Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 180 The Soul-Destroying Knight

The shadow fell into the world, and the soul-destroying knight Azket suddenly raised his head. It noticed the abnormal movement of its own arm in the human world, and quickly covered one of its eyes.

The next moment, its sight had arrived at the human world.

Then, it saw the scene it least wanted to see, which was Rohr who was still conscious and the purgatory-like scene around him.

Everywhere you look, there are broken limbs and broken arms. And in the distance, isn't it the night shadow?

In a flash of thought, Azikte had already guessed the cause and effect. He thought that Ye Ying manipulated Rohr to do all this.

As for why Ye Ying appeared here and wanted to wake it up, Azket didn't know and didn't want to know.

Because, since its right hand revived and Rohr's consciousness still existed, its plan had basically failed.

The layout of the entire city of Gloria, coupled with the layout of no return city, all the infiltration efforts over the years have failed.

And all this is because of this night shadow in front of me,

You should never have been allowed to come to the human world in the first place, you trash.

It was rare for Azket to be so angry. Without any hesitation, it had brought Roll's body to Ye Ying.

It punched Ye Ying's head, opened the opponent's chest where the soul container was stored, and directly crushed the opponent's soul container.

The blood instantly soaked into his right hand and was then absorbed.

As a Night Shadow sent to the human world by the Phantom Lord, the former Sere has completely returned to the Land of the End.

Looking at the unconscious Rohr, Azket carefully observed the other person's condition with his right hand, and it seemed that he was just unconscious.

At the same time, during this period of time, the magic passage in Azikt's right hand continued to grow in Rolle's body, so much so that it completely transformed Rolle's body, except that his head had not been invaded.

Once Azikt completes the invasion of Roll's head, it will have complete control over this body.

But, that’s no longer possible. Azikt's right hand, which was awakened in advance, naturally solidified the state of the body, making it impossible to control Rohr with just his right hand.

Thinking of this, Aziket looked at Yeying's body and became even more angry. He beat the other person again, beating the other person's body into a solid piece of meat.

Now the state of it and Rohr has become a symbiotic model.


Azikt quickly adjusted its mentality. It was now thinking about whether to kill Rohr. But in that case, its arm will lose its activity soon, which is equivalent to all the efforts in Wuhui City being wasted.

Kill him?

Azikt was caught in a dilemma. The cold wind around him made his ghost fire unstable, as if it would go out in the next second.

It wasn't until dark clouds gradually accumulated over Jinluo Village and the sky began to darken that the villagers who had been ordered not to go out by their family's combat personnel slowly walked out of their houses.

They thought that some ferocious beast tribe came to the village, which caused such a big battle.

It was only when they came to the location where the previous battle took place that they realized the seriousness of the matter. All the combat personnel were killed in the battle, and the village chief Griffin was stabbed with countless knives and fell in a pool of blood.

No one noticed that Griffin's expression was still smiling. They began to vomit in fear. Many people were so frightened that they fainted. Only a few villagers who were still clear-headed began to think about future problems.

He immediately ran back to his room and prepared to ask for help from Jingxi City.

No one noticed that there was one person missing on the battlefield, and that person was Rolle.

Yes, Azket finally chose not to kill Roll. It wanted to make a deal with Roll, a deal that the other party could not refute.

Rolle's entire body lost consciousness, and he was only pulled by Azikt's right arm as he quickly moved forward in the forest near the extremely cold tundra.

Just rest here for a while. This body is still far from perfect.

Feeling Rohr's unstable physical condition, Azket decided to stop for a while in a cave not far ahead.

no no!

I don’t know how long it took before Rohr woke up with a start.

He looked at the unfamiliar environment around him, confused for a moment, and then looked at his right arm, which he could no longer feel.

Awake? Good.

Azikt has thoughtfully raised a flame for Rohr, providing warmth and light in the cave.

It's our first time meeting you. It's an honor to meet you, little fellow from the human race.

The one who spoke was naturally Azikt.

Rohr was startled by the sudden sound. Only then did he see that his body was covered in blood, and it was his unconscious right hand that was speaking to him.

Everything is true.

At that moment, Luo Er realized that everything in the dream was true, and tears welled up unconsciously.

First of all, I'm sorry for your tragic experience. I didn't expect that my subordinates would do such boring things. It not only disrupted my plans, but also caused unnecessary pain to you.

Azikte's tone was sincere,

Originally my plan was just to take your body and it would not have any impact on the people around you.

He had no intention of concealing the truth about Rohr, and directly revealed its original plan.

Now you survived because of that idiot, and I have to make a deal with you. In other words, you should thank that idiot for giving you the chance to see the sun.

Rohr ignored Aziket and wanted to take the dagger from the opponent's hand and kill Aziket.

Hey, little guy, even if I come to the human world with only one hand, you are no match for me. I didn't kill you just because I still have something to do, and I need your help now.

Rohr still ignored Aziket's words and bit his right hand, trying to bite it off.


Azikt sighed, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do. After all, that idiot Ye Ying caused too much irritation to this human being because of his bad taste.

check it out.

Azikt had no intention of pushing Rohr away, but just released a ball of light from his hand.

If you promise to help me, I will return this soul to you.

Luo Er glanced out of the corner of his eye and his movements stiffened instantly.

Yes, that light group is Griffin's soul. This is Azikt's innate skill as a soul-destroying knight, soul absorption. It can capture any soul it wants before the soul goes to the end.

And Griffin's soul was the soul that stayed with Rohr before he killed Ye Ying.

Therefore, Azikt captured him without any hesitation.

Looking at Griffin who seemed to be in a deep sleep, Rohr's tears burst out again and he could no longer contain his emotions.

Azket was not in a hurry and looked at the other party quietly.

I don't know how long it took, but Rohr's crying stopped. He slowly looked at Azikt and did not attack again.

Azikt's ghost fire began to tremble, releasing a pleasant aura.

It's done.

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