A banquet was being held on the top floor of the headquarters building of Blue Star, the developer of the Magic World game, The World Co., Ltd.

Professor Nefu, thank you for your contributions to the Ether Eye over the years.

President Larvin enthusiastically raised the glass of champagne.

On behalf of the entire company, I salute you.

At this time, all the prominent figures in the entire company gathered in the president's office, and even some dignitaries appeared here.

They all raised their glasses and paid tribute to the existence in the center that looked like stars holding the moon.

Today, these big names who are rarely seen together have only one purpose. That is the chief scientist of Farewell Company, Professor Naifu, and the initiator of the Ether Eye Project.

Unlike ordinary old academics, Professor Naifu is a middle-aged woman who is not too old. She always dresses elegantly and decently, and her slightly curly hair is a rare red color. Many scientists within the company are her fans, not only because of her knowledge, but also because of her beauty and temperament.

Thank you, Mr. Larvin. The development of the Ether Eye is the crystallization of the wisdom of all researchers, not my alone!

Nefu is still so elegant, even if it is just an ordinary sweater, it looks so different on her body.

In the distance, two men in black, far away from the crowd, were standing in the shadows, quietly looking at Naifu, who was holding the moon in front of the stars.

Hey, let me tell you, Professor Nefu's value is immeasurable, so let her leave the company like this? What about the maintenance of the Ether Eye? I heard that it will take nearly two years for Blue Star to collide with Andromeda. Together?

One of the short, fat young men shook the champagne in his hand and couldn't help but ask.

Don't worry so much. What we have to do is to protect Professor Naifu. As for the maintenance of the Ether Eye, it must have been arranged. Can the system that carries the hopes of all countries around the world still have problems? Even if there is a problem, Naifu It’s not like the professor has disappeared from Blue Star, so it’s always okay to provide some technical support.”

As he spoke, he drank down the champagne in his glass, feeling a little regretful.

It's a pity that he can only drink one glass of such good wine. If he hadn't been tasked with protecting Neveu, he would have tasted this expensive champagne again.

Hurry up and finish your drink. Let's go. We want it as planned.

At this point, he seemed to have suddenly forgotten something, and the short and fat young man behind him looked at him in confusion.

Well, you may not believe it, but I actually forgot what our mission today is.

The short, fat young man shook his empty wine glass.

Am I drunk? It's not that bad.

Another young man also looked at the scene of people drinking and drinking in the hall in confusion, and was a little dazed for a moment. Then he seemed to suddenly remember something and slapped his partner on the head.

Are you drunk? Today is the first anniversary of the death of Professor Naifu! Look around carefully and don't let any gangsters sneak in!

Ah! Yes, yes, today is the day to commemorate Professor Neve Maestra. How could I forget it? It's so damn weird.

The short and fat young man scratched his head, laughed twice, and quickly followed his companion.

No one noticed that there was one person missing from the banquet at this moment, and that was Neve Maestra, and even their memories were biased.

The purpose of everyone coming here today was to say goodbye to Naifu who was about to retire. But the moment Naifu disappeared, there was an extra story in their memories.

The chief scientist, Neve Maestra, died during the last trial run of the Ether Eye. It was that experiment that allowed the Ether Eye to start functioning perfectly and spread it to the whole world.

No one noticed that a middle-aged woman with excellent appearance and temperament suddenly appeared on the street near the headquarters building of The World Co., Ltd.

Everyone will be attracted by her beautiful appearance the moment they see her, but will forget all about it after they look away.

She is Nefer Maestra, and she also has other names, such as Mednit, or the goddess of magic.

As she stepped forward step by step, her figure became more and more unreal,

Everything you want has been prepared for you. I hope you won't disappoint me.

Her body still turned into little stars, dissipating in the air, and she murmured to herself,

There are not many marks left that I can use.

At the end of the sentence, Naifu's voice was almost inaudible, lost in the sound of the wind, and floated high into the sky of Blue Star.

At this moment, the shadow fell to the bottom of Santuchuan River, and Tan Xiao had completely lost consciousness.

The wall of earth that appeared out of nowhere instantly turned into overwhelming mud after he punched it, surrounding Tan Xiao.

The mud rushed toward Tan Xiao's body along the nostrils, mouth, ears, and all the holes in Tan Xiao's soul, filling Tan Xiao completely.

In a trance, Tan Xiao came to an unknown space.

There are ten areas with clear boundaries in the space, and at this moment, huge tree trunks have grown in five areas. Among them, a tree wrapped in black bark looks particularly strong.

The other four big trees have different growth styles, but they are all quite lush. Among the remaining five areas, one area is extremely special. It seems that towering ancient trees originally grew here, but they were uprooted for unknown reasons, and now only a small seedling remains in the big pit.

Tan Xiao looked at this space and felt an inexplicable familiarity, but no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't recall where this place was.

He walked towards the huge black tree and felt the extremely cold breath from the trunk.

When he turned his head to look at the four big trees on the other side, he felt an illusory feeling, as if everything was ethereal.

Tan Xiao walked over slowly. When he put his hand on one of the four big trees, something changed suddenly.

A turbid current suddenly appeared in his body, and something like mud poured into the area, submerging all the areas where the four big trees were.

Tan Xiao couldn't control his body. He only felt that the feeling of being pulled out of something while being filled at the same time was a bit overwhelming for him.

His thoughts began to wander, but the unreal strangeness of the four trees just now continued to disappear.

It was as if after the mud was poured into this area, the four big trees condensed into solid bodies.

I don't know how long it took before Tan Xiao's feeling of being filled up and pulled out gradually disappeared.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw four big trees with bright luster. At that moment, he seemed to have thought of something.

Talent tree!?

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