Tan Xiao had realized that he was in a coma, and the giant trees in front of him were his talent trees.

At this moment, after feeling the cold temperature around him, he guessed that something unexpected had happened in Santuchuan.

However, Tan Xiao didn't know why he couldn't wake up.

Is it because of these four talent trees?

Tan Xiao touched the fire attribute talent tree with a thoughtful expression on his face.

At this moment, the four talent trees around him seemed to be undergoing strange changes. As elemental talent trees, their branches are entangled with each other, and the four magical powers with completely different attributes are also annihilating each other.

Earth, fire, water, wind, the branches of the four-element talent tree are getting more and more entangled, but the leaves that symbolize magic are still disappearing.

This doesn't seem right.

Tan Xiao's teeth were chattering at this moment. He knew that he had to wake up as soon as possible, otherwise his body would not be able to withstand such a terrifying cold.

However, the strange changes between the elemental talent trees left him without a clue, especially since he was a pure time magician in his previous life. He didn't know how a multi-attribute magician would perform.

Looking at the fewer and fewer leaves, Tan Xiao became a little anxious, not only because of the cold invasion, but more importantly, he felt the withering of these four talent trees.

What happened?! Can the talent tree still wither?

He was surprised to find that the vitality of these four talent trees was gradually disappearing.

No, we have to find a way out quickly.

In Anga City, several Aztecs appeared at the bottom of the Santu River. This was not a clone of the Phantom Monarch, but Azikt's speed was so fast that an afterimage appeared on its body.

But now it has concluded that Tan Xiao is not dead, and it has even used some method to hunt down the innocent souls in Santu River.

In Azket's eyes, those frozen uneven cavities were traces of Tan Xiao's activities.

Have you been heading west? The destination is the End?

At this moment, Santuchuan, which was lifted up by the phantom monarch, suddenly dropped a bit. It was because it lost some strength.

Fifteen seconds left! Hurry!

The urgent voice of the phantom monarch sounded, and it was obvious that the support was extremely difficult.

At the same time, the Lich King is not having a good time either. It has never cast magic for a long time under the blessing of the [Holy Word of Creation].

[Holy Word of Creation] can certainly greatly increase the power of magic, but the corresponding magic consumption will also increase linearly, which means that the Lich King's magic power is now being consumed at an extremely terrifying rate.

What's even more terrible is that it only freezes the section of the Santu River in Anga City. There are also a steady stream of innocent souls flowing from the east that are constantly accumulating and making an impact.

As time goes by, the force of this impact becomes more powerful.

Azket naturally knew the urgency of the situation and moved faster to the west.

At this moment, in Tan Xiao's field of vision, the talent trees of the four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind were almost completely dead.

He didn't know what would happen if he let them die, but Tan Xiao knew that it would not be a good thing. He had a vague feeling that if he let them die, they would probably completely lose the ability to use these attribute magics.

Damn it!

Tan Xiao's teeth had begun to chatter, and he felt as if his soul was about to be frozen.

What accident happened outside?

The current internal and external troubles no longer allow him to delay any longer. He must make a decision.

“Let’s make sure the fire attribute talent tree doesn’t die first.”

Tan Xiao immediately chose to retain the most important fire element talent tree. As his most offensive talent tree, he could not let it wither.

Therefore, under his deliberate control, the magic leaves on the wind talent tree were thrown towards the fire talent tree like fuel.

However, at this moment, the fire attribute talent tree suddenly brightened, shining with a dazzling red light, and even the vitality began to become strong.


Tan Xiao noticed the change and tried again to place the wind attribute magic leaves on the fire attribute talent tree.

As expected, the fire attribute talent tree shines even more dazzlingly.

At the same time, as the fire-attribute talent tree became more vigorous, some of the tiny magic leaves that had just grown out were instantly absorbed when they touched the earth-attribute talent tree, and the earth-attribute talent tree also began to regain its activity. .

Seeing this, Tan Xiao suddenly tilted his head.


The next second, he consciously began to control the flow of magic power in his water element talent tree. It flows from wind to fire, from fire to earth, from earth to water, and finally from water to wind.

The moment he deliberately set up this mode, the familiar system prompt sounded,

Ding - the elemental corridor is constructed, the power of elemental magic is increased by 100%, and MP recovery is increased by 100%.

The next moment, Tan Xiao felt that he was suddenly pulled flying by a powerful force.

As he gradually ascended into the sky, the talent trees began to become smaller and smaller, until they were insignificant.

At the moment when he was completely invisible, Tan Xiao suddenly opened his eyes.


Tan Xiao moved a little and found that the surface of his body had been covered with a thin layer of ice, and this layer of ice was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. He quickly adjusted his body posture.

At this moment, he raised his head suddenly,

Is it Ace?!

He noticed Ace's aura above the Santu River, and Uther's aura not far away.

Why are they? They should have been arrested, right? Did you use them to find me?

Tan Xiao couldn't care less about studying the changes in his body at the moment. He kicked off his legs lightly and swam towards the Santu River. He wanted to confirm the situation. Once it is bait, he will not hesitate and run away immediately.

But he didn't know why Santuchuan suddenly became cold and frozen.

I said, are you serious? Are you really around here?

Chrollo looked at Ace and Uther beside him and couldn't help but ask, with some doubts on his face.

You can't be wrong. I clearly felt His Highness's aura just now.

The one who spoke was Ace. It was the first to get to know Tan Xiao and was also the first undead to become Tan Xiao's servant. It was confident that it had just noticed the ice escaping from the bottom of the river when the Santu River began to freeze. breath.

Ten seconds at most, I have to leave. I noticed a terrifying existence is coming this way.

Chrollo looked in the direction of Anga City,

This should be the handiwork of the Lich King. It would be fine if the phantom monarch is coming here. If it is Azikt, then we may only have less than five seconds left.

Chrollo turned to look at Salton again,

I don't want Azikt to worry about this, so I'm preparing to evacuate.

She started the final countdown.

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