In Anga City, by the Santu River, there is no more undead in sight.

All the undead were ordered to return to their homes and were not allowed to go out. This was something that had never happened in Anga City.

But before some of the undead could resist, some of them learned that this order was due to the arrival of the three thrones.

As a result, nearly a thousand skeleton soldiers originally sent to maintain order returned to the castle and lined up in the open space in front of the castle, because they were not needed to maintain order, and no one dared to act arrogantly in front of the three thrones.

Azct, Phantom Monarch and Lich King, they spanned dozens of kilometers in an instant and appeared above the Santu River.

Any chance?

Azikt looked at the Lich King, and even they had to be careful and consider carefully before taking action against Santuchuan.

Without the Book of the Dead, it's a bit difficult.

The Lich King glanced at the Phantom Lord inadvertently, which made the latter a little embarrassed.

After all, on the way to Anga City, it had already heard about the stupid things done by its good subordinate Ye Ying from Aziket's mouth.

I originally expected the other party to learn from the experience after so many mistakes and make up for it in the human world.

Who knows, in the end, a bigger trap was revealed, and even the Book of the Dead was lost by Ye Ying.

At this time, when the Lich King saw it, the Phantom Lord knew that he had to fight to the death this time, otherwise he would be confused.

So, it cleared its throat where there could be no phlegm,

Ahem, don't worry, I will naturally send my subordinates to retrieve the Book of the Dead again, as for today.

The Phantom Lord slowly took out a scroll from his arms,

I'll lend you this.

Only then did the Lich King look away. Its purpose had been achieved. It wanted to borrow this magic item on the basis of the lost Book of the Dead.

This scroll is one of the treasures of the Shadow Fall Realm [Holy Word of Creation]. It is said that this is a piece of paper once written by Virtus. The trajectory of Virtus’ thinking is recorded above. This is why this treasure can greatly Amplify the power of magic.

You still have a bit of shame.

The Lich King took the [Holy Word of Creation] and did not forget to mock it, but the Phantom Lord did not dare to talk back, after all, he was in the wrong.

I'll use [Song of Annihilation] to freeze the Santu River for a short time later, but it won't last long, ten seconds at most. The rest is up to you to find that guy at the bottom of the Santu River.

The Lich King took the [Holy Word of Creation] and carefully felt the degree of increase, and came to this conclusion.

What if there are two of you? How many seconds can we freeze?

The Phantom Lord rubbed his chin and couldn't help but ask.

Thank you for your trust.

It was Azikt who spoke.

The Lich's eyes suddenly showed an expression of surprise, because it knew the Phantom Lord's innate skills and could create an existence with exactly the same strength as the original body.

The stronger the opponent is, the longer the Phantom Lord will be weak in the future.

It is the Lich King. If the Phantom Lord creates an existence with the same strength as it, then it is very likely to be killed by a sneak attack during the subsequent period of weakness.

So this is why Azikt said, ‘Thank you for trusting me. ’

Because, at that time, only it could protect the Phantom Monarch, and the Phantom Monarch obviously trusted Azikt very much and directly proposed such a plan.

From this, the Lich King took a high look at the throne in front of him, which had an ordinary relationship.


Immediately it spoke,

If we both use [Song of Annihilation] at the same time, I can guarantee that within thirty seconds, Santuchuan will not be able to move at all.

Thirty seconds?

Azikt confirmed the time and turned to look in the direction of Icecrown Forest.

Is it too long?

Because when the Sanzu River in this area is frozen, the Sanzu River in Icecrown Forest upstream of Anga City will not stop flowing.

In thirty seconds, it is very likely that the Santu River will overflow in Icecrown Forest. It is not a trivial matter for these innocent souls to escape from the Santu River, and it is enough to cause quite a chaos in Icecrown Forest.

It doesn't matter, the Phantom Lord is willing to take out what's at the bottom of the box. This is my sincerity.

After hearing this, Azikter said no more and nodded.

Then let me enter the Santu River.

After saying this, the magic power in the Phantom Lord began to riot, stretching out towards the Lich King like countless tentacles.

The Lich King refused to dodge, letting the magic power like tentacles wrap around it.

In an instant, an unusually familiar aura surged into the Lich King's heart. Because opposite it, a Lich King exactly like it has appeared.

If there was anything different, it was that the other party didn't have as many magic props as he did.

The clone created by the phantom monarch of the Lich Dynasty handed over the [Holy Word of Creation]. Both parties held half of it and began to cast spells.

An icy aura instantly enveloped the entire Anjia City. When the Lich King used all his magic, it took less than a second to change the climate of the entire city.

Many skeletal buildings around were cracked due to the sudden drop in temperature, and the whole city was filled with the sound of exploding bones.

[Holy Word of Creation] The words on the scroll began to divide into two streams, flowing to the left and right respectively, and clinging to the Lich King's arm bones.

The next second, the temperature dropped sharply again. This is because the Lich King consciously restrained the ice energy, but it still caused such a terrifying change.

The flow of the Santu River began to slow down, and the innocent souls swimming on the surface began to be covered with frost.

Song of Annihilation.

The two Lich Kings said this almost at the same time, and countless ice crystal fragments burst out from their bones. Their bodies at this moment have completely turned into blue ice, like two ice sculptures.

Santuchuan began to freeze quickly, and Azket had disappeared in place.

The phantom monarch on the side was not idle. He directly raised his arms and raised the completely frozen Santu River upwards, which actually completely exposed the riverbed of Santu River.


It began to count silently in its heart. Within thirty seconds, the Phantom Lord made up his mind that he would survive these thirty seconds even if his magic power was exhausted today.

Azct has appeared at the bottom of the Santu River, and it saw unusual traces.

This is.

It looked at the bottom of the river bed and saw clearly fresh footprints.

Sure enough, he's not dead, he's still active?!

Without any hesitation, it quickly moved in the direction of those footprints.

At this moment, Tan Xiao has not yet fully woken up. His consciousness is still in the space of his talent tree. He only feels that his surroundings suddenly become colder.

what happened?

Tan Xiao placed one hand on the bright red talent tree, feeling a little confused for a moment.

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