Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 186 Return to the human world


The long skirt around Chrollo had begun to flutter slowly. She clasped her hands together and slowly separated them, and a space crack appeared between her palms.

She was ready to run away. If Salton and the two undead refused to leave, Chrollo decided to ignore them. After all, for her, even if the other party was a dark priest, it was not worth her life to defend. Who knows whether the next person favored by the Dark Goddess will be herself.


Just when she had opened a space channel that was large enough to pass through, a sudden change occurred.

Santuchuan suddenly began to boil, and the resentful souls surged and rioted. Many of the resentful souls instantly disintegrated and turned into pure soul mist.

It's Your Highness!

Ace screamed.

The next moment, Tan Xiao suddenly emerged from the Santu River, his body shining with the elemental magic that had not yet converged.


Chrollo had already entered the space passage, followed by Salton. Ace and Uther grabbed Tan Xiao's arms at the entrance of the passage and pulled him fiercely into the passage.

At the moment when the space channel closed, Azket rushed out of Santu River and suspended in mid-air.

Its body is wrapped in dark mist, which are the resentful souls that have resumed activity after the Lich King's [Song of Annihilation] failed.

Just now, it came here following Tan Xiao's traces, but Santuchuan began to recover quickly when it was about to capture him.

It knew that the Lich King couldn't hold on any longer, especially if it couldn't hold on. Rather, it was extremely difficult for the Lich King to hold on until now.

However, it seemed to be a step too slow in the end. Azikte felt the remaining space fluctuations nearby, and the ghost fire in his eyes swayed,

Is there human influence infiltrating the Shadow Fall World?

Apart from this possibility, Azikt could not think of any other situation that would allow this human race to cross the space channel immediately after escaping from Santu River.

Azket no longer stays here, its figure disappears in place, and it can only return to Anga City. It must first go to deal with the serious consequences caused by the freezing of Santu River.

At the same time, it was suddenly very interested in the two undead people imprisoned in the dungeon of Winterdeath Keep mentioned in the report.

Let's see if we can find out anything from those two undead.

The bone claws of its left hand clenched and then relaxed subconsciously. It wanted to use its soul-popping talent to try to absorb the souls of those two guys. If possible, it wouldn't mind interrogating the other party.

But it doesn't know that Ace and Uther have long since escaped from the dungeon of Winterdeath Keep, and now it's just because the news hasn't reached Ulansa's ears yet.

To the south of Icecrown Forest, where Chrollo was stationed, five figures landed one after another.

Your Highness! I've finally met you!

Ace's voice sounded, already with a hint of crying. As Tan Xiao's first servant, its life has undergone earth-shaking changes during this period of time. More importantly, with the help of Tan Xiao, its various physical abilities have been greatly improved. And its wisdom has also improved accordingly, which is why Ace has richer emotions at this moment.

Before Tan Xiao could answer, Chrollo interrupted their upcoming reminiscence.

The one who was chasing us just now was Azikt, the most troublesome one on the throne. We don't have much time left, so don't talk nonsense.

She was equally curious about Tan Xiao, but she was even more aware of Azket's terror. Chrollo believed Azikt would be able to trace their whereabouts immediately and take measures.

If you have anything to say, let's talk about it in the human world. I can't stay here either.

Regarding Chrollo's judgment, Salton nodded in agreement.

As a result, they began to continuously enter the plane channel opened by Chrollo and act according to their original plan.

Until Tan Xiao saw two familiar undead people, the Red Bone Guards.

Finally I have a chance to go back.

Fortunately, Azikt left its station, so Chrollo dared to come to the plane passage leading to the human world so blatantly. Although it's a lockdown period, there aren't many guards around here. Because no undead dared to act recklessly on Azct's territory.

Stop comers! During the ban, no...

When the two red-bone guards saw the undead approaching, they thought they were fools who didn't know the situation.

But before they finished speaking, and before the words inaccessible came out, their bodies had disintegrated, and their soul containers were shattered in an instant.

so smart?

Tan Xiao couldn't help but glance at Chrollo beside him, and had a new understanding of her unfathomable strength.

Stand back!

Chrollo spoke loudly, and all the magic in her body gathered in her hands.


There was a soft sound, and her hands were already submerged in the space barrier.

The next second, the sound of tearing cloth was heard, and a huge dimensional passage appeared, which was exactly the one that Tan Xiao had entered.


Chrollo gave an order, and the four undead headed by Tan Xiao filed in, followed closely by Chrollo.

After Chrollo's figure disappeared into the plane passage, the entrance to the passage closed instantly, and only the closed plane walls collided together, creating waves of space ripples that slowly spread outward and disappeared into this area.

Deep in the shadow forest, Tan Xiao lay on the damp ground, looking at the sky covered by the canopy of giant trees, and showed a relieved smile.

Finally back!

The sounds of birdsong, running water, and the faint roars of animals around him made Tan Xiao feel at ease.

Is this the human world?

Next to Tan Xiao, Ace and Uther couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scenery they had never seen before.

Chrollo and Salton were not so excited, but they also had endless expectations for this world when they came to the world for the first time.

At this moment, a sound of breaking wind came.

Chrollo looked warily towards the direction of the sound and entered fighting mode.

Wait a minute, I know the person coming, don't be nervous.

Looking at the figure appearing in the distance, Tan Xiao knew that it was too late for him to change his body, as the other party had already seen his face clearly.

Your Excellency Feng Sheng, you are indeed not dead yet.

The person who came was none other than the lord of Fast City, Holland Karl.


But when Heland saw the four undead people around Tan Xiao, Heland's expression became strange and he became wary.

You're not...really colluding with the undead, are you?

Tan Xiao was stunned for a moment, then looked at the undead behind him, and suddenly felt a feeling of yellow mud falling off his crotch.

It's a long story, let me explain it first.

Holland did not move. He always kept a certain distance from Tan Xiao and his party.

Do you want me to do it?

Chrollo took a step forward, his momentum surged.

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