meet this guy here?!

Tan Xiao quickly made a gesture towards Chrollo's hiding place, asking her to rescue the Soul-Eating Butterfly.

This is a Crystal Vein Frog that has reached level 100. It is the strongest orc boss in this area and also the most troublesome existence. Usually living in underground mineral veins, its skin is almost transparent and shines with colorful luster under the sunlight.

It shouldn't be. The Crystal Vein Frog basically can't survive long outside the mineral veins. Why did it suddenly appear here?

Just when Tan Xiao was still wondering why the Crystal Vein Frog appeared here, an unusually bright crystal rock shone with a strange luster on its forehead.

Solidify the magic crystal?!

The moment Tan Xiao saw this crystal rock, he could hardly maintain the state of Youyou Water. Because, in front of him, the solidified magic crystal that he was bound to get was unexpectedly captured by this crystal vein frog.

This also explains why the Crystal Vein Frog, which will disintegrate due to rapid energy dissipation when leaving the mineral vein, appears here, and even prepares to hunt the Soul-eating Butterfly, because it has obtained the solidifying magic crystal.

A transparent tongue shot out from its mouth. Fortunately, Chrollo took action in time and erected a space barrier before the Soul-Eating Butterfly was hit by the tongue.


The huge force caused fine cracks to appear on the space barrier, and it was actually about to shatter the space barrier in one blow.

Although the space barrier failed to completely block the Crystal Vein Frog's attack, it still created enough time window for Chrollo to take away the Soul-Eating Butterfly.

Put it far away, we will kill this Crystal Vein Frog with all our strength.

Tan Xiao's voice sounded. For the sake of the solidified magic crystal on the crystal vein frog's forehead, Tan Xiao had to bite the bullet and ask Chrollo to cooperate with him to kill this beast.

After all, the reason he came to this mining area was for this magic crystal.

What? Aren't you going to run away? This guy looks like he's not easy to mess with!

Chrollo was a little surprised. She originally thought that Tan Xiao would retreat first.

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