Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 188 Silver Cliff Mining Area

Fast City, outside the Land of Legend, a figure slowly walked out, it was Tan Xiao who had returned from the Shadow Fall Realm.

The last time he came here was to pay homage to his first teacher, McGee, or the Shadow Water. This time, he also came for his teacher, but he became Rebecca who died in Wards Heights.

At this moment, Tan Xiao used [Fantasy Butterfly's Embrace] to completely transform himself into another person to prevent any disturbance in Fast City.

Let's go.

He spoke to a few cloaked figures standing on the street,

Getting ready to go north.

These figures were none other than Salton and his group of undead. They noticed Tan Xiao's strange mood and didn't say anything more, just followed silently.

Tan Xiao, who was walking at the front, looked at his friend interface. He didn't know why, but Barbatos never contacted him, and he couldn't contact him either.

Where have these guys gone? They haven't been online yet?

Not only Barbatos, but he couldn't even contact Ah Xing, which made him feel a little weird.

Forget it, let's go see Leo first and ask about that demon.

Tan Xiao now has a strong feeling that in this life, it seems that due to his own reasons, the pace of demon invasion has accelerated significantly.

The demon appeared in this life almost two years earlier than in the previous life, which made him feel something bad.

Tan Xiao felt a little more at ease as he felt the [Elemental Corridor] in his body.

From the bottom of the Santu River, the Soil of Carrying Things suddenly appeared and after the fusion of Tan Xiao's soul, Tan Xiao has become an elf, a completely different race from the human race.

I don’t know if it is because of becoming an elf that Tan Xiao’s elemental affinity has further improved, and the [Elemental Corridor] constructed by the four elemental talent trees allows the magic power in his body to continuously transform each other while constantly triggering the [Magic Matrix]. ], while strengthening his physical resistance, he no longer needs to consume magic as before.

The only pity is that after Tan Xiao's bones were completely crushed in Santuchuan, all the skills obtained from Ye Ying disappeared, and [The Furnace] was temporarily useless.

And his level also reached Lv71 the moment his body took shape.

All of Tan Xiao's skills are also unlocked and can be used again, unlike when he first entered the Shadow Fall Realm, where he could only use the skills of the undead.

This level is a bit embarrassing. There is no way to enter Jingxi City, which requires a level above Lv80 to enter. Then

He did not head directly north to Jingxi City. Instead, he took a slightly west route and arrived at Yinya City, a mining city in the northwest. Not only because he is currently unable to enter Jingxi City as an adventurer at his current level, but more importantly, there is something crucial to Tan Xiao in the mining area near Silver Cliff City.

It was the solidified magic crystal that he had not been able to obtain before.

He had no way to go to Silver Cliff City before, so he had to give up temporarily. Now that his level is sufficient, he is bound to get the solidified magic crystal, so the [solidified crystal pendant] can be made.

Once regarded as the most powerful tool against the demon [Disorder]'s magic, Tan Xiao had to obtain it in advance.

Not only because of the early appearance of the devil, he had to prepare early, but more importantly, only by obtaining the Solid Crystal Pendant could the physical resistance brought to him by his [Magic Matrix] not be dispelled.

In addition, the orcs in the mines near Silver Cliff City will be his best training props and experience packs.

Tan Xiao plans to reach Level 80 in Silver Cliff City, and then immediately heads to Jingxi City.

You can act on your own, just don't cause trouble, and keep a low profile in the human world.

Tan Xiao warned Salton that as for Chrollo, he couldn't give direct orders.

Compared with Salton, who devoutly believes in the goddess of darkness and thus obeys Tan Xiaoyan, this death prophet sees Tan Xiao as an extremely interesting life form and acts as an observer beside Tan Xiao. Observe it.

Why? Can't we come together?

Chrollo asked.

She hated going out so much that in order to observe Tan Xiao, she actually asked to follow Tan Xiao.

Not only her, but even Salton was confused. They would obviously be safe if they acted together.

I don't want to be assigned experience points. If you are willing, you can stay outside my experience zone and follow me.

Tan Xiao scratched his head, he could only explain in detail,

My leveling up is a bit slow, especially since the greater the difference in strength, the greater the experience decay. Otherwise, my level should be much higher than this.

Only then did they realize that Tan Xiao was just a mage who was no more than Level 71.

Then I will go around the city and see if there is any opportunity to spread the faith of the Dark Goddess.

After hearing this, Salton chose to stay in Silvercliff City. It doesn't like to waste time. It follows Tan Xiao from afar and can't even share its experience. It is really a waste of time for it.

Ace and Uther looked at each other and chose to enter the mining area from another direction.

As Tan Xiao's servants, they eagerly want to improve their strength so as to prove their worth to their master.

So, in the end, only Chrollo hung far behind Tan Xiao.

Tan Xiao ignored Chrollo and walked towards the inside of the mining area. His first target was the solidified magic crystal that should not have been mined yet.

It should be in this direction.

Tan Xiao carefully identified the terrain of the mining area based on the memory of his previous life.

Compared to the previous life, the terrain here has not changed much. Except for occasional places that still retain their original landforms due to mining progress issues, other areas are basically consistent with Tan Xiao's memory.

That's right, this is the direction.

Tan Xiao determined the direction and began to move forward quickly.

But he hasn't discovered yet that besides Chrollo, there is also an erratic orc behind him.

Chrollo naturally discovered the other party's traces. Chrollo, who originally wanted to slap the orc to death, stopped casting spells. She decided to stand aside and see how Tan Xiao, the dark priest, could resolve such a crisis.

As the Death Prophet, Chrollo completely hid his identity.

Tan Xiao knew nothing about this. The moment he realized that Chrollo had disappeared, he thought that the other party had found something interesting and gave up tracking him.

Climb two more hills and you should be at the location of the mining area.

Tan Xiao observed the surrounding environment, silently comparing it with the terrain in his memory.

At this level, as long as you don't encounter that kind of beast, there should be no problem.

To be cautious, Tan Xiao cast [Mirage] on himself, causing his body to completely disappear in the mining area.

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