Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 181 Three Kings Travel Together

Damn Yeying, you've caused me a lot of trouble.

Azikt, who was far away in the Shadow Fall Realm, finally breathed a sigh of relief. It slowly leaned back on its chair. Before it could get a moment of rest, the Phantom Lord came to the door in person.

Humph, you came just in time.

Seeing the Phantom Monarch, Azikte suddenly became furious. Azikte was ready to hold him accountable for the Night Shadow under the Phantom Monarch.


After noticing the Lich King behind the Phantom Lord, Azikt realized something was wrong.

Why are you here too?

The Phantom Lord and the Lich King looked at each other and each took out the latest reports.

One was from a report written by Ren that was handed over by the Skeleton King, and another was from La Sena in Anga City.

Look, this is the report the two of us just received.

The one who spoke was the phantom monarch, who was also troubled by the traps stabbed by Ye Ying during this period, and even wanted to find the human race at the expense of being accused of massacre.

However, in the end, it only received a report that the other party had died in Santu River.

What followed was a report that there was a change in Santuchuan, and it was suspected that the opponent was not dead. What was even more outrageous was that Ren actually mentioned that the opponent actually held a staff that could hold the souls of multiple undead.

Not long ago, the Phantom Monarch felt ridiculous the moment he saw this report. Just when it wanted to scold the Skeleton King, it even handed him such a thing.

However, it saw Skeleton King's missing right eye.

Did you give the Eye of Truth to this guy named Ren?

The Phantom Lord looked at the signature of the report and asked in disbelief.

Yes, Your Highness, so this report is still credible.

The Skeleton King was shaken for a moment when he saw this report, but thinking about Ren's Eye of Truth, the Skeleton King had to treat it with caution.

Therefore, this report was finally submitted to the Phantom Monarch.

What's even more coincidental is that the Lich King arrived just after the Phantom Lord finished reading the report. The other party also brought an even more explosive report. There was a change in Santuchuan, and the source of the change may be the human race who jumped into Santuchuan.

Therefore, the two Throne Undead who had exchanged information came to Azikt's station together.

After reading the two reports, Azikt raised his head, pushed the report to the Phantom Lord and the Lich King, and spoke slowly,

What do you think?

The Lich King did not speak, but the Phantom Lord was the first to break the silence. It only said four words and then stopped speaking.

The scepter of all directions.

What do you think?

Azikt looked at the Lich King.

I think it's just farts.

The Lich King did not consider the Phantom Lord's feelings at all, and expressed his views bluntly.

The undead who have reached the status of Phantom Lord are not angry at all at what the Lich King said, but instead feel strangely happy. After all, the usually respectful attitude of his subordinates made him feel a little boring.

The Lich King continued, minding his own business,

Not to mention whether the Ten Thousand Square Scepter will be held by a human race, have you two felt the aura of His Highness Wiltus? Anyway, I didn't feel it.

The red light in the Lich King's eyes became even more intense,

You know better than me that the Wanfang Scepter is the key to the return of His Highness Vertus. If it were really the Wanfang Scepter, would we not have noticed it the moment it appeared in the Shadow Fall Realm?

At this moment, the Phantom Lord spoke,

Then how do you explain that it can be used as a soul container for multiple undead people? As far as I know, there is no other weapon besides the Wanfang Scepter, right?

When facing the Lich King, the Phantom Monarch also had doubts, but there was no way around this point mentioned by Ren in the report.

Before the Lich King could answer, Azikt spoke first,

I understand what you mean. Let's go to Anga City together first to see what happened in Santu River.

Azikt came to such a conclusion and stood up to leave the room, followed closely by the other two Throne Undead.

Three Throne Beings will be present in Anga City in one day, and I don’t know what Rasena’s reaction will be after seeing them.

At least it is not aware of the upcoming horrific scene yet, and is patrolling the Santu River with Ren and Yulansa.

However, they did not notice anything unusual in Santuchuan at this moment, and the soul mist that frequently appeared some time ago was completely gone.

what happened?

Lacena looked at the peaceful Santuchuan, feeling a little strange.

Why is there no movement at all?

Also confused were Yulansa and Renn, who had also heard about the changes in Anga City before they came.

As everyone knows, the tranquility in Santuchuan at the moment is just because Tan Xiao has encountered some troubles.

Tan Xiao, whose soul had been greatly improved before, emerged from Santuchuan and observed the position, then continued to dive to the bottom and began to advance to the west.

His goal was very clear, which was to leave Santuchuan from Winterdeath Keep, so that he could escape smoothly without being noticed by La Serna and find the Death Prophet that Salton told him.

As long as he finds the death prophet, Tan Xiao will have a chance to return to the human world.

However, as Tan Xiao continued to go west, he encountered unexpected changes.

A huge earth wall unexpectedly appeared in the Santu River. Complex textures were engraved on the earth wall, like some kind of mysterious writing.

What's even stranger is that this earthen wall seems to be staring at Tan Xiao. No matter how he tries to swim, the earthen wall always blocks Tan Xiao's body and ignores the other innocent souls around him swimming westward.

Tan Xiao has been wandering in front of this earth wall for a long time, but has yet to find a way to pass through.

Damn it, are you fighting with me?

Tan Xiao didn't know what was in front of him, but he had to find a way to get over this earth wall. After all, he didn't dare to try it rashly in the Ice Crown Forest to the east. If the Lich King were to notice his whereabouts, he would really be in trouble and walk away.

He couldn't bear it anymore and punched the wall.

The next second, the earth wall seemed to have been impacted, and a sudden change occurred. The entire earth wall suddenly turned into mud, and Bao Bao smiled at Tan.

Tan Xiao was shocked and quickly wanted to retreat, but found that the speed of the wall was much faster than him.

In just an instant, Tan Xiao was completely enveloped in the mud that the earth wall turned into, and sank to the bottom of the Santu River.

Uh, uh--what is this?!

Tan Xiao felt that his nostrils, mouth, ears, and wherever there were holes were all being filled with mud. This mud seemed to have a life of its own, trying to fill Tan Xiao completely.

Before Tan Xiao lost consciousness completely, he vaguely heard a strange sound.

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